2020-09-21 Patron Data Cleanup Group


Sep 21, 2020 ​​​​​​10am - 11am


  • Ross Anastos, UC Merced

  • Lai Arakawa, UC Irvine

  • Greg Ferguson, UC San Diego

  • Lacey Grawe, UC Riverside

  • Stephen Gurnick, UCLA

  • Marti Kallal, UC Santa Barbara

  • Andy Panado, UC San Francisco

  • Ryan Schwab, UC Santa Cruz

Not attending

  • Dave Rez, UC Berkeley

  • Derek Sisneros, UC Davis

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome








  • Add any new topics to the agenda

  • Take a temperature check / How is it going?

  • Confirm Minutes Recorder for this meeting - Lai Arakawa

    • In the event that the designated Recorder or Timekeeper is not in attendance, then an alternate volunteer will be requested for that given meeting


5 min


Shared Google drive





Vanguard Testing

  • Vanguard testers share initial findings related to patron data migration

30-40 min


  • UC San Diego

    • Preferred Names - did not migrate; initially told that they would not during Vanguard phase, but told by ExL just prior to data extract file due date that they could; ticket opened in Salesforce to investigate

    • Created Date - All reviewed dates migrated correctly; however, it is not displayed within any of the User tabs, rather via the More Information icon

    • Barcodes - Patron records with multiple barcodes migrated successfully with each barcode in separate fields in the User record; all reviewed examples of users with multiple barcodes retrieved records using each barcode successfully

    • Money Owed - Outstanding total amounts migrated successfully, but are not linked to any item records in Alma, especially in the case of items actively being billed for replacement (we knew this going in). Considering best options for Test Load phase.

    • Mailing Addresses - City, state, and zip code strings are not migrating into their respective separate fields in Alma, rather they are migrating into the next address line. For external users, may be resolved via SIS integration; for internal users, ExL recommended using CloudApps (but manual cleanup is option as well)

    • Multiple Patron Names - Patron records in source ILS that had two separate name fields migrated into Alma with the first name field used in the User account and the second added into a Note. Both names could still be used to retrieve the record.

    • Searching by User Name - Identified several strange behaviors and inconsistencies when attempting to retrieve user records by name:

      • When using persistent search bar, searches by last name and first initial resulted in either:

        • No results (when there should have been)

        • Results that were incomplete

      • Searches by last name and partial first name resulted in no results

      • In Fulfillment | Manage Patron Services, searches by last name only begets a browse list, but not in alphabetical order by patron name and not a complete browse list

    • Purge Date - In all reviewed user records, the Purge Date field was populated by the same date migrated into the Expiration Date field. Question: Is this significant?

  • UCLA, UCSB, and UCSF are still waiting to get accounts to get access into the environment

  • UCB recently got their environment.





G. Ferguson created a Google Doc in our shared folder for each Vanguard site to document and share issues or strange behavior that they identify during testing


Open Forum

  • Opportunity to ask anything if time allows








  • Document what we need to be working on and questions we may have





All - (ONGOING) Add questions for up stream

Alma Sites

  • Share any lessons learned on document to help with future agenda topics


Add post-migration patron data testing ideas to the document in the shared Google Drive.


Parking Lot

  • Capture important topics for future discussion



  • Additional Circulation Data Topics to Think About

  • Alma/Primo Sites - Show and Tell

    • Dedicate some time to “what went wrong or what was great” to mentor “new” campuses.

  • From Governance Charge

    • A register of post-migration quality control tests and results from each campus implementation team. Due late 2021.

      1. To be discussed at a later date

    • A final report of any ongoing post-migration data issues. Due late 2021.

      1. To be discussed at a later date












The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu