2020-06-25 Meeting notes


Jun 25, 2020 2-3:30 pm


  • @Tom Bustos , co-chair

  • @Carlo Medina (Unlicensed) , co-chair

  • @Ramon Barcia

  • @Susan Boone

  • @Greg Ferguson

  • @Lynne E. Grigsby

  • @Robin Gustafson

  • @Jeremy Hobbs

  • @Sarah Lindsey

  • @Caitlin Nelson

  • @Alison Ray (CDL)

  • @Gillian Keleher

  • Lakshmi Arunachalam (UCI backup)

  • @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) , PM

Not attending

  • @Alison Elizabeth Regan (Unlicensed)

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Check-in / Logistics

Report any major changes in availability / circumstances

Reminder: Need names for the new Salesforce accounts we’ll be using to track the vanguard testing. Here’s the task on Basecamp: https://3.basecamp.com/3765443/buckets/15553579/todos/2695304013



  • TB: last week of July will be reduced availability

  • LB: will miss two Th meetings due to library trainings (who is LB?)

  • Do we have a meeting on July 2? (Check in at end of meeting)

  • Lakshmi may be covering for Alison Regan beyond June 29; she’ll keep us posted.

  • Salesforce is used for reporting issues to the Ex Libris migration team.

Cancel July 2 meeting

Cancel Monday’s meeting with Ex Libris

@Tom Bustos will cancel the July 2 IC meeting.
@Caitlin Nelson to cancel Monday Ex Libris meeting and inform Marci.

ILS Data cleanup / Patron Data groups / PPC

ICs know how it’s going with these groups








Timeline review

Stay up to date on timeline / deadlines: Basecamp To-Dos

Weekly trainings and special topics: Invite specialists from your campus to the appropriate meetings.



  • PPC decided that June 26th is the deadline for all decisions affecting migration data. After that, campuses should have everything they need for now to complete the Vanguard tasks.

    • If one of the decisions will impact a local campus data migration schedule, what do they do? (Take this question to PPC) Immediate thoughts are to do what is possible and note when something is not doable.

  • Continue to ask questions on Basecamp as usual. Basecamp rules of the road: Ex Libris should respond within a couple of business days. For urgent matters, say “URGENT” and reach out directly to Marci as needed. Or, escalate to Caitlin or Lena if help is needed.

  • July 10th / July 17th as initial deadlines for data extracts / forms.

  • Susan B demo'ed the decision RACI UCSF uses for their local implementation group. Once a decision is finalized, that cohort member adds it to the matrix. Are other ICs interested in this approach?

  • Can PPC prioritize the things within the decision / give options in case there isn’t time to do everything or it all.

  • Onboarding will be complete soon (pending CNAME)

  • Alma Training: anyone doing testing in the vanguard. If you don’t want to participate live in the weekly Q&As you can watch the videos whenever you want later. Carlo and Tom agreed with Lynne – lots going on right now with data migration. Carlo’s team is assigning one person for each training and then doing a train-the-trainer thing. Recordings posted on basecamp under that meeting and in the meeting recording spreadsheet on shared drive.

  • Every campus has an Internal Training representative and will work with their local team to get the word out and organize locally.

  • Swimlane timeline test: visual timeline for PPC, vanguard, etc. to show the major work areas - data extract, testing, etc. Is this helpful?


@Caitlin Nelson will ask PPC If one of the decisions will impact a local campus data migration schedule, what do they do? 2) Ask PPC to prioritize the things within the decision / give options in case there isn’t time to do everything or it all.

Assessment & Test Planning




  • Suggestion to create a subgroup to consider checklists, data prep needed for assessment & testing plan. Caitlin gathered some examples of other consortia’s plans.

  • Would Alma campuses have bandwidth to participate since they are not migrating data?

  • It’s personal to each campus: Sarah commented some of this will involve known local data problems. Write down your unique data problems and what you can’t clean up and decide whether you want to clean it up when you see it in vanguard. Tom agreed.

  • Greg and his group is already working on this. He’s got a post-event checklist (function-based) from Innovative. He’d like something general for functionality as a starting point to build from: Can you place a hold? Can you request a reserve item?

  • Sarah shared some questions (function-based): Can you do a title search? can you check out a book?

  • Lynne will go through any provided lists and customize them for her campus.

  • Request for a subgroup to: Create a folder to share test documents you used as an Alma campus, share other examples from other institutions (see above links) in the next couple of weeks. Ramon, Gillian, Sarah, Robin, Lakshmi volunteered.


Alma campus subgroup will create a folder to share test documents they used during their Alma testing; share other examples from other institutions (see above links). Due in the next couple of weeks (by 7/16 meeting?). @Ramon Barcia@Gillian Keleher@Sarah Lindsey@Robin Gustafson, Lakshmi volunteered.

IC Decision review

Awareness of progress on Cohort decisions. Ensure relevant decision information is shared at your campus.

Awareness of progress, actions on IC decisions: (IC decisions)



  • - @Alison Ray (CDL) what is the update on this?

    • A shib proxy service is recommended by UCOP IT. AlisonMR will follow up on this for Sept deadline.

FYI all other decisions.





When does this decision need to be made? Should this be recorded in a Decision page? Yes.

From email: We need to decide on the CNAMEs (URLs) for our Alma instances coming out of ExL. This needs to be done soon so Ex Libris can start setting up the environments for our Vanguard. The task in Basecamp is here: https://3.basecamp.com/3765443/buckets/15553579/todos/2379093681

Basically, they need to know how to form your URLs for your IZs in the pattern: [yourchoice].alma.exlibrisgroup.com

The current proposed CNAMEs are in that Basecamp task.
ACTION: Please confer with your local people, and comment in that task whether you confirm their proposed choice, or if you want something different. 

I’ll work with Alison / Lena / WG on the one for the Network Zone.

We can talk about this more at next week’s IC meeting on Thursday if needed. Questions or comments on this thread also welcome. Thanks!




  • Authentication and 3rd Party Integration Forms moved from end of May to September 4.

  • Ex Libris is only willing to do patron loads and single sign in vanguard from Lynne’s recollection. Lynne is interested in seeing notes in Vanguard.

  • Data in Millennium gets dumped into a note field. Does data override and wipe out other notes? At least 2 campuses have written scripts to protect note fields. UCSC’s Sys load does not write over the note field since they created a script to protect it. Lakshmi also had a script written.

  • What about ezproxy?

Not a consensus on timing of authentication forms: some have done them, some will copy Greg’s, some will wait.

@Caitlin Nelson to ask Marci if Ex Libris can review 3rd Party Integration Forms now?
@Caitlin Nelson will confirm with Marci that CNAMEs are done.

Other / Homework










80 / 90





Future agenda items


The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu