2020-06-22 IC-SC Meeting notes


Jun 22, 2020 3-4


  • @Carlo Medina (Unlicensed) , co-chair

  • @Caitlin Nelson, SSM

  • @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) , PM

  • @Tom Bustos , co-chair

Not attending

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Check-in / Update

Report any major changes in availability / circumstances

Reminder to ensure everyone got the 2-hour meeting invite.



  • Tom is now back on 8-5! Last week of July out of town but will be here for July 30 meeting.

  • Carlo will be diverting a lot of time to preparing data for the vanguard working with his team.

  • Lena reissued the 2-hour meeting invite in a final attempt to get it right. Success!




Anything issues from Slack, Email, Basecamp that need discussion, action?




  • UCLA will be moving data over to test and editing there; would such an option be available for UCSB in their sandbox?




Sharing decisions at local campus groups (discussed briefly in PPC)

How should we communicate this?

Every FG is representative and will consult locally and bring decisions to their local group. The IC is the chair of the local group so ultimately IC is charged to ensure decisions are implemented in local groups.



  • Confirm IC is the chair of the local group for all groups. Ben and Adrian (Com Leads) are working on this sheet.

  • Let ICs know that the communication path from project to local group has been communicated to All Chairs.

    • ICs are not the designated problem-solvers for some questions → redirect FG back to their FG chairs or group as a whole.



@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) add to Ops Leads agenda: where have we documented communication path from project to local group? (see All Chairs meeting notes). Good to have a place of record to link to.

Ex Libris meetings and cohort

Determine process for who to include in meetings with Ex Libris and ensuring they are informed/invited well in advance. (Briefly discussed by ExL/PMs on 6/18; discussed in PPC 6/19).

Proposal: As a general rule, Ex Libris meetings are for ICs. All meetings will be recorded and the cohort will have access to the spreadsheet with the recording links. PMs will look ahead to upcoming meetings to surface who should attend beyond the ICs; Consult with PPC and ICs.

(Alison Ray asked on IC channel) Are Special Meetings/Office Hours open to anyone at UC (i.e., campus local groups)? Or, is it IC-only participation to ensure the meeting stays on focus? Then providing the recordings to all meetings for the cohort (who could share locally, as desired.)



  • We need to find the balance so the PMs and ICs aren’t scrambling to invite individuals at the last minute.

  • Funnel questions in advance to Basecamp via ICs, chairs

  • IC Steering and PPC Steering consider who should attend - recurring agenda item.

  • IC Steering communicates to ILSDC and Patron Data

  • Does TOC / Training need to attend?

  • Why should we be at these meetings vs. watch the recording? the value is in asking questions in person; however there will be limited time to ask questions.

  • Allow anyone (beyond Vanguard) to attend but question-asking priority goes to Vanguard institutions.

    • Non-vanguard can also type in chat, or in Basecamp. Ex Libris will respond.

  • Communication path: IC Steering to ICs; From PPC Steering to PPC chairs; ICs and PPC chairs decide who comes.

  • Communicate that these special meetings will be repeated for Implementation. This is the vanguard series aimed at the vanguard institutions.

  • Would be good to know what the scope and objective are for each meeting?


@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) and @Caitlin Nelson will summarize the communication plan for weekly Ex Libris meetings.

Ex Libris meeting recordings for cohort

Confirm we can share links to meeting recordings with the cohort.

Should we encourage ICs and PPC to share recordings more broadly with their local campus groups?

How do we publicize the spreadsheet? Put it in the Cohort main folder (rather than IC folder)? Link to it from Confluence home page?

Should we ask everyone to record meetings to the cloud so local groups can have access? That is, if the meeting is downloaded onto the Cohort google shared drive, access will be limited.



  • Share meeting recordings with Cohort? YES

  • Share recordings with local groups? YES

  • Record meetings to the cloud? If possible. Otherwise at least record with intent to share somehow.




Communicating about vanguard training plan

Is everyone (IC, TOC, PPC) in agreement about who will participate in training (meetings, testing, etc.)?

We need to ensure the message is consistent and share it with Com Leads for communicating broadly.

Notes from meeting with Marci:

Typically, vanguard is much smaller; training for vanguard will be repeated later for the full cohort. It’s fine to participate in training during vanguard if desired. Training is needed for vanguard testing. Vanguard campuses will test in their environments; Merced could follow along using their sandbox.



  • Confusion about the purpose of training and the various levels of training and certification.

  • Ex Libris is fine if non-vanguard institutions participate in training.

  • ICs are coordinating the training for their local groups. FGs are likely the people who need the training. How do we ensure non-IC members are aware of the training meetings?

  • Can local group members attend the training? Yes!

  • Determine the best way to share the Zoom info, weekly topics and links to basecamp for adding questions. (Q&As will cover questions that are asked in advance; questions will also be answered post-meeting from the meeting chat)

  • ICs and SILS Chairs are empowered to select the specialists at your campus who should attend (question-asking priority will go to the Vanguard institutions.)




Access to sandboxes for non-vanguard libraries

Xiaoli (PPC) asked:

What’s the plan for the vanguard environment (including sandboxes) during the vanguard phase?

What decisions/discussion has happened in the ICs around sandboxes?

What’s the best way to allow non-vanguard libraries to have access to vanguard sandboxes to see how data is showing up?

Related: Would sandboxes be a good discussion item for SILS Chairs meeting? Would Tom and Carlo want to facilitate that discussion?



  • local testing and systemwide testing – how to make sure they don’t mess each other’s testing up - coordinating so we don’t step on each other

  • How do non-vanguard institutions participate? allowing broad access as much as possible

  • Where do we start? Talk to Ex Libris about their experience and how this might work for us?

  • Yes, this would be appropriate to discuss at All Chairs.

  • What information do we need to answer before we put it on the agenda?

  • Our assumptions: we should be able to create personal accounts


@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) to add to the weekly PM meeting with Marci agenda: discuss testing

Decisions in process

Awareness of any decisions in the queue that need consultation from ICs

Do we need to revisit the idea of having PMs (or someone) review decisions in process to ensure the RACI/decision-making process is fleshed out? For example, the ICs were not mentioned as consultants in the Order of Load for the NZ. Also, would a final date be helpful for the decision rollup? Currently, the due date is the closest thing but it might vary by weeks from the final approval date.






Meeting backups

What agreement did you make in the group? Here’s the taking time off policy.

Do we know how long Lakshmi Arunachalam will be filling in? Do we need to add her to project collab tools, listservs, etc.?



  • Same policy for ICs as the official policy.


@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) will inquire at UCI how long a replacement is needed.

ILSDC and Patron Data deliverables

ILSDC and Patron Data have deliverables with deadlines in their charge: who/how are they monitoring those deliverables? 

  • The chairs of ILSDC and Patron Data + IC-SC should be monitoring this: Carlo is Patron Data, and Tom is ILSDC liaison.

  • Invite Greg and Catherine to the IC-SC meeting to have a talk about how to track and monitor iterative deliverables. Next meeting?



  • Yes!


@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) will invite Greg and Catherine to the next IC-SC meeting (6/29)

Set IC agenda




Ran out of time. Caitlin and Lena reviewed the agenda.




Other / Homework










60 / 60





Future agenda items

The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu