(Post-Go-Live) Support for Patron-Initiated Renew and Cancel of VDX Requests in Primo VE

(Post-Go-Live) Support for Patron-Initiated Renew and Cancel of VDX Requests in Primo VE

Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided






Implement and test reports and workflows that will enable patrons to renew and cancel VDX requests in the Primo interface, and for staff to renew and cancel the corresponding requests in VDX


CDL will create report templates for cancelled and renewed VDX requests in consultation with ILLOPS and make the reports available to resource sharing teams at all institutions that plan to use them.

Owning group





A = Fulfillment and ILL FG
I = SILS cohort

Decision-making process




Due date



This decision is written with the following goals in mind:

  • If an institution supports patron renewal of VDX requests, the patron should be able to renew them in Primo VE.

  • Patrons should be able to cancel requests that have been sent into VDX in Primo VE.

  • Resource sharing staff should have an efficient workflow for renewing and cancelling VDX requests that have been renewed or cancelled in Primo VE.

  • If the above goals can be accomplished, UC libraries have a basis for discontinuing use of My ILL Requests.

CDL SILSOps will work with campus(es) (UCI and/or other volunteer(s)) to:

  • create a report template

  • test, validate, and document a workflow for ILL staff

  • test and document any needed IZ configuration (to access report)

CDL SILSOps will report back to FFG and ILLOps with MVP when it is available.

Use of report/workflow is optional (not mandated) for use by institutions, as long as institutions choose to implement an alternative workflow that does not require patrons to renew or cancel in My ILL Requests.

This decision does not include a recommendation to discontinue use of My ILL Requests, but it does lay the ground work for making such a recommendation in the near future.


The VDX/Alma NCIP Integration is unable to support renew and cancel actions for ILL requests sent to VDX. For requests where a patron initiates a renew or cancel in Primo VE for a VDX request, a staff member must manually initiate the renew (if necessary) or cancel on the request in VDX. For these requests, communication with the (non-UC) partner is handled within VDX, so renews and cancels for VDX requests must be communicated through VDX.

An Alma Analytics Reports Object could be used to provide a list of renews and cancels of these requests so that ILL staff could update the VDX requests appropriately. The report could be placed in the Network Zone (if templates are shared from NZ), and then each IZ could use the template to create an analytics object for use by campus staff. Another option is to store the template in the community UCS folder (/Shared Folders/Community/Reports/Consortia/UCS). The template would need to be copied to each IZ in order to create an analytics object.

This approach gives these benefits:

  • One place (Primo VE) for patrons to view and manage all library requests

  • Standardized method for identifying these requests (easier than searching the IZ directly)

Questions to Consider

  1. Who might work to create this report (eg. CDL SILS Ops with input from ILLOps)?

  2. Where to store the template (in NZ or in Community folders)

Pages referenced:

(Test Load through Post Go-Live) Alma/VDX NCIP Integration

Ex Libris Documentation on Analytics Objects

Network Zone settings for Analytics

Action Log

Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date















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