2020-06-22 Patron Data Cleanup Group

2020-06-22 Patron Data Cleanup Group


Jun 22, 2020 ​​10am - 11am


  • Ross Anastos, UC Merced

  • Lai Arakawa, UC Irvine

  • Greg Ferguson, UC San Diego

  • Lacey Grawe, UC Riverside

  • Marti Kallal, UC Santa Barbara

  • Andy Panado, UC San Francisco

  • Dave Rez, UC Berkeley

  • Ryan Schwab, UC Santa Cruz

  • Derek Sisneros, UC Davis

Not attending

  • Stephen Gurnick, UCLA

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome








  • Add any new topics to the agenda

  • Take a temperature check / How is it going?

  • Confirm Minutes Recorder for this meeting - Marti Kallal

    • In the event that the designated Recorder or Timekeeper is not in attendance, then an alternate volunteer will be requested for that given meeting


5 min


Shared Google drive




Tasks & Deliverables

  1. From Governance Charge -

  • A list of patron data cleanup activities and assignments that need to be accomplished prior to the initial data migration.

  • A list of patron data issues which require harmonization decisions, to be made available to the Implementation Coordinators group.

15 min


Ex Libris Migration Guides & Tutorials

  1. From Governance Charge -

    1. A list of patron data cleanup activities and assignments that need to be accomplished prior to the initial data migration.

      1. All but 2 campuses have provided copies of their documents; reminder to the remaining campuses to upload an anonymized copy as soon as possible.

        1. The final two sites confirmed that they posted documents late Friday after the agenda was posted.

    2. A list of patron data issues which require harmonization decisions, to be made available to the Implementation Coordinators group.

      1. Question: Now that the decision has been made regarding separate institutional patron databases, should we consider any harmonization?

        1. At the June 1st meeting, the group wondered how direct borrowing will work in the consortia (e.g., a UCSD student goes to UCB to borrow a book directly) and if this dictated any harmonization.

        2. From 6/8 Minutes, @Greg Ferguson ​inquired with Ex Libris if harmonization of any user fields was necessary and confirmed that there was none.

        3. Follow-up pertaining to direct borrowing; during the 6/8 discussion, an Alma site representative asked to confirm if we needed to have any level of harmonization as it relates to the user group in this scenario as it pertains to loan periods received at the owning library. @Greg Ferguson confirmed the following with Ex Libris:

          1. Each UC campus (institution) will have a fulfillment network user group created in their local Alma instance for the purpose of direct borrowing.

          2. This fulfillment network user group will then automatically be assigned to the linked record created for direct borrowing (assuming they are not in a restricted user group at their home institution) when information is retrieved and shared to the institutional instance.

          3. As this relates to loan policies at the owning institution, we may have some options, but this discussion is more appropriate for the Fulfillment & ILL FG:

            1. Utilize the default fulfillment network user group for all other UC direct borrowing patrons, creating a single group of loan policies, differentiated by location and item type, regardless of level (i.e., undergraduate, graduate student, staff, or faculty). According to Ex Libris, this is a common practice in fulfillment networks.

            2. Utilize the default fulfillment network user group for all other UC direct borrowing patrons, then use job category when setting circulation policy. This requires that other UCs would need to include job category information (students, staff, faculty) in the user records, allowing each campus to then configure different fulfillment rules based on job category.

            3.  Manually change the default fulfillment network user group in the linked user record to the local equivalent value. In theory, this would allow for the current practice (assuming we all currently follow this practice) of providing the same level of local privileges to the visiting patron at the owning campus library.


All - 1a. Create local patron data audit and cleanup document and place anonymized “snapshot” copy in shared folder.

ACTION: @Greg Ferguson will share the direct borrowing/linked patron/fulfillment network user group information with the Fulfillment & ILL FG chair




PCODE Revisit Redux

  • Reaffirm understanding related to migrating PCODE field data from Millennium

15 min


  • From 6/8 Minutes:

    • Will PMESSAGE migrate into Alma?

      • there is no direct translatable field into alma

      • could map to a letter in a note field

      • there is a way to make it a pop-up

    • Would still like to be able to use PCODE 2 & 3 - do these migrate?

      • there is way to extract these codes into alma - you can extract the codes using the export tools - you’ll just get a number that will be imported into alma. you’ll need to do manually mapping in alma - there will most likely be overhead in determining how to make the pcode-mapping useful in alma

  • 6/22 Update

    • @Greg Ferguson completed some tests with the Ex Libris Data Validation Tool and corresponded with Ex Libris about this topic.

      • UCSD hopes to migrate their PCODE3 data, currently used in Millennium to define a user’s Affiliation code (e.g., student major, employee department, or public user’s group) .

      • The migration tool allows for mapping/migration of data from the PCODE3 field in the patron data extract file to a USER_STAT_CATEGORY field in Alma.

      • Within the Migration Form spreadsheet, there is a “UserStatCategories” worksheet whereby we can define mappings of migrating Millennium PCODE3 numeric values to Alma “userStatCategory” codes and more detailed descriptions.

        • Ex Libris confirmed that this Alma “userStatCategory” code is alpha-numeric. We have the option of retaining our current numeric code structure or creating a new scheme for Alma. The only requirement is that the codes and descriptions (“names”) must be unique.


@Greg Ferguson will let @Andres Panado (Unlicensed) know what he learns from Ex Libris about migrating his codes.


  • Document what we need to be working on and questions we may have




Team decision to hold our Patron Data meetings bi-weekly. We’ll leave the meeting on the calendar and cancel as-needed.

All - (ONGOING) Add questions for up stream

Alma Sites

  • Share any lessons learned on document to help with future agenda topics



Parking Lot

  • Capture important topics for future discussion



  • Additional Circulation Data Topics to Think About

  • Alma/Primo Sites - Show and Tell

    • Dedicate some time to “what went wrong or what was great” to mentor “new” campuses.

  • From Governance Charge

    • A register of post-migration quality control tests and results from each campus implementation team. Due late 2021.

      1. To be discussed at a later date

    • A final report of any ongoing post-migration data issues. Due late 2021.

      1. To be discussed at a later date












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