Bib record management in the Vanguard
Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided
Status | decided |
Description | We need to decide whether bibs will be managed at the IZ or NZ level for the Vanguard |
Decision | See below |
Owning group | Resource Management FG |
Approver | PPC |
Stakeholders | R = Resource Management IG |
Decision-making process |
Due date | Aug 11, 2020 |
Generally, campuses should manage all of their records from within their own IZ, including NZ-linked bibs with a few exceptions. Use cases should be developed over the course of the Vanguard.
Generally, records should be imported into the NZ (through a campus IZ) by default unless they belong to a category expressly prohibited from being added to the NZ. See Bibliographic records to leave out of the Vanguard NZ Different import profiles should be used to ensure different categories of records are handled appropriately. RMFG will work to develop some of these import profiles (and related rules) to address shared import scenarios and concerns.
For Vanguard there is no reason to use an “enforced network zone.”
For actions that require an NZ administrator role, accounts with appropriate permissions should be requested from the CDL IC.
SCP local fields should be protected during overlay since import profiles should not erase local data.
Campus catalogers should not delete CDL/SCP bibs. Most cohort members will not have permissions that even allow deletion of NZ bibs and Alma has several layers of protection in place to prevent bibs with inventory from being deleted. RMFG can discuss further as examples turn up in the Vanguard.
ExLibris documentation:
From Phase 3:
Where do bib records get managed? What exactly is meant by “managed”?
ExL give us a choice to manage records at the institutional zone or network zone, and there are ramifications to either choice.
Do we want one big shared catalog? How do we want to organize and manage our bib records?
See other decision pages (SCP, SFX, and related resource records handling for eResource records in NZ - VANGUARD , Order of Network Zone Record Loading - Vanguard Authentication into Network Zone environment - Implementation )
From ExLibris on setting cataloger permissions:
Campuses cannot delete NZ records that have any other IZs linked to them
Questions to consider
Do we want to allow everyone to edit NZ records?
Campuses need some ways to edit NZ records and should be allowed to make changes to any NZ record for a resource that they own/to which they have access but who needs an actual NZ login?
Campuses can edit NZ records from within their own IZ for the most part, anecdotally there are issues with deleting NZ records within an IZ even if there are no other consortial holdings.
Is CDL the sole administrator for the NZ?
If no, how do campuses determine who has NZ access and how do they make that request?
If yes, is CDL ok with handling changes to things like bibs for tangible resources? For example: if/when the UCs set up daily OCLC bib change notifications, will CDL process them even if the changed bibs are for resources they have nothing to do with acquiring?
Partial answer: NZ admin accounts will be available as needed for specific tasks.
What kind of communication structures do we need for Vanguard?
Might be able to leverage Alma versioning to ask questions about changes if needed
Cataloger listserv for Vanguard?
Probably too much overhead.
Are we assuming that most/all of our records will be available in the NZ?
Yes. Aside from some specific exceptions
Should we be looking at the “enforced” network zone?
Alma has 3 options that can be set at the consortial level:
Default institution: new records are added to the IZ (have to be linked to NZ afterwards)
Default network: new records are added to the NZ (IZ-only records have to be unlinked afterwards)
Enforce network: all records are added to the NZ no matter what. User does not have the option to add to IZ only.
How do people interact with/add local fields in the NZ?
Campus specific fields (950-999)
These can be added while logged into an IZ, they just won’t show up in the NZ version of the record
System-wide local notes (900-949)
These can be added while logged into either the NZ or IZ and will show up in all NZ-linked IZ copies of the record along with the NZ copy
SCP related issues:
Protection of SCP local fields (collection titles(formerly 793), vendor title identifiers, …?)
Policy & procedure on deleting SCP records (i.e. bib records attached to CDL portfolios)
Record merging rules (prevent SCP records being merged, i.e. protect SCP data loss)
Action Log
Action/Point Person | Expected Completion Date | Notes | Status |
Escalate to TSEG/ICs--Liz | 07/24/2020 |
| Done |
Brought back to RMFG for discussion | 09/09/2020 |
| Done |
RMFG vote | 09/15/2020 |
| Done |
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