(Go-live and beyond) Setting holdings in OCLC at the campus level
Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided
Status | decided |
Scope | Go-live and beyond |
Description | Determine how campuses will set OCLC holdings after go-live |
Decision | see below |
Owning group | RMFG |
Approver | PPC |
Stakeholders | R = RMFG |
Decision-making process |
Priority |
Due date | Jun 8, 2021 |
Campuses are not compelled to remove any OCLC holdings at this time and campuses can continue to set holdings for resources in line with pre-SILS policies. OCLC holdings still serve as the basis for UC-wide WorldCat Daily Updates and ILL services. However, as campuses prepare to migrate, RMFG has identified two potential sets of records that campuses may want to consider for OCLC holding removal, if the records are not being migrated:
Note that CDL will not set holdings on the records that are managed in the NZ
Records will be managed in the NZ and Primo will replace Melvyl for discovery
Campuses should consider impacts on ILL or statistics before removing OCLC holdings
Campuses aren’t able to send the items out for ILL
Primo will replace Melvyl for discovery.
Campuses should consider their Special Collections RLF records when deciding what OCLC holdings to remove.
Alma does not allow publishing profiles with a direct NZ account, so campuses must decide for themselves whether/how to use publishing profiles or other methods to set holdings in OCLC. Campuses are encouraged to continue routing questions through RMFG as needed/desired.
Since OCLC holdings have a variety of uses beyond Melvyl, including ILL, collection development, HathiTrust ETAS, etc., RMFG does not feel positioned to standardize how/when campuses set holdings at this time. We recognize that some standardization may be necessary at some point after go-live and welcome feedback from campuses and other groups. In particular, ACRL and other statistics will require re-evaluation after implementation. In addition, the question of when CDL sets holdings and on what resources will need to be addressed after go-live.
RMFG will continue to consider how to handle other OCLC holdings questions after go-live. These include but are not limited to:
Records that come from the CZ but have a matching OCLC record with holdings set
Any impacts on fulfillment within the UC Network Zone
The shared Alma environment presents and opportunity to re-evaluate how and when campuses set holdings on records in OCLC, especially in light of the retirement of Melvyl and the Alma CZ. Records in the Alma CZ may or may not have equivalents in OCLC that also may or may not be represented in the UC Network Zone.
Action Log
Action/Point Person | Expected Completion Date | Notes | Status |
RMFG draft | 05/2021 |
| done |
Campus review | 06/07/2021 |
| done |
RMFG approval | 06/08/2021 |
| done |
PPC approval | 06/11/2021 |
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