(Go-Live and Post go-live) Alma/VDX Workflows

(Go-Live and Post go-live) Alma/VDX Workflows

Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided




Go-Live and post go-live


Decision regarding what fulfillment workflows are supported by the VDX integration, and what options are available to institutions.


Receive loan workflow and return workflow are automated by NCIP and a CDL batch process. Original borrowing request should be kept alive when WSILL client creates VDX request. CDL will develop a batch process to remove these borrowing requests after the item is received.

Other loan workflows require manual processes to keep VDX and Alma in synch.

Non-returnable receive workflow remains in VDX and is not integrated with Alma.

My ILL Requests will continue in use until the first quarter 2022, when we plan to re-evaluate whether to continue using it for the remaining lifetime of VDX.

Owning group





I =

Decision-making process

Fist of 5



Due date

May 13, 2020

Alma VDX Workflows

Automated integration between Alma and VDX is limited to received actions and returned actions on loans. Manual processes must be put in place for other workflows that involve loans that are in process in VDX and Alma.

Receive Workflow for Loans

The receive workflow for loans is partially automated by the NCIP integration, but has limitations that have to be compensated for.

We will call this limitation the two borrowing request problem. When the patron makes a resource sharing request in Alma, a borrowing request is created in the Alma resource sharing system.

It is possible to configure Alma to immediately remove this borrowing request once the resource sharing partner initiates a borrowing request in VDX. This is done using Close request when exported check box on the WSILL resource sharing partner:

However, removing the request at his point causes a major usability problem for the patron, as the request is removed from their account (their “Library Card”), and they have no visibility on the request, or opportunity to cancel it, until after it is received.

For this reason, we have decided to leave this box unchecked.

Alma will create a second borrowing request when an item is received in VDX, and the original borrowing request becomes superfluous.

To compensate for this problem, CDL will develop a batch process that will cancel the original borrowing requests once they have been received in VDX. This process will be run nightly. Libraries can clean up their cancelled requests by running the Resource Sharing Requests Completed Request Cleanup fulfillment job, or manually in batches by selecting all cancelled requests using a faceted search.

The borrowing request will be invisible to the patron once it has been cancelled by the CDL batch process (or by staff), but from the time the item is received in VDX to the time it is cancelled, the patron will see two borrowing requests in their account.

Receive Workflow for Loans: Pickup Locations

The patron must choose a pickup location at their home institution, and they also have an option to choose a preferred pickup location at another institution. The record of the patron's choice is kept on the original borrowing request. It is not sent to VDX, and there is no record of this choice on the NCIP borrowing request that is created when the item is received.

Libraries can choose to support or not support delivery of VDX loans to pickup locations at other institutions. If they choose to support this feature, they must put in place a workflow that requires checking the original borrowing request to determine whether the patron requested a pickup location at another institution. If the patron has made this choice, the resource sharing library can change the transit destination of the request when it is received. (Note that his may require modification of the TOU on the resource sharing library fulfillment unit to permit delivery to pickup locations at other institutions.)

Receive Workflow for Non-Returnables

There is no integration for sending notifications in Alma to patron with links to PDFs stored in the OCLC Article Exchange. These links must be sent in emails to patrons from VDX (“doc fetch alerts”), and/or they can to be accessed by the patron through My ILL Request.

Return Workflow

The return workflow is supported by the NCIP check-in-item message, so there are two options:

  • When the Alma borrowing request is returned to the resource sharing library, it can be scanned in. This closes the borrowing request and removes the temporary bib and item records. The loan can subsequently be returned to the lender in VDX.

  • Alternatively, when items are returned to the resource sharing library, they can be returned immediately in VDX. VDX will send an NCIP message to Alma that causes closes the borrowing request in Alma and removes the temporary bib and item records.

Cancel Workflow

The cancel workflow can be initiated by the patron in either Alma or in My ILL Requests.

If the cancel is initiated in My ILL Requests, the operation is automatic in VDX, but the corresponding Alma request must be cancelled manually.

If the cancel is initiated by the patron in Alma after the VDX request has been created, the corresponding VDX request must be cancelled by staff manually.

Renew Workflow

Renew workflow will be placed under its own decision page: https://uc-sils.atlassian.net/l/c/MzkKJLLt

Continued Support for My ILL Requests

My ILL Requests will remain available to patrons after the SILS go-live. Patrons will need access to their account to see pre-SILS requests in VDX, including links to PDFs. We propose keeping My ILL Requests until the first quarter of 2022, when we plan to evaluate whether we should deprecate it or keep it for the remaining lifetime of VDX.

We will continue to evaluate the costs and benefits of My ILL Request in the SILS as the production workflows evolve.

Action Log

Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



Fulfillment and ILL FG Vote


Fist of 5: approved by FG

FG agreed to create a separate decision page dedicated to Renewal workflow for VDX requests






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