Bibliographic records to leave out of the Vanguard NZ

Bibliographic records to leave out of the Vanguard NZ

Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided




Decide on which bibliographic record categories should not be migrated to the Vanguard Network Zone.


See below

Owning group

Resource Management FG




R= Resource Management FG

C = ILSDC, Discovery FG, Technical Services Escalation Leaders Group

Decision-making process


Due date

Jun 26, 2020


This decision only encompasses whether a given category of bibliographic record should be added into the Alma Network Zone for the Vanguard during data migration. It does not address whether a given category of record should be migrated into a campus IZ or how to prevent those records from being migrated into the NZ, that will be left up to ILS Data Cleanup and the local campus groups. It also acknowledges that there will be errors during the migration and data extract process.

To the extent possible, the following categories of records should be left out of the Alma NZ:

  • Records for local equipment

  • Records for non-library reserves resources (i.e., personal copy)

  • Records marked for deletion

  • On the fly records

  • Other records lacking OCLC numbers

    • Records without OCLC numbers should only load into IZ

    • Campuses can add them to the NZ post-migration using linking jobs

To the extent possible, the following categories of records should definitely be added to the Alma NZ:

  • Monograph records for analyzed serials lacking inventory (item record is linked to the serial record)

  • Finding aids

  • Bound-with records

The remaining categories listed below will be left to the discretion of each campus:

  • Records for campus DDA programs

    • SCP will load their DDA records since they are part of the UC shared collection

  • Records for locally-subscribed e-resources

  • Suppressed records/Suppressed records with paid/cancelled orders

    • Campuses should be wary of the fact that suppression is “inherited” in the NZ: if the first record in is suppressed, then all subsequent matches will also be suppressed, regardless of whether they were suppressed in the originating system

    • Ideally, suppressed records should generally not be migrated into the NZ but for the Vanguard there will be circumstances that make it impossible to leave them out and they will provide a good opportunity for testing

  • Brief records without cat dates, including brief records for materials on order

  • Uncataloged records (beyond brief records)

  • Bib records with cat date but without attached items, orders or holdings

  • Campus RLF records

    • Some campuses may want to migrate their copy of a given RLF record if they have additional local holdings or if they want to compare their copy of the record with the copy loaded as part of the RLF data

  • Campus RLF records for analyzed serials where RLF only has the serial bib

  • MARCIVE and other records with sharing limitations

    • From the Technical Services Escalation Group: Records with sharing limitations should not be exported into the Network Zone. However, given the Vanguard environment is just a UC sandbox, it will not matter if any record sets with restrictions migrate to the NZ at this point. Campuses should strive to make themselves aware by the time of the actual implementation of any record sets with such sharing restrictions, so that they may negotiate with the provider the broader UC sharing of the data, or if that is not possible make plans for the data to migrate no further than the IZ.


      TSELG has started to collect information on each campus's licenses/contracts (related to vendor services) and will work with CDL for any needed attempts at joint negotiation of records prior to full cut-over. We will share the information with you as we make progresses.

      • See separate decision pages for MARCIVE and Shelf-ready

  • Other records lacking inventory

Campuses will document their local decisions regarding each category for assessment in the Vanguard and to help make final decisions for go-live


There are so many categories of records and each campus has different reasons for wanting them in or out of the NZ along with varying capacities for cleanup. There are a few clear choices that can be made but otherwise the rest of the decisions surrounding which records a given campus can/should add to the NZ should be left up to them for testing in the Vanguard. Since so many of these categories impact so many other groups, it makes more sense to keep the options open and allow for a wider range of assessment options.

Assessment for Vanguard:

Each category can be re-considered and input from other stakeholders can be solicited, including Fulfillment, Discovery, Acq/ERM and Special Collections.

Campuses expressed a desire for more guidance with regard to each category and so extensive discussion with other groups and post-migration testing will be needed.

Campuses also expressed a need to test how campus RLF data shows up in the Vanguard since some campuses have a need to record the provenance of items for faculty, selectors, etc.


The ILS Data Cleanup Group would like advice on whether there are other groups of records that campuses should plan on leaving out of the Network Zone?

All SCP records will be loaded directly into the Network Zone. Campus records will be loaded into their own IZ first and then matched against the NZ.

For purposes of discovery, there may be categories of records that should stay in a local IZ instead of being matched against the NZ.

This decision does not need to include recommendations about how records get left out of the NZ, ILSDC will handle the logistics.

This decision is not meant to dictate what a campus will or will not migrate into their own IZ.

This decision does not prohibit additions to the NZ after migration.

Questions to consider

  • Records for campus DDA programs

    • SCP will load their DDA records

  • Records for locally-subscribed e-resources

  • Records for local equipment

    • Leave out of the NZ

  • Records for non-library reserves resources (i.e., personal copy)

    • Leave out of the NZ

  • Brief records for materials on order

  • Monograph records for analyzed serials lacking inventory (item record is linked to the serial record)

    • Bring these over

  • Other records lacking inventory

  • Suppressed records

    • Keep in mind that suppression is “inherited” in the NZ: if the first record in is suppressed, then all subsequent matches will also be suppressed, regardless of whether they were suppressed in the original system

  • Records marked for deletion

    • Leave out of the NZ

  • Bound with records

    • Bring these over

  • Brief records without cat dates

  • Bib records with cat date but without attached items, orders or holdings

  • On the fly records?

    • Leave out of the NZ

  • ‘Uncataloged records’

  • Campus RLF records

  • Campus RLF records for analyzed serials where RLF only has the serial bib

  • Suppressed records with paid/cancelled orders?

  • Other records lacking OCLC numbers?

    • Creating fake numbers to force a load (Liz will confirm and warn)

      • Any 035 with a prefix “(OCoLC)” will be considered an OCLC number for the purposes of migration. This means that “fake” numbers are possible.

      • From ExLibris:

        • QUESTION: in theory could a campus create 035 data like this:


          In order to get the record added to the NZ?


          The ucsd would not be stripped during the migration process.  Please note that if the IZ record contains 035 $a (OCoLC)ucsd1234567, this is what will be used to match to NZ records:

          Scenario 1)
          IZ: 035 $a (OCoLC)ucsd1234567
          NZ:035 $a (OCoLC)ucsd1234567
          Outcome of IZ-NZ linking job: match made

          Scenario 2)
          IZ: 035 $a (OCoLC)ucsd1234567
          NZ:035 $a (OCoLC)1234567
          Outcome of IZ-NZ linking job: no match made

        • Would this be any easier than batch linking after migration? Are the risks of incorrect matches too high?


    • Escalated to TS Escalation leaders

  • Finding aids

    • Should be in the NZ. Campuses can investigate whether they want to try to use something like OAC In the CZ or link local IZ records. The effect of either decision can be tested and assessed with the SC CKG during the Vanguard.

  • Any other records that would/could be added to Alma/Primo from an external source?

  • Records with sharing limitations

    • Escalated to TS Escalation leaders

Action Log

Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



FG members get initial reactions/input from campuses to bring to June 16 meeting

Before June 16



Solicit Discovery FG input for critical categories

Before June 30



Send draft to RM FG for final review

June 19



Final RM FG vote

June 23



Routed to PPC for approval

June 26



Routed to ILSDC

June 26



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