Statistics: Remove “electronic” and “physical” format designators from Resource Type Labels in annual statistics reporting
  • Verified
  • Statistics: Remove “electronic” and “physical” format designators from Resource Type Labels in annual statistics reporting


    See Best Practices for Decision Pages and Tags for groups
    Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided





    Decision summary

    Remove “ - Electronic” and “ - Physical” format designators from resource type labels in final ACRL/IPEDS, ARL, and UCL/UCOP annual statistics. Retain these designators (the original Resource Type labels from SILS) in Detailed (All Data) reports to support review and verification by campuses.

    Owning group

    AASAP Team sils-aasa-l@listserv.ucop.edu


    AASAP Team members


    CDL / Systemwide Library Planning



    Decision-making process

    AASA-PT team discussion



    Target decision date

    Jul 25, 2024

    Date decided

    Aug 12, 2024


    Remove “ - Electronic” and “ - Physical” material format designators from resource type labels in annual statistics final reporting for ACRL/IPEDS, ARL, and UCL/UCOP to facilitate communication about and support clear understanding of systemwide annual statistics. For Detailed (All Data) reporting, retain these labels (that is, preserve the original Resource Type labels as they appear in Alma and Alma Analytics) to support data comparison by AASA-PT and campus experts. Do not remove “ - Microfiche,” “ - Microfilm,” or other similar ‘micro’ format designators. Original Resource Type labels will also be preserved in files shared with AASA-PT and campus statistics contacts during the review period, while NZ-generated and non-ILS statistics are being compiled (typically late summer/early fall).

    See the FY23/24 Resource Type Crosswalk for details on how each Alma Resource Type is displayed in annual statistics reporting (both review files and final reports).


    Stakeholder group


    Stakeholder group


    Systemwide Library Planning (SLP) /  Systemwide Data Analyst (SDA)

    SDA will need to maintain documentation detailing how each Alma/Analytics Resource Type is relabeled for annual stats reporting purposes. Statistics will need to be reported by original Resource Type (includes format designator) for initial statistics review, then replaced with the normalized Resource Type label (without format designator) for final reporting. SLP will maintain crosswalks showing Resource Types equivalencies (Alma/Analytics, initial NZ-generated stats reporting, and final reporting) to support understanding of the modifications and review/verification of data by campuses.


    Team members will need to be able to support campus colleagues during initial data reviews to explain instances where “ - Electronic” Resource Types appear in Physical Holdings and Physical Usage reporting (e.g., DVDs and CDs cataloged as electronic resources), and instances where “ - Physical” Resource Types appear in Electronic Holdings reporting (e.g., digitized facsimiles of materials originally published in print, like older dissertations and theses). Team members will need to be able to support understanding of how removing the format designators from Resource Type labels streamlines statistics reporting (how Resource Types are combined where there are multiple resource types of different formats, e.g., “Books - Physical” and “Books - Electronic”.

    Campus statistics contacts

    In the first year, campus statistics contacts may need extra support understanding instances where “ - Electronic” Resource Types appear in Physical Holdings/Physical Usage reporting and instances where “ - Physical” Resource Types appear in Electronic Holdings reporting. These are the result of local cataloging decisions and while they are not incorrect decisions, they do make the statistics confusing to understand.

    End users of UCL/UCOP annual statistics (campus library leadership, general public)

    Final UCL annual statistics reports will be easier to read and understand. Detailed data will be available for users who want to dig deeper into the statistics.

    Various reporting obligations

    High-level/summary statistics are not anticipated to see significant changes. AASA-PT will continue to provide lists of which Resource Types were used in calculating high-level/summary statistics to campuses for reporting purposes.

    Reporting obligations are UC risk management, IPEDS, ACRL (select campuses), and ARL (select campuses).

    Background & Reasoning

    There are two reasons that Alma “Resource Type” values for bibliographic records do not match the Subject Area of the material in Analytics.

    • “ - Physical” resource type bibliographic records can be attached to electronic records, i.e., records that show up in the E-Inventory subject area in Analytics. This can happen when materials were digitized. It can also be an artifact of migration that will be cleaned up as time is available. At Irvine, the three electronic collections with the most portfolios linked to “ - Physical” Resource Type bib records are: Marcive eBooks, Marcive journals, and UCI electronic theses and dissertations.

    • “ - Electronic” resource type bibliographic records can be attached to physical records, i.e., records that show up in the Physical Items subject area in Analytics. This can happen when there are tangible materials that carry electronic information, like audio CDs. It can also be an artifact of migration that will be cleaned up as time is available.

    Example - Physical inventory with “ - Electronic” resource type

    This audio CD is correctly catalogued. In Alma, its resource type label is {Audio nonmusical - Electronic}. However, it’s not “Electronic” in the sense of online. It’s “Electronic” in the sense of it needs electricity to work. The CDs are tangible objects that should, e.g., be insured like other tangible materials in the libraries.

    The MARC record’s 008 position 23 “Form of item” value is “q” for “Direct electronic.” Alma labels the material associated with all MARC records having [LDR pos. 06 = i AND LDR pos. 7 = m AND 008 pos. 23 = o,q,s] as {Audio nonmusical - Electronic}. (See https://knowledge.exlibrisgroup.com/Alma/Product_Documentation/010Alma_Online_Help_(English)/010Getting_Started/050Alma_User_Interface_%E2%80%93_General_Information/Searching_in_Alma#Rules_Used_to_Create_the_Resource_Type_Field_MARC_21_KORMARC_and_UNIMARC Position 23 code values:

    • “o” - Online

    • “q” - Direct electronic

    • “s” - Electronic

    NZ Primo record for a physical CD with Resource Type “{Audio nonmusical - Electronic}” - Four IZs have an item associated with this bibliographic record.


    IZ Alma view of the same physical CD with Resource Type “{Audio nonmusical - Electronic}”


    In FY22/23, the AASA-PT pursued a practice of “re-binning” materials for the Network Zone-generated statistics to align their statistical categories with their real-world formats (i.e., identifying materials that are cataloged as electronic that in fact have a physical presence, such as DVDs and CDs, and identifying materials that are cataloged as physical but in fact are digital files). (For example, materials found in the eInventory Subject Area of Analytics with Alma/Analytics Resource Type label “Books - Physical” were relabeled as “Books - Electronic” to match the Subject Area and their actual status as electronic materials.) This practice was intended to create clarity in reporting by realigning the statistics for these materials with their actual formats. 

    During preparation for FY23/24 annual statistics, the AASA-PT revisited this decision and decided to further refine it by removing the format designators “ - Electronic” and “ - Physical” from Resource Type labels altogether from final reporting. During reporting, tables are clearly labeled with the format for which the statistics are being reported; including designators in the Resource Type labels is redundant, does not add any clarity to the reporting, and can cause confusion if format designators do not align with the format being reported (e.g., “ - Physical” materials reported in Holdings (Electronic)). This decision allows AASA-PT to balance accurate reporting of annual statistics leveraging SILS data while also facilitating easy use and clear understanding of UCL annual statistics, within the project team, at local campuses, and at UCOP.

    Options Considered


    Option 1

    Option 2

    Option 3


    Option 1

    Option 2

    Option 3


    Report Resource Types with their original Alma/Analytics labels, including format designators that do not align with the reporting area

    Continue “re-binning” practice from FY22/23 UCL annual statistics reporting, including in final reporting

    Remove format designators from Resource Type labels for final annual reporting


    Simplifies the build for generating Network Zone statistics

    Supports goals of reporting UCL collections as they are represented in the SILS

    Reduces confusion if there are materials with Resource Type format designators that do not align with the area in which they are being reported (materials labeled as electronic being reported as physical items are relabeled as physical, and materials labeled as physical being reported as electronic are relabeled as electronic)

    Streamlines final reporting by removing unnecessary and potentially confusing detail

    Supports accurate reporting of UCL collections, while removing the potential for confusion around material formats


    Requires explanation of historical cataloging practices (materials labeled as electronic being reported as physical items, and materials labeled as physical being reported as electronic)

    Requires maintaining documentation detailing which Resource Types are “re-binned”

    Requires reporting final statistics with normalized Resource Type labels as well as initial statistics for review by campus contacts with original Alma/Analytics Resource Type labels

    Requires maintaining documentation detailing how Alma/Analytics Resource Types are modified for different stages of stats reporting

    Example outcomes for final reporting

    (see the FY23/24 Resource Type Crosswalk for complete details)

    “Books - Physical” and “Books - Electronic” resource types reported as distinct, separate categories in all reporting

    “Books - Physical” and “Books - Electronic” reported as a single/combined “Books - Physical” resource type for Physical Holdings and Physical Usage reporting, and as “Books - Electronic” resource type for Electronic Holdings reporting

    “Books - Physical” and “Books - Electronic” reported a a single/combined “Books” resource type in all reporting

    Action Log

    Action/Point Person

    Expected Completion Date



    Action/Point Person

    Expected Completion Date




    Jul 15, 2024

    Discussions about FY22/23 “re-binning” practices and challenges that arose, potential alternative approaches in FY23/24 reporting, and opportunities for further refinement in the future



    Jul 15, 2024

    Decision about which approach to take in FY23/24 reporting (both initial reporting for campus review/verification and final reporting)



    Aug 12, 2024

    Review and endorse final decision page


    The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
    Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu