(Test Load/Go-live) Order of Network Zone Record Loading

(Test Load/Go-live) Order of Network Zone Record Loading

Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided




Determine which records will be loaded as the master record into the Network Zone for test load


See below

Owning group

Resource Management




Responsible/Accountable = Resource Management
Consulted = ILSDC
Informed = SILS Phase 4 Cohorts, ICs, Ex Libris

Decision-making process

RMFG brainstormed and then approved criteria for the load order. Campuses responded to those criteria and the group used fist-of-five voting.



Due date

Nov 17, 2020



UC Merced

UC San Diego


UC Berkeley

UC Davis

UC Santa Cruz

UC Irvine

UC Riverside

UC Santa Barbara

UC San Francisco


This decision does not include recommendations about how other data sources will be loaded into the Vanguard system. Those decisions will be recorded on other pages including SCP, SFX, and related resource records handling for eResource records in NZ - VANGUARD


SCP needs to go in first since they won’t have a permanent IZ for their data and stand to permanently lose all local fields if their records aren’t contributed first. There are no “local extensions” in the NZ the way that there are in the IZs. In addition, a significant portion of “local” SCP data is useful to everyone in the system (collection hooks in particular).

Merced has a small collection but they also have the most recent copy of any given OCLC record. They also do not have excessive bandwith for post-migration cleanup.

UCSD has a good sized collection, strong history of PCC participation and authority control along with a history of processing OCLC updates. This became evident during the Vanguard when they had 3,600 multi-matches that not only meant manual cleanup for them but duplicate records for everyone else. Going in earlier will prevent duplication and cleanup.

UCLA has a large collection, a strong history of PCC participation, and currently processes OCLC updates for serials. They are working on implementing OCLC updates for monographs and hope to have the vast majority of their non-special collections monograph records updated before go-live. The project will be part of the final RMFG decision.

UCB has a large collection and a history of PCC participation along with several unique collections. They asked for a chance to go in ahead of UCLA to examine the data. While this was not one of the criteria that RMFG originally agreed to, there was some strong support for seeing the results of reversing the two campuses. RMFG initially agreed to test this on the condition that it be examined thoroughly for go-live. In particular, there is a question about whether UCB has 035 $z data in their records at all, which will be crucial for matching. Once RMFG confirmed that the load order had to be the same for test load and go-live and confirmed that UCB does not have 035$z data in their bibliographic records, the group re-voted to have UCB load after UCLA.

For the following campuses: UCD, UCSC, UCI, UCR, UCSB, there were no strong preferences for load order and all had similarly sized collections. UC Davis has the most PCC contributions and a medical school so it makes sense for them to go in 6th. UC Santa Cruz has some paid RDA enrichments that would be beneficial to bring over earlier rather than later UCI and UCR also have medical schools. UCSB was a bit wary of the potential to contribute bad data to other campus records and so was ok going in further down the list.

UCSF wanted to go last. They have a relatively small, specialized collection and benefit from the records that other campuses will bring to the table.


Having previously decided to follow a “New Shared Catalog” option During Migration, files loaded first from Institution Zones into the Alma Network Zone (NZ) will act as the master record for the Consortia. As we plan for the migration of the UC Library records, we need to determine which records we want loaded first.

Vanguard page: Order of Network Zone Record Loading - Vanguard

Final RMFG criteria:

  • Collection size (score: 2.11) 

  • PCC contributions (please be specific with regard to scale in comparison to other cataloging work at your institution) (score: 2.44) 

  • Currently processing OCLC updates (score: 2.77) 

  • Other paid bib enhancements (such as from Backstage or other vendor. Please be specific about what enhancements your campus has paid for, what vendor, whether they are shareable in the NZ, added to the OCLC master record and the scale) (score: 2.0) 

  • Authority control (in your current catalog) (score: 2.33) 

  • Bandwidth for post-migration cleanup (staffing in particular) (score: 2.44) 

  • Potential to lose local data (score: 1.55) 

  • Bandwidth to protect local data before cutover and progress on ILSDC cleanup sheet (score: 2.44) 

  • Non-Latin data (score: 1.88) 

  • General uniqueness of collections (include examples of such collections, especially collections that are unusual or concerning but are part of general collections, not Special Collections) (score: 1.88) 

  • Medical schools (need for MeSH headings in records) (score: 2.22) 

  • RLFs (can include information on what RLF data the campus plans on bringing over to the IZ) (score: 2.44)

  • Final SCP load decision (approximately 42% of the SCP records will go through P2E and directly into the NZ, see the list of collections to NZ The remainder will go to a separate, temporary IZ, not linked to the NZ) (score: 2.11)

Questions to consider:

  1. How did the Vanguard load go?

  2. What are our criteria for deciding on a load order?


Action Log


Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



RMFG review/draft decision




Bring to PPC for approval




FYI to ICs (Liz M)


Shared on IC Slack channel


Inform ExLibris (Liz M)


Shared via NZ population order task in Basecamp. Acknowledged by Laurie W. PMs shared with Marci as an FYI.



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