RS releated ExL cases
Case number | Title | category/project | submitter | notes |
06398481 | RS Analytics: AFN completed lending requests (in IZ) | Analytics | CDL (Alison) |
06453015 | Trying to add breakout by library location to the UCI instance of the UC-Wide Schedule C Borrowing Report Analytic | Analytics | UCI (Linda Michelle) | Ticket, unfortunately closed. Ex Libris was unable to resolve because the parameter “pick up location” needed to break down by library location is not available in the Borrowing Request subject area. Nor is it available as a “bridging” dimension between subject areas. I have put in an idea exchange to have pick up location added to the Borrowing Request subject area; As of December 2022 it has 6 votes. Please feel free to add to the vote count. Even though closed, if this could somehow get on Ex Libris' radar as a serious development, that would be great! Otherwise we would have to hope that the community at large really wants this as well. |
06474638 | AFN requests getting "stuck" at LA after they get rejected at SRLF? |
| UCSC (Mallory) | Closed by ExL. They’re not putting this on a workplan and don’t plan to fix it. Not an analytics case but I didn’t want to forget to add it when the page is updated to general cases. This is a “known issue” as in we saw this happening since we started with the AFN. But as far as I’m aware there is no target fix date or solution to the problem. |
06496116 | Request Sharing Request form incorrectly populates 'article title' field |
| Alison Ray (examples from UCSC & UCLA) | |
06628969 06570096 (closed prematurely)
06698805 | Issue with testing Tipasa OCLC ILL system | Tipasa testing | UCR (Ramon Barcia on behalf of Sabrina Simmons)
UCI (Linda Michelle)
| Error code received when checking out lending items, and receiving borrowing requests in Tipasa. Sample message: FailureCode: 110030 message: Institution symbol 'SBCRU' has IlsType 'null' (in NcipProviderSettings) which is not supported. Submitted in support of and/or continuation of UCR case for all UCs. Currently awaiting testing with OCLC involving March 2023 Tipasa development enhancements. |
06697444 | Anonymization of User Statistics data | Analytics | UCSD (Peter Devine) |
06665797 | UC-WIDE AFN CONSORTIAL BLOCK INQUIRY | AFN/Consortial Blocks. | UCI (Linda Michelle) | Submitted on behalf of entire UCS consortium. Meeting request to determine if ExLib can automate certain aspects. Steven Burke willing to hold open as placeholder for further inquiry into this issue. |
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