2020-09-17 Meeting notes


Sep 17, 2020 2-3:30 pm


  • @Tom Bustos , co-chair

  • @Carlo Medina (Unlicensed) , co-chair

  • @Lakshmi Arunachalam

  • @Ramon Barcia

  • @Susan Boone

  • @Greg Ferguson

  • @Lynne E. Grigsby

  • @Robin Gustafson

  • @Jeremy Hobbs

  • @Gillian Keleher (working out of state - may not be available)

  • @Sarah Lindsey

  • @Caitlin Nelson

  • @Alison Ray (CDL)

  • @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) , PM

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Check-in / Logistics

Report any major changes in availability / circumstances



  • Nov 2, new Sys Librarian coming to UCB!

  • UCD UG library will be reopening! 25K students.

  • UCLA will be doing curbside pickup and digitizing e-reserves materials and putting into CMS. Carlo will be very busy the next 3 weeks.

  • Merced evacuated some of the Yosemite archives due to the fires nearby.




Local staff as Vanguard demo "viewers"

Response from WG: For general demos that do not expose any sensitive data from your campus or another campus, you are fine — no need for a person watching a demo to fill out the data security acknowledgement form.

However, if you’re looking at another campus’s identified patron data, you should sign a form. Demos should be using anonymized data.







ILS Data cleanup / Patron Data groups / PPC


  • Oct 30 is PPC’s proposed deadline for decisions that affect mapping and other forms. Approval requested from ICs. Fist of five vote.



  • Nothing to report from Patron Data or ILSDC.

  • Comments on Oct 30 decision deadline: If it’s a major change, it could take more than 5 weeks to do data cleanup. For small decisions, it’s plenty of time.

  • Example at UCSD: location code audit desired which means getting rid of some codes and standardizing others; possibly using the migration form to merge others in Alma. Would the work need to be completed by Oct 30? No, local data cleanup can happen right up to test load delivery.

  • Need to know what the decisions are before agreeing to Oct 30.

  • PPC says look here for decisions:

Give PPC a day or so to provide the list(s) of decisions (including anything new that might come up).

@Caitlin Nelson to update IC group with next steps early next week on decision deadline and what decisions might affect things.

Basecamp accounts

Discuss and comment on proposal to open Basecamp more broadly in the full implementation phase (provide accounts by request).

Get feedback on the best practices document

Request to clean up message board in preparation for the next phase: Archive your messages that have been answered to your satisfaction. (Archived messages are still findable in a search).



  • Will adding more people to Basecamp dilute its utility for the core user groups, ICs, PPC, and IT? Shouldn’t. ICs and chairs will manage who gets added, so it should not be an overwhelming number of new accounts.

  • Will adding more people to Basecamp create too much work in answering questions and troubleshooting problems about Basecamp? We hope not.

  • What’s the best way to share best practices and what happens if users do not follow them? ICs will point them to the document when they give out the account.

  • Limit to only cohort? Include local implementation team members who are not in the cohort? Allow ICs and others chairs to determine who on the local teams should be included? Leave it at the discretion of chairs and ICs.

  • When should access begin? Should it begin immediately to allow new users to get used to Basecamp before Implementation begins or wait until Implementation phase launches on Nov 5? Begin now. Add accounts as needed. No need to wait.

  • Other comments: Happy to be able to add people and not have to do as much screenscraping from BC.

Proceed. Best practices are fine.



Timeline review

Post questions in Basecamp as they come up. It’s open 24/7!

PM week-by-week timeline with testing, data cleanup

Stay up to date on timeline / deadlines: Basecamp To-Dos and share “good to know’s”

In the works: (reported 8/20)



Update on delay in delivering UCB’s Alma/Primo VE: Caused by problem with Oracle db upgrade. New ETA for delivery is 9/18.

Ex Libris meetings upcoming:

  • RLF presentation to Ex Libris at Sep 21 weekly project update meeting.

  • Authority control on Sep 24. Questions were due 9/10.

  • CDL SCP Workflow on Oct 1 (demo how SCP records will be loaded). Questions due 9/17.

  • Oct 2-9 Alma workshops (Invites were sent to the SILS-Cohort listserv. Let Neil Weingarten know if you did not receive them.)

  • Vanguard Analytics demo on Oct 12 (Connie Braun, trainer will provide a brief analytics overview for both an IZ and the NZ; 90 minutes, 1-2:30)

    • For the full implementation project, we will have a more in-depth look at Analytics in the IZs and the NZ - and they will be 2 separate sessions.

  • New – Nov 2: Lessons Learned at weekly project update (ICs + Ex Libris)

  • Nov 5: Kickoff Full Implementation

  • New - Nov 6-20 Migration meetings (TBD) Note: No other Thursday special meetings will be held those weeks as a result.

  • Configuration general meeting on Jan 7, 2021 10am-12pm. It will be recorded. It’s a prerequisite before the individual meetings.

  • Save the date: UCLA, UCSF, UCSD, UCB, UCM for individual config meetings during this period: Jan 8 + Jan 11-15. (We’ll set the actual meetings later.)

Vanguard completion checklist:

  • On EXL side:

    • Completion of reviews for Alma Essentials and Administration Fundamentals trainings - DONE!

    • All environments delivered (Alma and Primo VE) - IN PROGRESS

    • Initial Alma configurations loaded - IN PROGRESS

    • Vanguard Alma Workshop completed

    • Kickoff for full project occurs - Nov 5

  • On UCS side:

    • Reviewed Alma Essentials and Administration Fundamentals trainings - DONE!

    • Gain experience with data migration preparation – including files, forms and processes - DONE!

    • Begin initial review of data migration - IN PROGRESS

    • Report data migration issues to EXL for review and planning for full Test Load - IN PROGRESS

    • Begin initial review of configurations and plan for future adjustments

    • Kickoff for full project occurs - Nov 5

  • Question about when integrations work would begin. In particular, Aeon: Primo VE campuses, there still isn't an actual Aeon integration right?
 UCSC is still running a workaround. Aeon has been working with UCR directly - it’s API calls, not ExL related. Jeremy has Aeo working the older version of Primo. He is not seeing the Aeon links in Primo VE. He is investigating with Ex Libris. Adrian Petrisor provided a lot of great information. UCI has done integration with Aeon for Primo but not VE. petrisor@uci.edu

ICs agreed to proceed with the Sep 21 date as planned (beginning to grant non-vanguard accounts, and lifting the moratorium on editing data) EXCEPT — The moratorium still applies to UCB data which should not be changed until Lynne gives the green light that they have completed their data validation and configuration checking. In addition, Lynne will announce when UCB is ready to grant accounts. 

@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) to ask for migration meeting agenda; who will be leading the meetings? Can we request who leads the meetings? communication and presentation skills vary.




Vanguard testing

Vanguard testing decision page (includes links to all other resources)

Data security acknowledgment google form is in the Data Security IC folder on gdrive.

Round-robin with vanguard campuses: Share progress on local implementation testing; anything you want to share with the group? anything the group can help you with?

Ballpark how long you think testing will take. We are trying to understand what September and October will look like.

Are we on track for starting to issue accounts by Sep 21?



  • UCLA - some linking issues; no really bad errors. Acq discovered that PO’s came in with an error - UCLA is looking into it.

  • Greg – 1000’s of records fell into multi-match list. Nothing major from local testers. Greg is doing patron data testing. When he calls up his record by name “Ferguson G” he only gets one name and it’s not him. If he types “Gregory” he gets it, but not “Greg”. Ferguson L does not pull up any names at all. Jeremy uses lastname, firstname rather than partial names.

  • UCSF is just getting started.

  • CDL only has 12 users that Alison hand entered. Some dbs came over in ways that were not unexpected but in their heart of hearts not what they wanted.

  • UCSB going well. Leaders of functional areas got accounts to look around and are creating the tests. Jeremy is looking at the general system level. Hired a new Primo person!

  • Are we on track with testing? Carlo needs to check with Andy to ensure they are on track. Lena is checking with Marci to understand more about the relationship between the IZ and NZ to see if data changes will negatively impact UCB.

  • Can people make config changes in Primo? YES. There’s some metadata involved if you’re adding CDI.


@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) will ask Marci whether the analytics upgrades in Oct/Nov will affect the SILS? (Jeremy did the upgrade already and it was fine.) Answer: post to Basecamp.

Other / Homework




  • What happens to folks who signed up for accounts? Delay.

  • Gotchas for Lynne?

    • Carlo: Logged in as your main campus but if you have multiple libraries you don’t see the physical locations until you get into the actual library.

    • For setting up accounts, Susan spent a lot of time in the spreadsheets. Admin doesn’t do what you think it does. Susan can share her spreadsheet of roles.

    • Carlo clicked on everything leading up to Admin to quickly get people in. it’s like a pyramid of roles to get to admin.

    • Greg clicked so much he injured his shoulder! Setting up role profiles took hours! It’s hard if you have people working at multiple circ desks you have to enter them multiple times. Everyone was assigned “patron” so he would not include this in the role next time. caused an extra click. To activate, it was a click. Lots of painful clicking!

    • The more libraries you have, the worse it is. RIP Berkeley

    • Don't forget about user and role expiration dates as well

    • Test that testers can see what you expect them to see.

    • Sarah - adding manual permissions - some are turned on and some are not; need to ensure they are all active “on”. Check it on the person’s page to ensure they are on. You should only have to do this once profile.




Parking lot




Suggestion: Last week of October for SILS lessons learned and show and tell by each vanguard campus (Oct 29 IC meeting) - In advance of Nov 2 formal lessons learned with Ex Libris?






60 / 90







The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu