(GoLive) SCP, SFX, 360, and related resource records handling for eResource records in NZ

(GoLive) SCP, SFX, 360, and related resource records handling for eResource records in NZ

Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided






Determine how SCP, SFX, & 360 records, and related resource records will be handled for the creation of electronic resource records in the Network Zone.



Owning group

CDL Data in the Network Zone


Policy & Practices Coordinators


R/A = Resource Management & Acq/ERM


I = SILS Phase 4 Cohorts

Decision-making process




Due date

Apr 30, 2021


  • load CDL 360 data into the NZ (less license records)

  • load CDL SFX data into the NZ

For SCP packages that are unique to SCP (not included in either SFX or 360):


During Vanguard, CDL utilized Alma tools & exports to create lists of packages identified from SFX, 360, and SCP. Analysis was done to identify those packages from the “SCP” list that were not contained in either SFX or 360 lists. Since most of these access points are unique to SCP records, these records should be loaded in with priority. Utilizing the migration process into the NZ assures these records would be in place at time ExL delivers environment. If ExL is not able to deliver the NZ with the SCP-unique records, then those records will need to be imported by CDL staff after the environment is delivered.

NOTE: While the packages are uniquely SCP, the records may duplicate SFX or 360 if a particular portfolio is included in both an scp-unique package and an sfx or 360 package.

The remaining SCP records duplicate SFX and 360 data, and so should not be loaded directly into NZ based on ExL’s previous recommendations:

Ex Libris strongly recommended to forgo loading SCP data into the NZ due to the high number of duplicate records this would cause (likely over 1 million). The concerns raised were:

  • time during vanguard would be spent troubleshooting duplicates rather than learning system

  • duplicates would filter down to all IZs and into all Primos, causing a very negative user experience

  • SFX data will provide match into CZ, while SCP data cannot

  • SFX data will create available for and inventory groups, while SCP data cannot

  • CDL 360 data has potential to match to CZ (Ex Libris estimates around 60% match point), which may lessen the duplicates from this data set

  • 360 license records were removed from migration consideration due to timeline MVP determination. (CDL will continue to update the Redacted Licenses Agreements page).

  • Given the tight turn around time for file delivery, CDL cannot wait for final decision on CDI model and so propose to load fewer records into NZ.


(see also SCP, SFX, and related resource records handling for eResource records in NZ - VANGUARD and (Test Load) SCP, SFX, and related resource records handling for eResource records in NZ )

SCP data identified for migrating to NZ (Cutover)

Based on SCP statistics as of 3/28/2021 (excluding MARCive records)

1,316,105 total SCP records minus 130,749 EEBO records (left out in all phases due to those records being vendor records; the Alma collection will be activated for golive) and 126 Dacheng brief records

= 1,185,230 “migrate-able records”

Approximately 51,337 records collected based on 793’s and DB OCLC # from the “Coll migrate to NZ” and “DB migrate to NZ” sheets (click the link above for details)

  • @ 4% of SCP titles would migrate to NZ

  • @ 96% of SCP titles would migrate to IZ

(Go-live) MARCIVE Bibliographic Records in the NZ and campus data preparation will also be included in this load.

(Note: SCP records to NZ are fewer for golive due to duplication considerations with CDI records)

Questions to consider

(related decision page: (Go Live) CDI Models: FullyFlexible or EasyActive ) Since CDI records in EasyActive model cannot be completely suppressed from PrimoVE, more input/investigation is needed to see what impact on end users loading those SCP records would have if UCs choose EasyActive model.

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