(Test) Harmonization of Loan Periods and Blocks in the UCs Automated Fulfillment Network

(Test) Harmonization of Loan Periods and Blocks in the UCs Automated Fulfillment Network

Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided






This decision page captures the areas of harmonization for the UCs Fulfillment Network. These parameters were used during the Vanguard phase of the project.


The following parameters will be used to set up the UCs Fulfillment Network in Alma during the Test phase of the project.

Owning group





R = Fulfillment and ILL FG
A = Fulfillment and ILL FG
C = UC Local FGs
I = PPC, ICs

Decision-making process

Fist of Five



Due date

Jan 14, 2021


The recommendation for Test Phase and potentially Go-Live is to use the following settings when configuring the UCs Fulfillment Network. These settings will not apply to non-UC ILL. These settings were arrived at by reviewing current UC loan periods. We feel that a 90 day renewable due date capped at 360 days would best meet the needs of all the campuses, and satisfy UC borrowers used to a one year due date for ILL items. Additionally, the group felt that 90 days was a good starting point in case amendments need to be made in the future. It would be more difficult to consider a decrease in the due dates for our UC patrons at a later time. We also recommend that these parameters be reviewed a year post go-live, and amended as needed.

Areas of Possible Harmonization (Only for UC items borrowed within the UCs Automated Fulfillment Network)

Areas of Possible Harmonization (Only for UC items borrowed within the UCs Automated Fulfillment Network)

Due Date

90 Days


Grace Period



Recallable by patron






Lost Item Fine



Lost Replacement Fee

Default to local item replacement fees


Maximum Renewal Period

360 Days


Recall Period

7 Days


Recalled Overdue Fine


Will consider $5/Day for Go-Live

Requested Item Due Date

7 Days

Due Date given to a patron with the item checked out, once another patron requests it from them.

Hold Shelf Period

7 Days


Borrowing Block for Lost Item



Borrowing Block for Excessive Fees




Ex-Libris recommends adding the NETWORK patron group to the Patron Limits Table (Alma>Configuration>Fulfillment>Patron Configurations>Patron ) so that UC Network borrowers will be subject to the following borrowing limits when borrowing outside their home UC. While harmonized answers input in each IZ are possible, we recommend that these be a local decision since we favor leaving billing amounts up to each institution.

Areas in the Patron Limits Table (Alma>Configuration>Fulfillment>Patron Configurations>Patron Limits User Group NETWORK) to remain local decisions instead of being harmonized

Areas in the Patron Limits Table (Alma>Configuration>Fulfillment>Patron Configurations>Patron Limits User Group NETWORK) to remain local decisions instead of being harmonized

Max Cash Amount

Local Decision


Max Overdue

Local Decision


Max Bookings

Local Decision


Max Overdue Recalls

Local Decision


Max Digitization Requests

Local Decision


Max Physical Item Requests

Local Decision



ILL for UC patrons will become the UCs Fulfillment Network (technical, not official name) managed using ALMA. Non-UC ILL will continue to be conducted using VDX. There are several areas of possible harmonization between UC Libraries when configuring the UCFN. Although the harmonization is not necessary for the UCFN to function, we feel it is important to harmonize these areas to limit confusion of due dates/locations for the borrower.


Will local recall fees override the network setting?

When do fines occur? Returned at the owning institution, or the institution handling the loan?

Will automatic blocks move over to Network Zone or not?

Action Log

Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



Fulfillment and ILL FG

Dec 16, 2020

Decision page created to capture possible areas of harmonization for the UC Fulfillment Network based upon the harmonized settings used for Vanguard


Fulfillment and ILL FG

Jan 7, 2021

Fulfillment FG meets and discusses whether or not changes should be made to the Vanguard harmonized settings.

  • System-wide FG members feel that the settings should remain the same, but will discuss with local teams before a final vote next week.


Fulfillment and ILL FG

Jan 14, 2021

Fist of Five Vote- Unanimous Support

  • Group voted to move forward with the above parameters for Test Phase. Will review again for Go-Live


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