2020-06-01 Patron Data Cleanup Group


Jun 1, 2020 ​10am - 11a


  • Dave Rez, UC Berkeley

  • Derek Sisneros, UC Davis

  • Lai Arakawa, UC Irvine

  • Stephen Gurnick, UCLA

  • Ross Anastos, UC Merced

  • Lacey Grawe, UC Riverside

  • Greg Ferguson, UC San Diego

  • Andy Panado, UC San Francisco

  • Marti Kallal, UC Santa Barbara

  • Ryan Schwab, UC Santa Cruz

Not attending

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome








  • Add any new topics to the agenda

  • Take a temperature check / How is it going?

  • Confirm Minutes Recorder for this meeting - Lacey Grawe

    • In the event that the designated Recorder or Timekeeper is not in attendance, then an alternate volunteer will be requested for that given meeting


5 min


Shared Google drive




Lessons Learned Document

  • Create a shared document of lessons learned (as it relates to patron data) by campuses that have already migrated to Alma

5 min


Lessons Learned (Alma Libraries)

  • Homework from previous meeting was for Alma libraries to add to the shared document.

    • Only UCI has provided information at this time.

    • Reminder to other Alma libraries to please share any pertinent information.




Alma Administration Certification

  • Discuss Alma Administration Certification

10 min


Alma Administration Certification

  • The SILS Training & Outreach PM and groups are discussing the need of select project members to complete this certification process sooner rather than later.

  • They produced a draft list, assigning prioritization to each SILS UC-wide group.

    • Patron Data was classified as “Recommended”

    • More details will be shared as final decisions are made, however given the specificity of our group’s charge, requiring us to be certified seems unlikely.

    • Ultimately, the question is how would having a certified team member(s) improve the work of our team.

  • Lai, Derek, and Ryan are certified.

    • Process is long and you have a lot of videos to watch.

    • Handy to get an idea of how other units/department processes work in Alma.

  • @Greg Ferguson will forward on that we have 3 members who are already certified.




Tasks & Deliverables

  1. Confirm - Single UC-wide patron record database or separate institutional patron databases?

  2. Confirm - Should we migrate expired patron records?

  3. From Governance Charge -

  • A list of patron data cleanup activities and assignments that need to be accomplished prior to the initial data migration.

  • A list of patron data issues which require harmonization decisions, to be made available to the Implementation Coordinators group.

15 min


Ex Libris Migration Guides & Tutorials

  1. Status - COMPLETED - Single UC-wide patron record database or separate institutional patron databases?

    1. 5/21/20 - The Fulfillment & ILL FG decided that the UCs should have separate institutional patron databases.

  2. Status - COMPLETED - Should we migrate expired patron records?

    1. 5/21/20 - The Fulfillment & ILL FG decided that campuses should not migrate expired patron record if they have been expired for more than 1 year and currently have no items checked out or outstanding fines or bills.

  3. From Governance Charge -

    1. A list of patron data cleanup activities and assignments that need to be accomplished prior to the initial data migration.

      1. 5 campuses have provided copies of their documents; reminder to the remaining campuses to upload an anonymized copy as soon as possible.

    2. A list of patron data issues which require harmonization decisions, to be made available to the Implementation Coordinators group.

      1. Question: Now that the decision has been made regarding separate institutional patron databases, should we consider any harmonization?

        1. Do we need to harmonize to have the same primary identifiers?

          1. @Greg Ferguson will pose this question to Ex Libris.

          2. @Lacey Grawe (Unlicensed) will follow up about method of UC users having access at non-home campuses in.

      2. What type of harmonization can we even consider?


All - 3a. Create local patron data audit and cleanup document and place anonymized “snapshot” copy in shared folder.

@Greg Ferguson Will inquire with Ex Libris about whether there is a functional reason to have harmonized primary identifiers across UCs.



What Cannot Migrate to Alma?

  • Discuss issue of the reality that some fields in current ILS patron records may not have a natural home in an Alma user record

20 minutes


  • Millennium

    • Fixed-Fields

      • PCODEs

        • Affiliation (UCSD)

        • Delivery (UCSD)

        • Does not seem to be a direct PCODE3 mapping from Millennium to Alma.

    • Variable-Fields

      • Proxy (UCSD)

      • Pronouns (UCSD)

        • UCB going to be moving to using pronouns in the future as well.

        • To use the note field would mean wiping out all other library notes to get pronouns into records.

      • Using the Alma LIBRARY_NOTE field

      • Need to look at what fields don’t have a natural place to migrate.

        • If so, where can it migrate?

  • Voyager?

  • WMS?

    • Looking at the fields and how they transfer over.

    • Working on cleaning out users.





  • Document what we need to be working on and questions we may have





All - (ONGOING) Add questions for up stream

Alma Sites

  • Share any lessons learned on document to help with future agenda topics



Parking Lot

  • Capture important topics for future discussion



  • Additional Circulation Data Topics to Think About

    • Regional resource sharing programs

      • How will those active loans be migrated into Alma?

    • What else do we have and where will it go?

      • Ex. at UCSD - Pronouns

    • Dual status campus affiliates (users that are both a current student and an employee)

      • How do we each manage that now?

  • Alma/Primo Sites - Show and Tell

    • Dedicate some time to “what went wrong or what was great” to mentor “new” campuses.

  • From Governance Charge

    • A register of post-migration quality control tests and results from each campus implementation team. Due late 2021.

      1. To be discussed at a later date

    • A final report of any ongoing post-migration data issues. Due late 2021.

      1. To be discussed at a later date












The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu