Statistics: Sequencing finalization of UCL stats obligations
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Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided
Status | DECIDED |
Description | The AASA-PT compiles annual statistics for submission to major UC Libraries reporting obligations, each of which has a different due date. The project team can sequence its work to complete all statistics at the same time, or to complete each set of statistics in the order in which it is due. |
Decision summary | The AASA-PT will finalize statistics for each reporting obligation in the order in which it is due. |
Owning group | AASA-PT + Anna Striker ( |
Approver | AASA-PT |
Consulted |
Informed | Campus statistics contacts Campus library leadership |
Decision-making process | AASA-PT Steering Committee proposal, discussion and decision from full AASA-PT on how the team’s work should be organized |
Priority | Mediu |
Target decision date | Feb 24, 2025 |
Date decided | Feb 24, 2025 |
The AASA-PT will finalize statistics for each reporting obligation in the order in which they are due throughout the fiscal year (July - June):
UCL/UCOP statistics - fall
ACRL/IPEDS - winter
ARL - spring
The above schedule reflects the submission deadlines for each obligation. Ideally, all three sets of statistics are finalized in the fall, freeing the project team up to focus on other systemwide data analysis projects.
If changes are made to statistics reported later in the year that impact obligations due earlier in the year, those changes will be applied to those earlier obligations in the next reporting year (e.g., a change to ARL reporting in FY23/24 will be applied to UCL/UCOP statistics beginning in FY24/25). The team will not retroactively update statistics that have already been finalized (unless it is to correct an error).
Stakeholder group | Impact |
AASA-PT | Sequence work items for a manageable workload throughout the year |
Campus statistics contacts | Reviews will be spread across the fiscal year; statistics due later in the year may reflect changes applied by the project team in the course of their work, which may cause some confusion |
CDL SLP | Statistics reported for the Regents budget detail report will be available in a timely manner |
UC Libraries leadership | UCL/UCOP statistics will be available earlier in the year |
To better scope AASA-PT’s effort compiling and finalizing annual statistics for various reporting obligations, each obligation should be reviewed and finalized in the order in which they come due. This will help compartmentalize work in a given year and free the team up to address other systemwide data analysis priorities.
Background & dependencies
Beginning in FY22/23, the AASA-PT has compiled UC Libraries annual statistics for internal reporting as well as reporting to ACRL, IPEDS and ARL. The project team was charged with aligning reporting practices where possible and practicable; as a result, UCL/UCOP stats reporting leverages both ACRL/IPEDS and ARL reporting instructions to define various statistics that are reported. If ACRL/IPEDS or ARL updates their statistics reporting instructions, the UCL/UCOP statistics definitions are also updated to remain in alignment with the third-party reporting obligations.
The reporting periods (including distribution of reporting instructions) for the various reporting obligations are staggered, creating challenges to reconciling this dependency within a single fiscal year:
Reporting obligation / reporting period | Oct | Nov | Dec | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr |
ACRL | Instructions distributed |
| Instructions distributed |
* Select UCL/UCOP statistics are shared with the UCOP Budget Analysis and Planning (BAP) office for inclusion in the annual Regents Budget Detail report, finalized in October of each year
** IPEDS is ceasing the Academic Libraries (AL) Survey after the FY2024-25 administration (reported in spring 2025, using FY2023-24 UCL stats)
To balance these competing needs (finalizing statistics in a timely manner to support external dependencies, and ensuring alignment of reporting practices across the different obligations), the AASA-PT will adopt a regular practice to
Finalize UCL/UCOP stats based on the previous year’s reporting requirements
Finalize ACRL, IPEDS and ARL statistics based on the current year’s reporting requirements (as issued by each reporting agency)
Incorporate any changes from ACRL/IPEDS and ARL reporting instructions into UCL/UCOP reporting in the next fiscal year
As a result, campuses may see slight variation in their reported statistics within a single year. For example: UCL/UCOP reporting uses ARL’s definition of ‘volume’ for local reporting. In 2025 the AASA-PT updated its interpretation of ARL’s definition of ‘volume’ to include items with resource type Atlas - Physical. This change will be reflected in 2025 ARL reporting (using FY23/24 data), but will not be reflected in the UCL/UCOP FY23/24 statistics, which were finalized prior to this decision to update the interpretation of ‘volume’; instead, the updated interpretation will be reflected in UCL/UCOP FY24/25 statistics (reported in fall 2025).
Options Considered
| Option 1 | Option 2 |
Description | Finalize all stats at the same time | Finalize each obligation in sequence |
Pros | Allows the team to keep all stats requirements and definitions in alignment to minimize differences in reporting | Allows the team to move each piece forward in a timely manner |
Cons | Requires team members to track on several different sets of reporting requirements at the same time; requires campus reviewers to review several outputs at once; delays publishing UCL/UCOP annual statistics (which impacts reporting to the UCOP Budget Analysis and Planning office for the Regents budget detail report) | May lead to some differences in reported statistics, where definitions are reused across multiple reporting obligations (differences will be reconciled, but on a delay) |
Questions to consider
How will AASA-PT benefit from this change in how the project team organizes its work?
This change clarifies internal deadlines for finalizing statistics and creates a clear sequence for the project team’s work.
This change lays the foundation for additional changes to streamline the project team’s annual statistics work and free up time for other systemwide data analysis projects.
How will the UC Libraries benefit from this change to how AASA-PT organizes its work?
Review periods will be more targeted, with more tightly-scoped review requests.
Are there risks to having statistics reporting guidelines / definitions out of alignment within a single fiscal year?
There is a slight risk that this will cause confusion if users are comparing statistics reported to each obligation; however, the benefits of this approach to AASA-PT outweigh the risks posed by this potential confusion.
Action Log
Action/Point Person | Expected Completion Date | Notes | Status |
AASA-PT discussion | Jan 13, 2025 | discuss stats timeline dependencies and benefits/considerations of different finalization sequencing options | complete |
Anna - draft decision page | Feb 5, 2025 |
| complete |
AASA-PT decision | Feb 24, 2025 |
| complete |
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