Creating and marking large sets of NZ-linked records for deletion from a campus IZ

Creating and marking large sets of NZ-linked records for deletion from a campus IZ

Overview: there are times when campuses may find that they have a large number of records they want to flag for NZ deletion. Campuses are unable to run the normalization job to add 902 fields from within their own IZs. Instead, they should create a set of records, share it with the NZ, and then unlink their IZ records from the NZ and proceed with their own local deletion process.

Create a set in your campus IZ:

Use the 3-dot menu to share the set with the network:

You’ll have the option to rename the set:

Note that the campus name is automatically added to the set name when you use “save in network.” The only available indication rules are ones in the campus IZ.

After clicking “submit,” wait for the email confirmation that the set was saved in the network. At that point, you can send an email to sils-sysops@cdlib.org to ask that CDL run the normalization process to add the 902 field to the records. At this point you can also unlink your records from the NZ and proceed with local deletion processes.

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