Vanguard Testing Policies and Procedures

Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided






Vanguard testing processes and procedures for the Sept 2020 vanguard environment


A testing process for local implementation teams and systemwide FGs was decided.

Owning group

Implementation Coordinators


For account process = ICs


R = ICs / PPC
A = ICs / PPC
C =
I = local SILS groups

Decision-making process

  1. Draft the process.

  2. Share the process and refine.

  3. Finalize the process with all links and dates.


High; completed on 8/31

Due date

Sep 4, 2020

Recommended Process


  • Sept 4th: ExL releases the vanguard (VG) environment; VG ICs will get sysadmin accounts to start making new accounts as needed. (Update: Some instance were delayed until Sep 8.)

  • Sept 7th holiday

  • Sep 4-21: Moratorium on any type of bibliographic and holdings records work by vanguard campus or SILS groups that could impact data in the NZ until 9/21/2020.This would preserve the data in its migrated state and allow for Resource Management FG to do their data review.

  • Sept 10th: ExL presentation on evaluating data in the VG

  • Sept 16th: ExL releases the Primo VE environments

  • Sept 17th: ExL presentation on “First look at Primo VE” in vanguard

  • Sept 21st: Provided migration was successful, Vanguard campuses will begin creating FG Test accounts. Roles will be assigned based upon requested test function.

  • After September, non-Vanguard local campus SILS teams can request access through their IC.

  • Oct 5-9: Vanguard Alma Workshop

  • End of October: Lessons learned show and tell

  • Nov 5: Implementation kickoff

  • End of Dec: Vanguard environments decommissioned


Project Test Plan:

Test plan overview

  1. ICs will be spearheading local testing and distributing local accounts in the VG instances.

    1. Each IC/local VG campus is in charge of their own test plan(s) and accounts

  2. FG Chairs will be spearheading systemwide testing, and will be requesting VG instance accounts for non-VG FG members as needed on this form

    1. FG members who are from VG campuses will have accounts at their home campus in addition to any other necessary accounts.

  3. Non-VG local campus staff who wish to view VG data can request an account after September 2020. Host VG campus will request that the guest provide assistance as requested in exchange for access.



Local testing

FG testing

Non-SILS (guest) testing



Local testing

FG testing

Non-SILS (guest) testing

Sept 4-Sept 11

Validate data & configurations




Sept 11 - Sept 30


Local SILS testing

FG testing (starting no later than 9/21)


Oct 1 - Oct 23


Guest testing

Oct 26-Oct 30

Lessons learned show and tell?

Specific Test Plans:

Local campuses are responsible for their own test plans, focusing on local campus data and configuration needs, and vanguard local testing will not be coordinated at the SILS IC level. Local campus testers can take advantage of shared resources and examples here:

In addition, the unified Recommendations for Vanguard data migration testing plan has been approved by the ILSDC (8/14), the Patron Data group (8/17), and the PPC (8/21) and represents a basic UC data validation checklist that each local campus should use as a baseline (and add or subtract as needed.)

SILS Functional Groups are responsible for their own test plans as well, focusing on systemwide workflows and policies, and FG testing will not be strictly coordinated at the SILS PPC level. FG members can find their test plans in their specific Google Drive folders.

Network Zone testing:

  • Alison Ray (CDL IC) will be the primary point person for accounts and basic configuration in the NZ.

  • The CDL Data in the Network Zone SILS group will be primarily responsible for testing shared data in the Network Zone.

  • The Discovery FG will be primarily responsible for configuring and testing the NZ Primo VE instance.

  • Accounts to test other functionality in the NZ can be requested as needed on the spreadsheet.

Coordination between local campus testing and FG testing:

Where coordination is needed between local testers and FG testers (for example because of potential overwriting of data, or overlapping work), the campus FG member is primarily responsible for coordinating between the needs of the Functional Group and the local testing, and can loop in the campus IC and FG Chair as needed.

Moratorium on bibs/holdings work until 9/21:

The ICs are recommending a moratorium on any type of bibliographic and holdings records work by vanguard campus or SILS groups that could impact data in the NZ until 9/21/2020.This would preserve the data in its migrated state and allow for Resource Management FG to do their data review. This moratorium would not apply to local vanguard testing on Fulfillment and Resource Sharing, or Acquisitions, whose testing would not result in changes to bibs and holdings data in the NZ.


  • Testing cannot begin until the data security subgroup (WG) delivers a statement for testers to acknowledge they will abide by data security policies during phase 4 implementation for testing and configuring. See Acknowledgement of Data Security Responsibilities form under “Links” below.


Account Request sheet

Acknowledgement of Data Security Responsibilities form

Recommendations for Vanguard data migration testing worksheet

Alma campus IC recommendations for Data Testing


Action Log

Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date











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