Tipasa Testers 2023 decision page
See Best Practices for Decision Pages and Tags for groups
Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided
Status | decided |
Description |
Decision summary |
Owning group | RS OST |
Approver | RS OST |
Consulted | Fulfillment OST, CDL Resource Sharing Team, SILS Operations Team, CDL SILS Operations Center, ILL Common Knowledge Group, Discovery OST, |
Informed | SILS Cohort, SILS LG, DOC |
Decision-making process | Tipasa Testers describe potential projects, RS OST makes a first reaction, RS OST solicits & incorporates feedback, RS OST makes fist of five vote on final set of rejected/approved projects final vote: |
Priority | HIGH |
Target decision date | Feb 28, 2024 |
Date decided | Feb 7, 2024 |
- 1 Recommendation
- 2 Background
- 3 Possible Project Opportunities
- 3.1 Extend time on VDX
- 3.2 Participate fully in OCLC’s Tipasa/Alma integration work plan [underway]
- 3.3 Certify each deliverable in OCLC’s Tipasa/Alma integration work plan
- 3.4 Certify full deliverable of OCLC’s Tipasa/Alma integration work plan
- 3.5 Vendor Environmental scan
- 3.6 Environmental scan of peers
- 3.7 Another Request for Proposals
- 3.8 Implement Tipasa product as is (as of Oct 6, 2023)
- 3.9 Utilize WSILL without Tipasa (without NCIP)
- 3.10 Discontinue Resource Sharing/ILL Services
- 4 Action Log
All decisions and information contained in this page are based on information as of October 6th, 2023. The vendors, OCLC and Ex Libris, have indicated that they will continue to work on the gaps presented by UC prior to the culmination of RS OST’s official decision.
Since the Tipasa Testers group finds that Tipasa is not ready for UC to use as a VDX replacement as of Oct 6, 2023, the following projects options approved or rejected in lieu of the Tipasa project plan outline 2023/2024 :
RS OST approves these projects for RS OST’s work plan
Extend Time on VDX
reasoning: Since OCLC’s Tipasa product is not yet ready to replace VDX, the UCs must stay on VDX to maintain current services.
Participate fully in OCLC’s Tipasa/Alma integration work plan [underway]
reasoning: On November 8, 2023, RS OST decided to start a new small group, Tipasa Developer Review, to work with OCLC on the new integration work plan to give OCLC and Ex Libris direct and early feedback in solutions being developed for identified gaps.
Vendor Environmental Scan
reasoning: Although the RS OST is not confident in the current product landscape, this project should be added to the work plan with the caveat to not start until/if there are changes to the landscape or how UC’s ILL integration might be changed.
Environmental Scan of Peers
reasoning: Learning about the workflows, integrations, and products in use by our peer institutions could improve the prospects of UC’s vendor landscape and potentially improve ILL service for UC patrons.
RS OST rejects these projects
Certify each deliverable in OCLC’s Tipasa/Alma integration work plan
reasoning: This project is redundant of the approved ‘Participate fully in OCLC’s Tipasa/Alma integration work plan’.
Certify full deliverable of OCLC’s Tipasa/Alma integration work plan
reasoning: This project is redundant of the approved ‘Participate fully in OCLC’s Tipasa/Alma integration work plan’.
Implement Tipasa product as is (as of Oct 6, 2023)
reasoning: This project is redundant of the approved ‘Participate fully in OCLC’s Tipasa/Alma integration work plan’.
Another Request for Proposals
reasoning: RS OST is not confident that the product landscape would result in a successful RFP.
Utilize WSILL without Tipasa
reasoning: Forgoing ILL NCIP integration with Alma would impact ILL service at UCs such that ILL services would likely effectively cease.
Discontinue Resource Sharing/ILL Services
reasoning: While some ILL needs could be transacted with acquisitions or other document delivery services, these methods may not be as cost effective as ILL and many resources required by UC researchers are not available via these methods.
Tipasa Pilot
Timeframe: September 2022 to January 2023.
The UC RS OST engaged in a Tipasa Pilot in 2022 [UC only, request access if prompted] with OCLC during which UC discovered Tipasa was not sufficient to support UC’s resource sharing needs.
OCLC provided a multi-month implementation plan that included demonstrations for Tipasa configuration and use, that did not take into account our requirements of our Alma integration needs and expectations.
“The findings of the UC RS OST is that the Tipasa product in its current state is not ready for implementation at the UC.” from Tipasa project plan outline 2023/2024 (decision page)
RS OST created a gaps document [UC only, request access if prompted] to identify shortcomings with the Tipasa program and integration with Alma as of the time of testing.
“The gaps are to a number and degree such that manual remediation on UCs part would effectively halt any non-consortia interlibrary loan traffic in or out of the UCs. This would negatively impact UC patrons, as roughly 47% of materials supplied to UC patrons are filled from outside the consortium (from UC Library Annual Statistics, 2021-2022, table 5, pages 5-6)” from Tipasa project plan outline 2023/2024 (decision page)
Tipasa Testing period
Timeframe: March to October 2023
During RS OST’s March 1, 2023 meeting, the RS OST charged a small group of Tipasa Testers with the following charge:
“The Tipasa Testers are charged with coordinating and testing integration between Alma and Tipasa. This team will communicate with vendors OCLC (Tiapsa) and Ex Libris (Alma) to facilitate testing, requirements, use cases, etc as needed to achieve a successful integration between Alma and Tipasa. The testers will work to ensure that the Alma/Tipasa integration has minimal to no negative impact on interlibrary loan and resource sharing services to UC library patrons. … The Tipasa Testers will periodically report on testing progress to the Resource Sharing OST. The Tipasa Testers will present a final report to RS OST once all gaps have been successfully addressed or by October 2023, whichever event occurs first.”
Gaps document, October 6 freeze, only showstoppers [UC only, request access if prompted]: what was delivered and what is missing as of end of project
Findings of Tipasa Testers
At start of period (March 2023): 11 show stoppers identified
At end of period (October 6, 2023): 5 show stoppers delivered & verified; 6 remaining.
Tipasa Testers group finds that Tipasa is not ready for UC to use as a VDX replacement as of Oct 6, 2023.
OCLC Tipasa/Alma integration work plan
In late September 2023, OCLC presented a Tipasa/Alma integration work plan draft, created in coordination with Clarivate/Ex Libris, to complete the gaps remaining at the end of the Tipasa Testers phase. The timeline of the work plan draft runs from late September 2023 through mid April 2024. The work plan draft includes a five week testing phase for UC to certify the full solution of Tipasa.
Possible Project Opportunities
The Tipasa Testers have identified the following projects as possible next steps following the failed delivery of Tipasa gaps at the end of the project.
Extend time on VDX
OCLC has verbally confirmed it will not sunset in 2024 as previously communicated; OCLC has tabled any discussion with UC of an end of life for VDX until Tipasa is functional for UC.
Priority: High / Effort: Low
Timeframe: begin immediately
Positive Risks/Advantages:
Maintain status quo
Everyday functionality is currently compatible with all systems (Alma)
Software is cloud-based system and is more easily manageable than client-based system; OCLC supported
Negative Risks/Disadvantages:
Limited in broker integration options
Declining support and attention from OCLC
VDX technical issues and breakdowns cause major disruptions in service and staff resources
OCLC may become unable to support VDX; new development of the product has ceased
Dynamic nature of Resource Sharing/ILL services will be stagnated
Patrons and user experience diminished
VDX is the only product known to serve UC's needs at this time
Unknown technical feasibility of lifespan for VDX
Participate fully in OCLC’s Tipasa/Alma integration work plan [underway]
Work with Ex Libris and OCLC in designing, testing, and verifying remaining gaps in Tipasa / Alma integration.
Priority: High / Effort: High
Timeframe: September 2023 - May 2024
Positive Risks/Advantages:
UC / CDL maintain involvement/voice in driving product design decisions
Clean/simple solution supports our needs / leads to better integration between the two systems (Tipasa/Alma)
Resolve all gaps/show-stoppers leads to the development of a usable solution
Software as a service/OCLC maintains infrastructure
Negative Risks/Disadvantages:
Prolonged frustration with testing environments/testing failures
Inability to/limited availability to test with ExLibris due to time zone differences
Project plan does not finish on time/additional delays
Vendors design gap solutions inappropriately
Vendors abandon project altogether
Patrons/user experience enhanced by seamless integration
Patrons/users affected by possible temporary changes
Make redundant the “Certify deliverables…” and “Certify full solution…” projects
UC staff availability for work plan period
Certify each deliverable in OCLC’s Tipasa/Alma integration work plan
Work with Ex Libris and OCLC to verify each gap as it is delivered.
Priority: High / Effort: High
Timeframe: October 2023 - May 2024
Positive Risks/Advantages:
UC / CDL maintain involvement/voice in driving product design decisions
Clean/simple solution supports our needs / leads to better integration between the two systems (Tipasa/Alma)
Resolve all gaps/show-stoppers leads to the development of a usable solution
Software as a service/OCLC maintains infrastructure
Negative Risks/Disadvantages:
Reduced involvement/voice in driving product design decisions
Prolonged frustration with testing environments/testing failures
Inability to/limited availability to test with ExLibris due to time zone differences
Project plan does not finish on time/additional delays
Vendors design gap solutions inappropriately
Vendors abandon project altogether
Patrons/user experience enhanced by seamless integration
Patrons/users affected by possible temporary changes
Make redundant the “Participate fully…” and “Certify full solution…” projects
UC staff availability for continuous testing phase
Certify full deliverable of OCLC’s Tipasa/Alma integration work plan
UC participation limited to reviewing full integration deliverable at the culmination of OCLC’s integration project.
Priority: High / Effort: High
Timeframe: April 2024 - May 2024
Positive Risks/Advantages:
OCLC delivers anyway without any effort from us
Software as a service/OCLC maintains infrastructure
Negative Risks/Disadvantages:
No voice in design decisions by vendors
Vendors design gap solution inappropriately
Vendors abandon project altogether
UC not tracking development: “black box” on updates on OCLC’s progress on project plan
UC staff availability for testing at end of project plan phase
Make redundant the “Participate fully…” and “Certify deliverables…” projects
UC will have to verify all developments/gaps/show-stoppers are resolved to start a Tipasa implementation project
Vendor Environmental scan
Explore and investigate overall product offerings for resource sharing for large academic institutions.
Priority: Medium / Effort: Medium
Timeframe: 12-18 months once begun
Positive Risks/Advantages:
Gain knowledge of Interlibrary Loan Management System marketplace
Narrow down options to find suitable product for UCs system-wide use
RS/ILL staff networking opportunities with vendors/developers
Negative Risks/Disadvantages:
Minimal or no suitable products discovered for UCs system-wide use
Environmental scan finds no suitable out-of-the-box product
RS/ILL staff will have to create workarounds or redesign ILL workflows to meet the product’s potentially limited functionality
Environmental scan of peers
Explore and investigate how other large academic institutions engage in resource sharing. Explore what products peer institutions utilize & how these products integrate into resource sharing workflows.
Priority: Medium / Effort: Medium
Timeframe: 12-18 months once begun
Positive Risks/Advantages:
Discover and learn different ways of performing ILL workflows
Potentially broaden knowledge of more product options
Develop better relationships with peer institutions
Negative Risks/Disadvantages:
Potentially disturb peer institutions with multiple inquiries/questions on systems/workflows
Uncover solutions with untenable impact to UC
Peer institutions become unresponsive to UC inquiries
Available products do not meet the needs of UC patrons and current ILL workflows/services
Peer institutions would need to be responsive and share information in timely manner
Another Request for Proposals
Work with SILS and UC leadership to engage in a formal Request for Proposals process for a VDX replacement.
Priority: High / Effort: High
Timeframe: 2-3 years elapsed project time
Positive Risks/Advantages:
Potentially discover a more suitable option with a seamless integration with Alma
Negative Risks/Disadvantages:
RFP finds no suitable out-of-the-box product
RFP fails; time and resources spent with no productive outcome
Viability of technical support of VDX by OCLC is unknown.
Heavy use of staff time
Budget considerations
Potential legal restrictions of other projects (given formal RFP procedures)
Coordination/approval by budgeting oversight body (CoUL or CDL)
Implement Tipasa product as is (as of Oct 6, 2023)
Move forward with Tipasa implementation as a VDX replacement with known gaps present. Would require rethinking patron experience, overall system integration, and staff workflows.
Priority: High / Effort: High
Timeframe: unknown
Positive Risks/Advantages:
Conclusion of testing period/finalize implementation phase
Moderately out-of-the-box product after UC testers developmental assistance
Fewer integration steps between broker & WSILL
Software is a cloud-based system/more easily manageable than client-based system
OCLC supported and continuously developed
Negative Risks/Disadvantages:
Requires change in ILL staff workflow
Change in patron experience (communications/notifications)
Potentially continuous development of product/unicorn-type solutions developed by UC staff
Danger of normalizing workarounds
[If patron load necessary]: Data security risk (guarding patron information)
[If patron load necessary]: increases workload from outside ILL departments
Increased operations/systems administrative involvement
May not be able to change ILL workflows; prohibiting ILL services or reduction in efficiencies/timeliness
Patrons dissatisfaction increases to point of reduced use of ILL services system-wide
Increased patron/users complaints on changes and service issues
OCLC continues inability to deliver on development of show-stoppers/gaps
Increased patron/users complaints on changes and service issues
RS/ILL staff will have to create workarounds or redesign ILL workflows to meet the product’s potentially limited functionality
Utilize WSILL without Tipasa (without NCIP)
WSILL has lacks NCIP integration with Alma; ILL workflows and patron experience will have to be reexamined and redesigned
Priority: High / Effort: High
Timeframe: unknown
Positive Risks/Advantages:
UCs will not have to manage integration mishaps
Software is cloud-based system is more easily manageable than client-based system; OCLC supported
Negative Risks/Disadvantages:
Higher manual workload
Disjointed patron experience
Slow Turnaround Time
Requires extensive manual work processing ILL requests
Will require reduced ILL services (restrict for patrons or only allow ILL in certain circumstances)
Patrons and user experience diminished
Would negatively impact research done at UC
Staff workload increased exponentially
Additional ILL staff workload likely required; budgets increases not always feasible
Discontinue Resource Sharing/ILL Services
Convert resource sharing Requests into Patron-Driven Acquisitions; lean more towards digital solutions such as Reprints Desk
Priority: undetermined / Effort: unknown
Timeframe: unknown
Positive Risks/Advantages:
Potential collection strengthening
Reduced emphasis on Turnaround Time
Negative Risks/Disadvantages:
Increase load in collection budget
Increase load in collection space
Not everything is acquirable (out of print, eg)
Lack of acquisitions removes support of UC research & education
RS/ILL staff jobs affected
Patrons and user experience diminished
RS/ILL staff reassignments and retraining needs
System-wide library budgets possibly redistributed
More need for library shelf space
Action Log
Action/Point Person | Expected Completion Date | Notes | Status |
Tipasa Testers present page to RS OST | 11/29/23 |
RS OST makes first pass of approve/reject projects | December 2023 |
Decision page goes to RACI for feedback | four weeks starting early/mid January 2024 |
RS OST discusses & incorporates feedback | February 2024 |
RS OST makes final vote | mid/late Feb 2024 |
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