(Go-live) Non-OCLC IDs in 035 fields in bibliographic records
Decided Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided
Status | decided |
Description | Determine whether campuses should remove non-OCLC IDs in 035 fields from records prior to migration |
Decision | See below |
Owning group | Resource Management FG |
Approver | PPC |
Stakeholders | R = Resource Management IG |
Decision-making process |
Due date | Mar 12, 2021 |
035 field without any prefix need to have some local prefix added to prevent having them treated like OCLC numbers in certain situations. There is no functional need to move/remove fields that have non-OCLC data in them but all 035 $a and 035 $z fields should have start with a parenthetical prefix.
The Vanguard phase did not identify any issues with non-OCLC prefixes in 035 fields but test load did surface an issue with un-prefixed 035 fields being treated like OCLC numbers and causing problems with how the HathiTrust API identifies matches. It did not impact NZ matches but did create links to mis-matched content in Primo. In addition, the best practices for 035 fields in MARC require a 035 fields to have a prefix.
From ExLibris:
You can either use a specified prefix, or you can use OCLC matching, but you cannot use both.
The UCs will be using OCLC matching, and therefore any records without an OCLC 035 should be left out of the NZ automatically.
Bibliographic records to leave out of the Vanguard NZ
Action Log
Action/Point Person | Expected Completion Date | Notes | Status |
Review test load page | 03/09/21 |
| Done |
FG vote on go-live page | 03/12/21 |
| Done |
Route to PPC for approval | 03/12/21 |
| Done |
Decision routed to ILSDC | 03/12/21 |
| Done |
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