2021-11-15 Meeting notes

2021-11-15 Meeting notes


  • @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) , PM, Co-Chair

  • @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) , PM, Co-Chair

  • @Donald Barclay

  • @Sarah Houghton , out

  • @Michelle Polchow

  • @Hermine Vermeij

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Quick announcements




  • Notetaker: Christine




Welcome letters

Welcome letters timeline


Divide and conquer to send out letters? See proposed distribution of work at right.

Timing of sending letters? (dependency: provisional chairs email needs to be ready to send immediately after letters)

Before sending, confirm:

  • Team rosters (above the cc)

  • Provisional chairs

  • Group name

  • Kickoff date and time (see below)

  • Orientation blurb and Zoom URL is included

  • Confirm TTF listserv is included for any questions (below the “Sincerely, TTF”)

Lena will send the orientation Zoom invites after welcome letters are sent.

Donald to ask DOC a few days after the letters go out to check in with their staff to ensure everyone received their welcome letter. (Listservs sometimes send email to junk mail. We’ve seen this especially with UCSC.) This models sharing and thinking about how you will set up your local communication channels.

Question/Idea: we are sending these letters far in advance of the project start. Is there anything critical on the letter new members will need to reference? Idea: TTF makes a wiki page table with group/kickoff date/page numbers for charge/provisional chair for reference (both for their reference and TTF's reference:) We could put this on the TTF Confluence space.



Thank you to Hermine for doing all the customization on the welcome letters!

Timing: Send welcome letters by end of day Monday 11/15 to the group’s listserv.

  • SILS Leadership Group (Christine)

  • SILS Operations Team (Christine)

  • SILS Acquisitions Operations Subteam (Lena)

  • SILS E-Resources Operations Subteam (Lena)

  • SILS Discovery Operations Subteam (Michelle)

  • SILS Fulfillment Operations Subteam (Hermine)

  • SILS Intercampus Resource Sharing Operations Subteam (Hermine)

  • SILS Resource Management: Cataloging & Metadata Operations Subteam (Michelle)

  • SILS Digital Collections Project Team (Christine)

Will anyone want to get started sooner after they get their letters? They haven’t been given their new assignments yet. Add a blurb to the provisional chair “As a reminder, your work will be distributed by the Operations Team. Wait until you get confirmation of your work.”

Proposed breakdown of letter sending was accepted.

Send letters today, Nov 15 this afternoon. Slack the TTF channel when the letters are sent.


@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) will send the orientation Zoom invites after welcome letters are sent.
@Donald Barclay Thursday will ask DOC a few days after the letters go out to check in with their staff to ensure everyone received their welcome letter.
@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) will create a wiki page with kickoff dates, kickoff assignments for TTF.



Provisional chairs

Review draft email to provisional chairs that includes a checklist of work they need to do.

Timing: This email would be sent immediately after the welcome letter.

Should the letter be personalized and sent individually to each chair or generic and sent to all chairs at once?

These are the tasks we’ve identified so far for provisional chairs:

  • Doodle poll their group for an recurring meeting time and set their first meeting.

  • Pick a final chair & vice chair before the All Chairs Kickoff on [DATE]

  • Provide some suggestions for how to pick a chair.

TTF to select All Chairs kickoff date (week of Feb 14 is 4 weeks from kickoff). How about Tuesday 2/15 at 10-11am? (TTF could meet the day before to finalize any loose ends)

Question: What role should Support Persons play (normally, they would manage doodle polling)? Does LG and OT + support person get a separate letter? Extra task create a steering meeting with support person to build agendas.



Some campuses may not be able to/know how to use the poll function in zoom. Add instructions to letter.

TTF members to send the provisional chair emails to the groups they were assigned above on Tuesday, 11/16

Send Tuesday morning

Personalize the emails

Agree to customizing the LG & OT emails

Add instructions for how to create polls in zoom

Consensus that Tuesday, 2/15 10-11am will be date of All Chairs KO

TTF members to send the provisional chair emails to the groups they were assigned above on Tuesday, 11/16


@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) will write up instructions for how to create polls in zoom (included a link to instructions on the Zoom website)


  1. Proposal: Assign a point person for wrangling each kickoff (building the slides. customizing with unique agenda items, making sure all roles are covered for the kickoff, manage questions, etc.) The point person does not have to lead the actual kickoff.

  2. (OK to wait on this) Do we divide and conquer in teams of 2 or 3? Or join forces to all do each kickoff together? Duties:

    1. monitor chat and watch for questions, raised hands, etc.

    2. share slides

    3. timekeeper

    4. presenters (good to have at least 2 for variety)

  3. Kickoff slide deck template



Kickoff schedule and point person

F 1/7 Orientation (10-11am)

M 1/10 (10-11am) SILS Leadership Group (Christine, Lena, Michelle, Sarah - although also on the SLG, Hermine)

M 1/10 (1-2pm) SILS Operations Team (Christine, Lena, Michelle, Sarah, Donald, Hermine)

T 1/11 (10-11am) SILS Acquisitions Operations Subteam (Michelle, Sarah, Hermine)

T 1/11 (1-2pm) SILS E-Resources Operations Subteam (Michelle-although on subteam too; this is the only KO that Christine can't do)

W 1/12 (10-11am) SILS Discovery Operations Subteam (Michelle, Sarah, Donald, Hermine)

W 1/12 (1-2pm) SILS Resource Management: Cataloging & Metadata Operations Subteam (Sarah)

Th 1/13 (10-11am) SILS Fulfillment Operations Subteam (Sarah, Donald)

Th 1/13 (1-2pm) SILS Intercampus Resource Sharing Operations Subteam

F 1/14 (10-11am) SILS Digital Collections Project Team (Michelle, Sarah, Donald)

HW: check your schedule to see which dates each of us can lead/are interested in. Add your name.

Divide the KOs later and determine who will be the wrangler for each slide deck.

@Christine Barone (Unlicensed) and @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) to flesh out the KO slide deck


orientation agenda

Note: names were added to the speaker notes of each slide indicating which sections individuals were assigned.


  1. Discuss and decide interactives and who will create them (polls, prompts for chat, using the reactions, etc.)

    1. Ice breaker question

  2. What other roles need to be filled

    1. MC/Moderator:

    2. Monitor chat:

    3. Run interactives:

    4. Slideshare:







HW: begin thinking of what our interactive elements of the orientation will be



Wrap up

Review actions and decisions







Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion



Draft email and slides for All Chairs kickoff to be held about a month after initial kickoffs.











Future agenda items


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The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
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