2021-10-11 Meeting notes

2021-10-11 Meeting notes


  • @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) , PM, Co-Chair

  • @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) , PM, Co-Chair

  • @Donald Barclay

  • @Sarah Houghton

  • @Michelle Polchow

  • @Hermine Vermeij

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Quick announcements




  • Notetaker: Sarah




Welcome Letters

Review and approve the customized welcome letters https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1cx8u8wjMnFXjLmqoNlzJkI7RpRazx3uM

Q: Should the roster be for the whole subgroup, or just the branch? 



Kick-off meetings for the “super groups” --should they be for the whole group or each group separately?

For “super groups” keep welcome letter focused on the group at hand--their listserv only, their roster only, etc.


@Hermine Vermeij will add the full group names to the subject line & Dear https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SHO1DkfooOZaHjO6XpkH52Dfpkb9DmQpJIJUwCs2xlY/edit


Finalize listserv names




  1. SILS-LG

  2. SILS-OT

  3. SILS-CHAIRS - Reuse the same listserv


  5. SILS-ERES - Reuse the same listserv

  6. SILS-ACQ-ERES (combined group)



  9. SILS-RS

  10. SILS-FFRS (combined group)

  11. SILS-RM


  13. SILS-RCTF (existing) - keep this name to preserve the archives, even though it’s not their acronym any longer.


@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) will confirm you cannot change listserv names.

Checkin with DOC

Assign work to draft message to DOC reminding them about nominations (Ensure DOC members can access the forms; check the links now if you haven’t already? Any questions?) - could forward the original email to DOC announcing nominations with this reminder.





@Donald Barclay will craft this message and send to DOC. (Lena will forward the original message to him)

Kickoff logistics


  • SILS Leadership Group

  • SILS Operations Team

  • SILS Acquisitions

  • SILS E-Resources

  • SILS Discovery

  • SILS Fulfillment

  • SILS Intercampus Resource Sharing

  • SILS Resource Management: Cataloging & Metadata

  • SILS Digital Collections Project Team

Possible dates

M 1/10

T 1/11

W 1/12

Th 1/13

F 1/14


T 1/18

W 1/19

Th 1/20

F 1/21

  1. Confirm this assumption: TTF is responsible for organizing kickoffs for all teams.

  2. Do some groups need to go before others?

  3. Should any kickoffs be combined? For example, groups with 2 branches. (may depend on the nature of the kickoff - how interactive it is; and some staff may be on both groups so the full count may be less than 22.) This could mean more time is needed for those sessions. Pros/cons.

  4. Would we do an orientation/kickoff for chairs separately from the other kickoffs? See sample slides

    1. If so, do we include a save the date in the welcome letter?

    2. See Questions in Welcome Letter Timeline and Process for other related Qs

  5. Do we have a compelling reason to start a group before January? It must be compelling because it will cause complexity.

    1. Could we achieve our goal with another means, e.g., open a dialog on the listserv instead, have a pre-kickoff meeting, etc.?

  6. Do we need a special meeting for provisional chairs to get them set for success? might set an expectation that you will be permanent chair. No.

  7. Any major events or holidays during the weeks of Jan 10-21

    1. ALA LibLearnX is 1/24-28

    2. MLK Holiday 1/17

  8. What should we cover in the kickoff?

  9. How long will kickoffs be? 1 hour? 90 minutes? 2 hours?

  10. Do we do more than one a day?

  11. Who participates in the kickoff?

    1. TTF members?

    2. What other guests?  

  12. Do we want an orientation meeting in advance of kickoffs with general info applicable to all (last time, we held 2 identical sessions to provide a choice of times) Sample orientation; record this so people can watch at their own time. How do we gather questions?

    1. Do we need to include a save the date (or even mention this) in the welcome letter?

    2. Agenda might include such topics as

      1. gov structure

      2. decision making

      3. principles

      4. project tools

  13. What are the questions we need to answer before we can schedule kickoffs?

  14. When do we need answers for the questions?

  15. If we get 75% of P4 members in the new gov, how does that affect our kickoffs?

  16. When does All Chairs kickoff? Do we wait for official chairs?

  17. How long do we give groups to decide on chair/vice chair? No more than one month. Set a date for All Chairs which gives them a goal.

  18. local SILS groups – how do we make sure this is understood that it will continue to exist, for making local decisions, etc. This need still exists.



  1. Yes, TTF will be handling all kickoffs.

  2. OT & LG first; order of others doesn’t matter

  3. Kickoffs should not be combined. Each individual group should get their own kick-off. If issues arise organically that call for a combined kick-off or other facilitation, that can happen when appropriate.

  4. Keep it brief with their checklist of To Dos. Wait until all “permanent” chairs are selected. Set date of all chairs meeting as another way to encourage a quick chair selection.

  5. No need to start any groups early – might be more chaotic. We have structure in place to make the bridge.

  6. No.

  7. January 10-21 works. No major holidays or conflicts noted.

  8. TBD

  9. TBD

  10. TBD

  11. TBD

  12. Yes. Could record one session and ask all members to watch as convenient?

  13. TBD

  14. TBD

  15. TBD

  16. Yes, we wait for official chairs.

  17. Setting a date for the all-chairs meeting automatically sets a due date for chair selection.




Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion














Future agenda items


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