Replace VDX with Tipasa: target for summer 2023

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Timing of the replace VDX with Tipasa: target for summer 2023

Decision summary

Change timeline for replacing VDX with Tipasa from summer 2022 to summer 2023

Work Plan Deliverable

Replace VDX with Tipasa

Owning group

Resource Sharing OST (


Resource Sharing OST


ILL CKG, CDL Resource Sharing Team, SILS Operations Center, Fulfillment OST, SILS All Chairs



Decision-making process

fist of five

passed, unanimous fives



Target decision date

Mar 30, 2022

Date decided

Mar 23, 2022


  1. Target summer 2023 for replacing VDX with Tipasa


Stakeholder group


Stakeholder group


Resource Sharing OST

Major impact in terms of project planning, investigation, testing, configuration, and integration related to Alma and all resource sharing aspects.

All UC Libraries resource sharing staff

Major impact to workflows related to Alma and all resource sharing aspects.

SILS Operations Center

Medium impact to system maintenance, configurations, and data tables.


Strategic prioritization of major systemwide projects.


The replacement of VDX with Tipasa is better positioned for summer 2023 rather than August 2022 because:

  • UC ILL staff are still working to optimize configuration and workflows needed for Alma resource sharing;

  • The replacement involves high impact for all UC ILL staff and potentially other UC library staff;

  • The replacement requires complex decisions related to workflow and integration that need to be done prior to being ready for the actual replacement.


The Intercampus Resource Sharing Operations Subteam (RS OST) received this project in the “Phase 4 hand off”, as reviewed by the SILS Operations Team (OT) and SILS Leadership Group (SLG). The project fits squarely within RS OST’s area of responsibility pertaining to the workflow, data, policies, and integration of external resource sharing management applications (page 19 of Ongoing SILS structure, work practices, and charges).

The external (ext.) resource sharing (RS) management application, VDX, should be replaced with Tipasa because:

  • According to OCLC (December 2021) the current planned sunset of VDX application is in 2024

  • OCLC halted active development on VDX several years ago

  • Tipasa is considered by OCLC to be their best, most future forward resource sharing product

  • Replacing VDX with Tipasa could offer further integration options with Alma and other external resource sharing management applications

  • An RFP for a new ext. RS management application would likely take at least 24 months, exceeding any timeline OCLC has given for VDX’s sunset

Options Considered


Option 1

Option 2


Option 1

Option 2


Replace in August 2022

Replace in summer 2023


Strike the project as complete sooner

Take sooner advantage of possible integration offerings not available on Alma [or VDX]

Time to understand UC’s ext. RS management application needs

Time to evaluate Tipasa’s integration capabilities with Alma & identify any missing necessary components

Time to evaluate Tipasa’s integration capabilities with other potential ext. RS management applications & identify any missing necessary components

Time for OCLC to build out any missing features or integration options

More integration offerings will be available on Tipasa

Opportunity to learn from the first VDX upgrade clients


The Alma AFN configuration needs further optimization (the AFN Task Force project); replacing VDX at the same time pulls resources from the AFN TF;

UCs may miss needed requirements in Tipasa due to short time table;

Tipasa may not be ready to meet UC’s needs;

First VDX clients scheduled to go live in summer 2022; No VDX clients have yet done this migration; we don’t want to be first.

There are no significant cons to waiting: VDX is stable and we see no risks in staying on it for now.



Questions to consider


Action Log

point person/action/due date

Completion Date



point person/action/due date

Completion Date



@Alison Ray (CDL) Review at RSOST meeting Mar 9, 2022

Mar 9, 2022

on 3/9/22 agenda



@Alison Ray (CDL) send request for feedback to ‘consulted’ groups Mar 15, 2022

Mar 9, 2022

requests sent via email; due date of march 21, 2022


@Alison Ray (CDL) Take to ILL CKG meeting Mar 16, 2022

Mar 16, 2022

3/9/22: request to be on 3/16/22 agenda sent

took questions during 3/16/22 meeting


@Alison Ray (CDL) communicate outcome of decision to SILS-Cohort Apr 1, 2022

Apr 5, 2022



@Alison Ray (CDL) inform OT of decision, recommend communication to DOC / CoUL Apr 1, 2022

Apr 5, 2022



The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
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