(All Phases) Primo VE for NZ (Consortia Union View)
Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided
Status | DECIDED |
Description | Should we create a public Primo VE for the NZ (Consortia Union View)? |
Decision | We do not recommend a public-facing consortial union view. |
Owning group | Discovery FG |
Approver | PPC |
Stakeholders | R = Discovery FG |
Decision-making process |
Priority | Mandatory before Go-live |
Due date | Nov 20, 2020 |
We do not recommend a public-facing consortia union view for the network zone.
Local campus instances have all desired needs and features; a consortia union view would be redundant
Simplifies user experience - can use one interface for all needs
Additional reasoning included in Pros/Cons table below
The Discovery Functional Group is charged with the delivery of, “A Primo VE instance for the UC Libraries Network Zone (NZ) will also be developed to provide centralized indexing, shared customization of views via a Central Package, and centralized configuration of mapping and code tables, allowing for the discovery of records and holdings across the NZ, and services such as fulfillment and resource sharing.”
Local campus Primo VE instances can allow the discovery of records and holdings across the NZ and facilitate requests for resources via the DiscoveryNetwork search profile (aka Discovery Network Scope). ExLibris technologies also provide the option to create a Consortia Union View; a view created at the network zone level that provides a “neutral view” that can include consortia specific branding. The union view provides no additional functionality for staff or end-users.
UCS Network is the working name for the Discovery Network Scope
Proposal: Discovery FG should make a recommendation on whether or not a Consortia Union View should be created for the UC Libraries based on evidence (stakeholder interviews, end user needs and workflows, etc.)
Working assumptions:
Each campus Primo VE will include a DiscoveryNetwork search profile
Consortia union views do not include features or functionality not available via DiscoveryNetwork search profiles (confirmed by ExLibris)
Need to give groups adequate time to prepare for a consortia union view. As the recommendation is not to have a consortia union view, there are no dependencies based on this decision.
Questions to consider
What is the experience/process for end-users for the discovery and request of network holdings via the Discovery Network scope?
Would a consortia union view improve user experience for the discovery and request of network holdings?
Options considered
Description | NO Primo VE NZ Union View | YES Primo VE NZ Union View |
Pros and cons |
Action Log
Action/Point Person | Expected Completion Date | Notes | Status |
Create document summarizing Discovery Network Scope functionality and appearance and Consortia Union View functionality and appearance / Jess Waggoner | 6/23/2020 | Discovery Network Scope and Consortia Union View Summary document in Google Drive | Complete |
Consult with CARLI and Ex Libris regarding usage of Primo VE for the NZ for other consortia | 10/30/2020 |
| Complete |
Deliver summary document to campus stakeholders and discuss end user needs for discovery and request of network holdings / All Discovery FG members |
| In Progress |
Create subgroup to work with Fulfillment to address Worldcat discovery and access | 11/30/2020 | The Interlibrary Loan Sub-Group is currently examining the Worldcat scope |
PPC for approval |
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