(Post-Go-Live) Campus Use of Proxy Servers, Settings (AEFG-MVP-012)
Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided
Status | decided |
Scope | POST-GO-LIVE |
Description | AEFG review of proxy settings for electronic resources in Alma environment. Based on MVP 012 item. |
Decision | AEFG does not have an overarching policy decision given that not all campuses work with proxy servers, either managed by the library or at the campus level. This decision page describes the information gathering process and refers to recommended practices. |
Owning group | AEFG + Lisa Spagnolo (lcspagnolo [at] ucdavis [dot] edu or SILS-FG_ACQ-ERM-L [at] listserv [dot] ucop [dot] edu |
Approver | PPC |
Stakeholders | R = AEFG |
Decision-making process | Poll of campuses for proxy server use. AEFG discussion and review of practices . |
Priority | Low (local) |
Due date | October 13, 2021 |
While there is no overarching AEFG policy decision on the use of proxy servers, AEFG did investigate this area as one of its MVP issues. In early August AEFG polled the campuses to see who was working with a proxy server either in the library or at the campus level. Six campuses indicated needing to manage proxy server settings in some way. Of these, one had this activity residing at the campus level, but otherwise used VPNs; one had proxy enabled only for certain e-collections due to Aeon conflicts; and one had limited use for select resources for one of its libraries. Four campuses did not need to manage a proxy server.
Immediately after migration (early August), at the CDL level, Ex Libris had assisted with updating proxying on NZ-activated e-collections. CDL is in the process of updating the proxying on the P2E portfolios as appropriate. See the NZ CDL data cleanup project page, in particular the SCP/P2E spreadsheet, for more details.
Due to variety of local circumstances, AEFG is serving as support during Phase 4 in this area, with no policy or overarching practice recommendations. Document is to represent Phase 4 discussion tied to MVP item.
https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Product_Documentation/010Alma_Online_Help_(English)/Electronic_Resource_Management/051Link_Resolver/030Access_to_Services#Resolver_Proxies - Ex Libris documentation: Includes information on Resolver Proxies, relationships and configuration
Questions to consider
Action Log
Action/Point Person | Expected Completion Date | Notes | Status |
Poll campuses re: proxy activity. | 8/11/2021 |
| Done |
Discussion at AEFG of any recommendation. | 9/29/2021 | Initial conversation in August, conclusions deferred due to other emerging issues. | Done |
AEFG Finalize Decision Page Document | 10/6/2021 | Discussion at 10/6 AEFG call. Minor revisions. Finalized 10/13. | Done |
Route to PPC (mostly FYI) | 10/15/2021 | Approved 10/21 via PPC Slack | Done |
Distribution, sharing | 10/18/2021 | Shared via AEFG, E-Res Subgroup 11/3/2021 | Done |
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