2021-12-06 Meeting notes

2021-12-06 Meeting notes


  • @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) , PM, Co-Chair

  • @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) , PM, Co-Chair

  • @Donald Barclay

  • @Sarah Houghton

  • @Michelle Polchow

  • @Hermine Vermeij

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Quick announcements

Reminder to draft your talking points for the Orientation (due by Jan 3 at latest)



  • Notetaker: Hermine


Everyone: Draft your talking points for the Orientation in speaker notes (due by Jan 3 at latest)



Kickoffs planning page on Confluence

Kickoff slide deck template

  1. Review kickoff slides for each group: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1jE7mcsTBQWGEUawR9JQU4oNjW37Wy0YI

    1. Content point persons to flesh out their “Charge” slide (adding more slides if needed). TTF reviews the charge slide together to ensure we are in agreement about what’s important to showcase. Due: 12/6

    2. Assign - Draft consistent talking points for the presenters

    3. Assign presenters:

      1. Intro slides through the Welcome to this Group (slides 1-7) - MC

      2. Chairs until How we work together

      3. Next steps - MC



Kickoff template additions, changes:

  • Added new charge and core responsibilities slides. Copy to your OST deck (slides 10 & 11)

  • Added new Deliverables slide. Copy to your OST deck (slide 13)

  • Let’s all use the same Time commitment & expectations slide & talking points for all OST so our message is consistent. Copy to your OST deck. (slide 15)

    • Note: time commitment estimates DO include meeting time, but the scope is for systemwide work; it doesn’t include time spent on local SILS work. Remove “outside meetings” from your slide

  • Added new Decision path slide (for OT and OST). Copy to your OST deck. (slide 22)

How do we finalize the slide decks?

  • Review the specific charge for each group

    • Are there any deliverables baked into the charge that should be called out?

  • Are there any questions or concerns about your slide deck?

  • Are there any resources specific to your group that need to be added to the resources slide?

    • Old Confluence space?

Talking points (what we will literally say; it will speed up our presentation). Due by 12/13

  • Intro (slides 1-7) - Donald

  • Chairs (8) - Donald

  • Charge/deliverables 10, 11, 13 (12 is unique to each group) - PMs

  • Reporting/Time commitment (slide 14, 15) - Hermine

  • Team charter (18, 19) - PMs

  • Decision making (20, 21, 22) - PMs, Sarah

  • Communication/Resources (23) - PMs (specific Slack channels, etc. will be ready to add in January)

  • Resources (24) - Michelle

  • Next steps (slide 25) - include wrap up (thank you, etc.) - Sarah

For subgroups with two branches, what to put in the charge? Example in Fulfillment & Intercampus Resource Sharing deck.

Content is mostly good to go, except for talking points.

Everyone: Write your talking points (all information included) (assignments in notes) into the speaker notes for the generic template. Due 12/13.



Kickoff interactives

Consider interactives as you build out your deck. Bring your ideas to the 12/6 meeting

PMs will add interactives to the template; content point persons will copy them to each deck



Thumbs up: Who had a chance to read their charge before this kickoff?

(at end of deliverables) (yes or no checkmark or x in reactions): was this helpful? did you learn anything new? (clear all feedback - under Participants > More)

(thumbs up) (humor) who thought this was super tedious? whose brain is melting?

(reaction) Did you use the fist of five? Do you like the fist of five? Idea: Practice using the fist of five? (Add to talking points and use if there’s time)

(for LG, OT) Chat: (taking the temperature) What are you most excited about? What worries you?

**(chat) Is there any particular issue you’re looking forward to discussing and/or making a decision about? (ask to wait until we say “go”, then give 30 seconds to scan) YES

No to poll

Yes to using Sarah’s interactive prompt



Looking ahead

Dec 13: add another meeting

Dec 20 - no meeting

Jan 3 - Orientation run-through - add another meeting this week or extend the meeting?


Dec 13 - could we start earlier, at 9:30?

  • Template: Run through the talking points for the template, slide by slide, making any edits; get a sense of time needed and cut as needed.

  • LG: unique slides

  • OT: unique slides

  • DigColl: unique slides

Ad-hoc meeting agenda items

  • Assign slides to presenters (20 mins) - Dec or via slack?

  • Run thru for LG and OT? (week of Jan 3) - sched 2 meetings and cancel the 2nd if not needed (Jan 3 & 6)

  • Kickoff meeting checklist (Jan 3)

  • Other TTF business




Start at 9:30 on Dec. 13

Add meeting for Jan. 3 11-12

Add meeting for Jan. 6 1-2



Wrap up

Review actions and decisions







Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion



  • Draft email with collaboration tool info for each group (week of 12/6)

  • Draft Kickoff meeting checklist/expectations (Jan 3)

  • Draft agenda, slides, email for All Chairs kickoff to be held about a month after initial kickoffs. (begin work week of 1/17)

  • Add timings to slides at periodic points so timekeeper knows if we’re on track.











Future agenda items


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