2021-06-17 Meeting notes


Jun 17, 2021 2-3:30 pm


  • @Tom Bustos , co-chair

  • @Carlo Medina (Unlicensed) , co-chair

  • @Lakshmi Arunachalam

  • @Ramon Barcia

  • @Susan Boone

  • @Greg Ferguson

  • @Jackie Gosselar

  • @Lynne E. Grigsby

  • @Robin Gustafson

  • @Jeremy Hobbs

  • @Gillian Keleher

  • @Sarah Lindsey

  • @Caitlin Nelson

  • @Alison Ray (CDL)

  • @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) , PM


  • Andy Kohler, UCLA (if needed)

Discussion items
















ILSDC update




  • TJ created a Trello board for SILS post-migration data cleanup. ICs and campus staff are welcome to have access.

    • ILSDC suggests you make a local copy of the Trello board to share with your campus. Remove the parts that don’t apply to you.

  • Met with ExL on a plan. ILSDC is providing files to be suppressed. Between 7/9-26 ExL will suppress as many as possible and provide a report with what they were not able to suppress.

    • Campuses should review those reports to ensure the right records were suppressed.

    • Unsure if ExL will keep suppressing post-go-live or whether campuses need to do this.

      • Catherine will confirm if this is the case.


@Catherine Busselen will confirm if ExL will keep suppressing records post-go-live or whether campuses need to do this.

Q&A (recurring) - urgent questions

Do you have a question to discuss at the meeting? Add it below with your name.

  1. (From Discovery) Purpose of sheet: to let EUOS, Discovery, ICs, Comms, and PMs primarily get a clearer picture of what is the same/not across our campuses. Is this accurate info?

  2. GK: UC-shared ebooks in NZ & Course Reserves Reading list update; more information, local workaround:

    • We can create a local electronic collection for "Course Reserves" or several local electronic collections for each quarter, depending on how we want to manage the ebooks.

    • In this collection we would create a local portfolio in our IZ, attached to the same NZ bib record as the CDL ebook and use the CDL ebook's URL.  This portfolio can then be added to the course reserve.

    • Once the course is over we can delete the local portfolio.  I recommend not keeping the local portfolio beyond the course, in case of URL changes. It would be better to re-add the local portfolio if a course needs the same ebook in the future.  But also, it won't hurt anything to keep them around either.

  3. Is AEFG recommending that campuses load records into the IZ first and then link out to NZ or is it OK with folks importing directly into the NZ first? Our Acq and Cataloging folks are confused (as am I!) (Jeremy)

  4. Lynne commented that decisions we make today may be revisited later as we learn.



  1. Discovery configs: Check to ensure your campus data is accurate (your discovery may have already done this.)

  2. FYI update; not a question

  3. Jeremy got his question answered.




Fulfillment issues on digitization

Joe walked through the issues FFFG identified and shared the Confluence doc that tracks the issues.








Go-Live coordination

Alison’s draft go-live (day-of) countdown with hour by hour CDL work

  1. Do you have a backup plan in the event key staff are not available during go-live?

    1. Is it for a couple of days or the whole week?

    2. What if your IZ is delivered early? Will staff be prepared?

    3. Awareness that each IZ and NZ instance will be delivered as soon as it’s available. We don’t control the order in which they are delivered. They cannot be all held and delivered at the same time. This means extra time for some institutions should they get early delivery of their IZ/NZ.

  2. On early delivery of IZ/NZ from Marci:

    • ExL Prof Services does not get notified in advance about early delivery - we get the environments when we do. And then we review them before agreeing for Migration to copy them to production (which needs to happen before we release the environment to the campus for review).

    • We have provided a date for when we expect to deliver them (on or by Friday July 23rd). If the campuses want to be proactive and prepare for a just-in-case early delivery, I would suggest them being available a few days in advance of that.

    • NOTE: The non-Alma campuses' Fulfillment Cutover is a separate delivery and usually is next day after data is provided to us (and will differ for your campuses) - Sun/Mon - Mon/Tues.

    • Advice from Lena: Get your test plans ready; block off a couple of days in advance to review your testing plans with your local team; have staff ready/available; remind staff you can’t change data until you have accepted your data.

      • See

From 6/17 Office hours: Can we make data or configuration changes in Alma once we receive the system on Fri July 23? 

  • No - you cannot make changes to the system prior to data/environment acceptance (minus changing users from external to internal for testing if needed). 

  • Do note that should EXL deliver your environments early (prior to Fri July 23rd), and should you accept your environments early (prior to EOD Mon July 26), this would enable you to have time prior to Go Live to make additional changes to your system. You also have the option to work over the weekend. 


Carlo, Tom

  1. Backup plan:

    1. Yes: UCR, UCM, UCI, UCB

    2. Not yet/in progress: UCSF, UCSD, UCSB





Timeline review / PM update

Stay up to date on timeline / deadlines



Any questions on the timeline?

Followup Qs on Salesforce post-go-live:

  • Will campuses see all of their ExL SF cases in one place, including for products that are not Alma/Primo, e.g., RefWorks, ProQuest, etc.?

  • Is it possible to choose whether to see all products or only Alma/Primo?


  • A SF user at a campus should be able to see all of their campus' cases for all of their products.

  • Based on the doc (added below) they may even be able to see cases from other campuses in the consortia. Marci never heard this before - but in your situation you will be able to do it with the PM super user account or anyone directly under the UCS parent account (like the special account Gem created).

  • I did not see anything about limiting the view of the lists of cases to a product - however you could ask one of the live campuses with multiple products and they can let you know if they can do that.

  • I do however see in the doc that you can limit a user to only being able to open cases for specific products.

  • Please see the for more information.

  • REMINDER for PMs: We will need to do SF clean up work post Go Live to move the existing live Alma campuses and CDL under the UCS parent umbrella (this still does not prevent anyone from opening cases at this time!). And there may be a month delay for doing the clean up work due to the 30 day extension for the current live Alma campuses.

Special meetings




Parking lot




  • [Hold for after 6/25] Clarification on Alma/Primo known issues page on Confluence: We have a suggestion to use it for product issues (Alma/Primo) that are controlled by Ex Libris; not for known issues as a result of CDL’s data clean-up and campus-level e-resources management (or non-migration related access issues that also may surface/be tracked).

    • Does everyone agree with this approach? Yes.

    • Do we need another list for internal known issues? Who manages it? Set it up decision page style so each group has one and it feeds into a consolidated view? (may be too much overhead?) - Return to this Q

  • [Hold for after 6/25] Risk assessment for Go-Live

    • ICs to do local risk assessment and share select risks before Jul 1

    • Go Live Risks sheet (feel free to make a copy for your local imp team risk assessment)

    • Brainstorm mitigations together with ICs at Jul 1 or Jul 8 (Jeremy reported in chat that fiscal close makes Jul 1 a busy time.) Preference?

  • Post go-live: Decide which IZ(s) to use for the analytics workshop (in addition to the NZ). Nothing will be edited during the demo. One suggestion from the trainer is to use a different IZ each day.

    • Would you like your IZ demo’ed in the analytics workshop? (Polled on slack)

      • Yes: UCB, UCSF

      • No: UCR, UCSB

  • In preparation for the eventual switch from implementation to support (and to Salesforce exclusively), new-to-Alma ICs should consider who should have Salesforce accounts (have it in place before go-live). Understand best practices in opening cases. Ex Libris has a template. See Basecamp post.








Review decisions and actions.







The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu