Resource Sharing Alma Analytics
Set up needed statistical reports for Alma data in Alma analytics.
Phase 2: Investigate & (possibly recommend implement) Alma user statistical categories to close digital lending information gap
Completed Nov 1, 2022: Phase 1: Alma AFN report to support UCOP schedule C stats
(members who have access to design analytics role in Alma; consult with campus (on the ground) ILL staff; project ‘leader’ to shepherd project & checking with rs ost sc with problems; coord. exl sf cases and/or other relationship aspect)
@Linda Michelle Weinberger , Irvine
@Scott Hathaway , Santa Barbara
@Sabrina Simmons , Riverside
@Patrick SHANNON (Unlicensed) , Berkeley
@Alison Ray (CDL) , CDL
@Peter Devine ,San Diego, project lead
Dawson Kelly, Santa Cruz, guest spot
Aylin Medrano, Los Angeles, guest spot
Links / Documentation
Alma role needed to create reports: “Designs Analytics”
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