2020-06-29 IC-SC Meeting notes


Jun 29, 2020 3-4


  • @Carlo Medina (Unlicensed) , co-chair

  • @Caitlin Nelson, SSM

  • @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) , PM

  • @Tom Bustos , co-chair

  • @Greg Ferguson , guest Patron Data

  • @Catherine Busselen, guest ILSDC

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Timeline and deliverables from Patron Data and ILSDC

Awareness of progress and any changes to the timeline and deliverables from charges of Patron Data. Do these still make sense, for work and deadlines? Any additional work?

  • Patron Data, Greg (Carlo is liaison)

    • An inventory of current patron data sources and system integrations at the campuses.

    • A list of patron data cleanup activities and assignments that need to be accomplished prior to the initial data migration. Due March, 2020.

    • A list of patron data issues which require harmonization decisions, to be made available to the Implementation Coordinators group. Due June, 2020.

    • A register of post-migration quality control tests and results from each campus implementation team. Due late 2021.

    • A final report of any ongoing post-migration data issues. Due late 2021.



Patron Data

  • An inventory of current patron data sources and system integrations at the campuses. Done!

  • A list of patron data cleanup activities and assignments that need to be accomplished prior to the initial data migration. Due March, 2020. Done!

    • Since our group did not formally come together and begin meeting until May 2020 (kickoff was late April), this due date was not met. However, a folder was created within the Patron Data share in the SILS Google Drive site, where each campus has shared an anonymized document detailing work they are doing in support of the patron data cleanup for the SILS migration.  Some, non-Alma sites, are much more complex than those from sites already on Alma.The final two campuses needing to provide a document did so this past Friday, June 19th

  • A list of patron data issues which require harmonization decisions, to be made available to the Implementation Coordinators group. Due June, 2020.

    • This has been an ongoing general topic for us which led to specific sub-topics of discussion and from what we can tell there are none: Done!

      • PDCG initiated the Decision Page on the question of a single unified user database versus separate institutional user databases

        • The approved decision was separate institutional user databases, which then removed a requirement for patron data harmonization in this regard. Had this decision gone the other way, then most assuredly there would need to be a detailed patron data harmonization discussion

      • We also created a Decision Page regarding the migration of expired patron records

        • The decision was assigned to the Fulfillment & ILL FG and guidelines were approved.

        • PDCG members should be sharing this decision with whomever at their home campus is managing the patron record data extracts and local patron record batch deletions

      • We most recently discussed if direct borrowing (e.g., a UCSD student goes to UCI to checkout a book in person) required some level of harmonization

        • Information I received from Ex Libris clarified the setup and process; harmonization is not required.

        • We finalized the topic at our 6/22 meeting and I was going to write-up our findings and share it with the Fulfillment & ILL FG chair.

  • A register of post-migration quality control tests and results from each campus implementation team. Due late 2021. Any questions?

  • A final report of any ongoing post-migration data issues. Due late 2021. Any questions?

What to do in the “middle period” between now and late 2021?

  • Assessment and testing plans: Did the cleanup work in the vanguard load? What changes are needed for the test load? What’s the new recommendation? Rinse and repeat process: Assessment of the vanguard and then recommendations. Hypothesis for test load and then assessment of test load and recommendations for the final cutover.





Timeline and deliverables from ILSDC

Awareness of progress and any changes to the timeline and deliverables from charges of Patron Data. Do these still make sense, for work and deadlines? Any additional work?

  • ILSDC, Catherine (Tom is liaison)

    • An updated, expanded list of data cleanup activities and assignments that need to be accomplished prior to the initial data migration. Due April 2020 to the Implementation Coordinators.

    • An updated, expanded list of data issues which require harmonization decisions, to be made available to the Implementation Coordinators group. Due June 2020 to the Implementation Coordinators.

    • A register of post-migration QC tests and results from each campus implementation team.

    • Final report of any uncorrected or ongoing post-migration data issues, including recommendations to address them. Report will also include recommendations on how to manage long-term data issues or those that arise after migration is complete. Due fall 2021 to the Implementation Coordinators and SILS Working Group.




  • An updated, expanded list of data cleanup activities and assignments that need to be accomplished prior to the initial data migration. Due April 2020 to the Implementation Coordinators. Done but is a living document that will continue to be revised

    • First expanding this list of tasks and make “Critical Tasks for Vanguard” - published to blog on June 5.

    • This will need some revision, now that some of the harmonization decisions have been made.

  • An updated, expanded list of data issues which require harmonization decisions, to be made available to the Implementation Coordinators group. Due June 2020 to the Implementation Coordinators. Nearly complete

    • These got sent to the appropriate FGs for decisions (i.e. RMFG, and ACQ/ERM)

    • We will either do a secondary blog post or another one, based on these decisions.

    • Are communications working between ILSDC and FGs? Yes, Catherine and TJ are “watchers” on decision pages and monitor progress. Team meets weekly and communicates on the listserv between meetings. Most of the staff on the ILSDC group are the ones responsible for the work but CB has stressed they need to communicate with their IT staff when work goes beyond their duties.

    • Harmonization may be needed in fulfillment/ILL - haven’t yet talked to this group. Reach out with to Elizabeth R. with a heads up and questions you will have for them.

  • A register of post-migration QC tests and results from each campus implementation team.

  • Final report of any uncorrected or ongoing post-migration data issues, including recommendations to address them. Report will also include recommendations on how to manage long-term data issues or those that arise after migration is complete. Due fall 2021 to the Implementation Coordinators and SILS Working Group.

Assessment and Test plan progress:

  • Looking at decision pages options and tracking which campuses are following which options so they know how to test.

  • Collecting in a google doc; looking at other examples such as CARLI

  • A deadline would be useful for assessment and test plans.

  • Understanding the group dependencies - who’s dependent on who?

  • Data cleanup is out in the front of other groups making recommendations for others.

  • FGs found it was taking them longer to make some harmonization decisions than originally intended. Conclusion: start earlier.

  • Let us know how many weeks are needed and how much you were able to get achieved in the vanguard phase - 3 decisions in 6 weeks, etc.

Any problems?

  • On track, lots of participation.

  • WMS concerns; Catherine and Sarah Sheets have looked at some initial information in the migration guide. Did we contract to migrate acquisitions data? Yes, we paid for a premium migration that includes Acquisitions data migration.

ILSDC was told they are not deciders! She was hesitant to use a decision page for that reason.She has been communicating in a blog. Ben will be discussing communications and how to share communications with other groups.




Check-in / Update

Report any major changes in availability / circumstances




  • CN: shall we send an email to folks to think ahead about periods that will be impacted by school deadlines or COVID work, etc. For example, we already talked about how Jan/Feb might be very busy with library re-openings… It would be nice to have a full survey of possible “busy times”

    • school deadlines

    • COVID work

    • gut feelings about schedule


@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) will find campus start-end schedule compilation UC academic calendar 2020-21

Anything issues from Slack, Email, Basecamp that need discussion, action?








Ex Libris vanguard meetings

Summarize communication plan for publicizing and inviting staff to Ex Libris weekly vanguard meetings:

  • weekly project updates

  • special meetings (training, migration, etc.)

  • office hours

Determine the best way to share the Zoom info, weekly topics, and links to basecamp for adding questions. (Q&As will cover questions that are asked in advance; questions will also be answered post-meeting from the meeting chat)

ICs and SILS Chairs are empowered to select the specialists at their campus who should attend (question-asking priority will go to the Vanguard institutions.)

Where will this be documented for reference?

How do we publicize the meeting recording spreadsheet? Put it in the Cohort main folder (rather than IC folder)? Link to it from Confluence home page? Include best practice of recording to the cloud when possible for easy sharing.


Lena, Caitlin





Testing vanguard

Continue discussion….

What’s the plan for the vanguard environment (including sandboxes) during the vanguard phase?

How do we ensure local testing doesn’t interfere with systemwide testing: coordinating so we don’t step on each other

What’s the best way to allow non-vanguard libraries to have access to vanguard environment to see how data is showing up? Allow broad access as much as possible

All chairs meeting on vanguard environment/testing: Would Tom and Carlo want to facilitate that discussion? What information do we need to answer before we put it on the agenda? Which date? July 15, 29, Aug 12, 26?



  • CN: I’m wondering if we can ask the Alma/Primo campuses to take the lead on drafting some “data review checklists” for UC? It would be nice to use their downtime now to prep this, while the vanguard campuses are working on data prep. Also - they’ve done it before! So that would be great.

    • This happened!




Checkins with vanguard campuses

Check how things are going individually with vanguard ICs



Hold for after July 4




Decisions in process

Awareness of any decisions in the queue that need consultation from ICs

Do we need to revisit the idea of having PMs (or someone) review decisions in process to ensure the RACI/decision-making process is fleshed out? Would a “final” date be helpful for the decision rollup? Currently, the due date is the closest thing but it might vary by weeks from the final approval date.







Set IC agenda for July 2 meeting

Canceled this meeting







Other / Homework










60 / 60





Future agenda items

The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu