Report an Alma / Primo VE Problem

Report an Alma / Primo VE Problem

I have an Alma or Primo VE problem, what do I do?

Please follow these steps if you encounter any problems (local or suspected systemwide) in Alma or Primo VE.

STEP 1: Due diligence

Spend no more than an hour making sure the problem is not user error and is replicable:

  • Log out and back in; try another browser; clear browser cache

  • Check with your local colleagues and get someone else to reproduce the problem

  • Check the Ex Libris Status page: https://status.exlibrisgroup.com/system_status

  • Check the Ex Libris documentation: 

STEP 2: Report the problem

First, follow your local procedure for reporting problems. This may include:

As appropriate for your local procedure, report to Ex Libris through their support portal

If you think your issue is worth sharing widely, or you want consultation with the wider UC Alma/Primo community, consider the following:

  • UC SILS Community Slack

  • UC Alma Google Group

    • Email: uc_alma-group@ucsc.edu 

    • To join the group, use this link: UC_Alma - Google Groups  and click on the blue “Join Group” button.

    • Put functional keywords in your subject line, such that people know immediately what it’s about:

      • GOOD: “Cataloging module drop-down is out of order”

      • GOOD: “eResources: Can’t access Springer materials.”

      • BAD: “Anyone else having problems?”

  • If you want to share within the SILS Teams framework specifically, 

    • Contact your campus Operations Team member

    • Contact your local SILS functional group rep

    • SILS Team members may continue to use the existing communications mechanisms (Slack, email, etc.)

STEP 3: Escalate as needed

If you need urgent or high priority help, escalate within SalesForce as soon as needed - this includes as soon as you submit the ticket. If in doubt: escalate!

If you are having issues getting traction on your ticket, escalate within SalesForce AND email the SILS Operations Center CDL Team: sils-sysops@ucop.edu. This includes:

  • You are not getting timely attention from Ex Libris

  • You are getting poor or confusing communication from Ex Libris

STEP 4: Systemwide issues

If you suspect your issue is a systemwide issue or NZ issue, email the SILS Operations Center CDL Team: sils-sysops@ucop.edu (in addition to any other contacts you feel are appropriate).

If you have a system or component down: follow these communication steps: System/component down communication path

Other problems: 

I have a problem with Alma-VDX integrations:

  • If you suspect a problem with the Alma-VDX integration (extra-consortial ILL), please report it to CDL (ResourceSharingHelp@cdlib.org) for triage, as the problem might be in the CDL adapter, or in the OCLC configuration, which is outside of the Ex Libris Alma / Primo VE service scope. 

  • For VDX problems, you may also contact OCLC directly by using the “Report a Problem” link located on the left hand navigation bar in VDX to report any issues with VDX/ZPORTAL (aka “My ILL Requests). The link is available as long as VDX is online and the staff member is logged into VDX.

I have a licensed resource problem:

Follow your local campus practices for reporting problems with electronic resources. Reporting directly to CDL may also be appropriate.

Please check the following links for more information:

I want to request a new feature or enhancement, or, I want to talk about feature harmonization:

I have a question about the SILS contract:

  • CDL holds and manages the SILS contract. Questions about the contract or any SILS fiscal issues can be sent to the SILS Operations Center: sils-sysops@ucop.edu

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