


  • @Marcia Barrett (UCSC)

  • @Catherine Busselen (UCSB) (notetaker)

  • @Claudia Conrad (CDL)

  • @Ryan Finnerty (UCSD)

  • @Rachel Jaffe (UCSC)

  • @Tricia Lampron (UCI)

  • @Cathleen Lu (UCSF)

  • @Naomi Shiraishi (UCB)

  • @Israel Yáñez (UCD)

  • @Erica Zhang (UCLA)


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome










@Catherine Busselen







5 min


Catherine updated Work Plan to check off items that we have completed

The Resources and Training Materials Space Subgroup met earlier this week; updates on their work can be found on the Meeting notes page:







Discussion of Comments on Survey Analysis




Identify missing or unclear information - what else do we need/want to know?

Begin draft of EIMPT recommendations for phase 2

Create questions for focus groups

15 min.

@Marcia Barrett

What we don’t know:

  • Are respondents talking about bib data or digital collections?

  • “Metadata remediation” was not defined - individual record or sets of records?  Respondents interpreted it both ways

    • Don’t know how campuses determine what should be remediated

    • Do know that reported errors will be remediated

  • “Written policies” yes responses assume this means a public statement

    • There’s a need for a written policy on what is considered harmful/problematic and how it should be resolved

  • There may be some deliverables the survey data may not help us with

    • Once these have been mapped, it will be more clear what we lack and can make topics of discussion in focus groups

  • Statement on harmful language - not a deliverable. Very important to campuses

The draft of EIMPT recommendations for phase 2 was created so as not to lose any momentum in this area in Phase 2; there may be some things we can draft prior to the conclusion of phase 1

Decision to continue looking at the analysis and provide feedback; are there gaps in the data collected vs what we need to know?

Read through the entire Survey Analysis and Executive Summary (paragraph format).  

@Marcia Barrett

@Catherine Busselen @Ryan Finnerty @Cathleen Lu @Tricia Lampron @Claudia Conrad @Israel Yáñez @Naomi Shiraishi @Rachel Jaffe @Erica Zhang

Concentrate review of p.1-9 and comment @Naomi Shiraishi @Claudia Conrad @Ryan Finnerty
Concentrate review of p.10-19 and comment @Cathleen Lu @Rachel Jaffe @Catherine Busselen @Israel Yáñez
Concentrate review of p.20-31 and comment @Tricia Lampron @Erica Zhang @Marcia Barrett



Discuss comments on Executive Summary and Executive Summary (paragraph format)

Discuss creating a report & executive summary of survey analysis

15 min.

@Marcia Barrett





Discuss creation of a Report on the Survey Analysis


Determine content & outline of the report

Assign pulling together the report

15 min.

@Marcia Barrett



@Marcia Barrett @Catherine Busselen @Ryan Finnerty @Cathleen Lu @Tricia Lampron @Claudia Conrad @Israel Yáñez @Naomi Shiraishi @Rachel Jaffe @Erica Zhang Review Survey Analysis and Executive Summary - Can these 2 documents be our public report? Should anything be altered (please comment or edit documents)?

Review of preliminary work on mapping responses to deliverables https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FgVib3TVssfThjZIiw3NL2waRduOk0kt1JxkQzhQCjc/edit?usp=sharing

Update on the work being done by the mapping group

10 min.

@Catherine Busselen @Tricia Lampron @Cathleen Lu

Subgroup will do more in-depth work on mapping before next meeting

Some responses illicited needs that were not addressed in initial deliverables that we may want to incorporate

Discussion brought up thoughts on using Alma NZ controlled vocabularies, perhaps testing with a small pilot project; current Alma NZ access is limited but would be necessary to do at NZ level in a consortial environment if we were to go this route


@Catherine Busselen @Cathleen Lu @Tricia Lampron will do more in-depth work on mapping survey data to deliverables before the next meeting


Wrap up

Review of past action items and actions and decisions made during this meeting

5 min

@Catherine Busselen




Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion




Discussion of Survey Results Mapping to Deliverables - determine current status of each deliverable & next steps on deliverables (8/8/23)

Create detailed action plan for Midterm and Long-term

Create subgroups for recommendations, best practices, etc.

Review and update of Work Plan (estimated July 11, October 10, December 12)






55 min


















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