(Go-Live) E-Resources Troubleshooting: Best Practices for Reporting Broken Links in CDL/SCP Records, etc. (MVP 008)

(Go-Live) E-Resources Troubleshooting: Best Practices for Reporting Broken Links in CDL/SCP Records, etc. (MVP 008)

Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided






AEFG-MVP-008 - Process for reporting and fixing broken links for CDL resources. Recommendation for Day 1, with subsequent refinement after updating of Base URL with Content Providers to use Primo URL for Alma Link Resolver in place of SFX URL. Wider scope to include guidance for local e-resources troubleshooting, including interpretation of Primo records via various search scopes.


AEFG recommends establishing consulting mechanisms for electronic resources teams for troubleshooting of access issues, including assessing IZ or NZ triage.

Owning group

ACQ/ERM FG + Carla Arbagey carlar@ucr.edu




I = IC, End-User Outreach

Decision-making process

Consultation with CDL, presentation at PPC-NZ-CDL group; AEFG approval; sharing with Discovery FG, IC; final review at 6/11 PPC-NZ-CDL; review at PPC.


High - for go-live Day 1

Due date

Jun 11, 2021


AEFG is recommending the following for electronic resources troubleshooting, acknowledging that some processes will be more thoroughly defined and formalized. AEFG assumes that the path for campuses to report issues via CDL Helpline will persist, unless an alternative support path for reporting Alma content problems to CDL is identified, and that routing to the appropriate CDL work group will occur depending on the issue.

For the purposes of being in place for Go-Live, AEFG recommends establishing the following mechanisms for broad, systemwide, collaborative, and assistive troubleshooting that includes all relevant electronic resources subject matter experts:

  • A dedicated Slack channel for emerging issues to include designated campus and CDL electronic resources staff, as well as AEFG members. UPDATE NOTE: This Slack channel has been established as a communication mechanism for the Electronic Resources Subgroup, described below.

  • Weekly office hours for review of specific cases, record infrastructure issues, and any electronic resource related topic, hosted by AEFG, to continue during the immediate post-go-live period (reviewed at 30-60-90 days for any modification). UPDATE NOTE: These sessions are not yet established, but will be proposed as part of the AEFG Electronic Resources Subgroup Launch Session on 7/21. Weekly Workshop sessions have been scheduled for the Outbound Linking update project.

UPDATED FOR GO-LIVE: An AEFG Electronic Resources Project/Consultation Subgroup has been created to include those who work on electronic resources troubleshooting, manage administrative credentials and settings, and manage electronic inventory records. This subgroup will be consulting as needed on local campus Institution Zone (IZ)-level and CDL Network Zone (NZ)-level issues related to electronic resources.

Managing E-Resources Troubleshooting at the IZ Level - Reporting Problems

The scope of this recommendation extends to troubleshooting steps taken at the campus level and assessing that the issue is within the IZ.

AEFG recommends that IZs have a local response team consisting of metadata, e-resources, and discovery subject matter experts who can advise on urgent access and display issues after Go-Live. Issues may become more routine and less acute after a period following Go-Live.

  • Staff need to be able to identify search scopes/strategies being used while encountering problems

    • AEFG recommends that campuses explore methods of capturing the search metadata from Primo that would be useful in troubleshooting: i.e.: capturing IP addresses, search strings, keywords, etc.

    • AEFG informally assessed the campuses' mechanisms for troubleshooting: some have ticket systems, others are using general email accounts or other methods. AEFG notes that campuses may want to consider the benefits of a ticket system in tracking issues and capturing search metadata for troubleshooting. See the screenshot from UCD’s RT ticket system, with display of metadata captured including IP address, whether patron is using VPN, browser information, bibliographic title information, Source ID (showing path using Primo or other service), etc.


SalesForce: Issues in the IZ or CZ (not NZ) not able to be resolved internally at the campus level should be raised via the systemwide Slack channel for input and advice before opening a SalesForce case. Local campus preferred practices regarding submitting SalesForce tickets should also be followed. UPDATED FOR GO-LIVE: With the development of SILS-wide practices for reporting a problem, AEFG advises that recommendations for cross-campus consultation represent the “due diligence” in consultation before escalating to a SalesForce case.

Opening Support Cases for E-Inventory from Within Alma: It is possible to configure the CRM contacts form in Alma to be able to use the Report to Ex Libris link to open a support case for an electronic collection or electronic portfolio from within Alma. This is more appropriate for issues related to adjusting electronic inventory in the CZ, and may not be appropriate for other kinds of issues.

Reporting Problems at the NZ Level

The scope of this recommendation extends to troubleshooting determining that the issue resides at the NZ-level for CDL resolution. See the CDL Report a Problem Page.

  • Until the outbound linking is updated with content providers from using SFX to using the Alma Link Resolver, resources may still route via UC-eLinks, and so via the CDL Helpline before routing to campuses. This is planned as an immediate post-go-live project. See AEFG Decision Page 006 Outbound Linking.

  • Once the outbound linking is updated to route via the Alma Link Resolver along with the new Get It at UC image button, issues will likely route first to campuses for assessment.

  • Cases that are determined to be related to resources managed by CDL in the NZ should be submitted via the CDL Helpline. CDL will take the lead on submitting tickets to SalesForce for NZ issues related to electronic resources management.

  • AEFG recommends a page detailing known recurring problems resulting from migration and/or clean-up projects. This “Known Issues” page is for resolution within electronic resources scope and is to be distinguished from the “Known Issues” page for Alma/Primo VE follow-up with Ex Libris regarding functionality post-migration.


Recommendations represent up-to-date development and understanding of staffing and mechanisms at both CDL and campuses. AEFG acknowledges that shared practices will evolve as systemwide familiarity is gained of how electronic resources are managed in Alma/Primo. It is anticipated that additional training and documentation will follow this initial decision page, both for go-live and prospectively as issues are gathered.

Training / Documentation

[This section will include links to internal training sessions, other documentation, etc.]


Some CDL records have a broken link that easy to fix. The question is what would be a best practice in this case? Currently, an IZ campus can just fix it locally in the portfolio and wait for SCP to catch up. Since we don't have access to NZ portfolios, how do we handle easy broken links vs. hard ones? (especially in the case of a faculty member needing a resource for a class and a staffer was able to find the correct link.)

Resources for Alma/Primo at other consortia:

CSU Troubleshooting and Reporting Problems

SUNY: Troubleshooting Strategies for Electronic Resources


  • CDL assessing any changes made to issue reporting infrastructure or related CDL webpages

  • Creation of dedicated Slack channel for electronic resources troubleshooting consultation, will entail gathering of relevant members, whether in the SILS Cohort or not

Other Considerations

Is there a process for informing users via the interface and/or (temporarily) correcting linking issues?

What about problems with CZ-provided content that will need to ultimately be corrected by ExL?

CDL has Helpline to track and respond to issues with e-resources; local campuses may not have a similar system.

Important distinction on the use of SCP and ERT at CDL. In Alma, CDL will be a part of this fix process, but it may not involve SCP. Alison at CDL indicates that any routing across teams will be managed at the CDL end, so not necessary for campuses to discern this routing ahead of time.

Action Log

Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date

Discussion Notes


Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date

Discussion Notes


AEFG starting discussion of this item week of May 10.


  • How to identify CDL vs IZ

    • = 6530

  • Wiki pages for recurring problems

  • Available for settings may not be as granular as needed

  • CDL e-resources tracking page: https://cdlib.org/services/collections/scp/tracking/e-resources-tracking-cdl-licensed-electronic-resources/

  • Need additional testing on “Available for” and Tier 2s

  • NZ CDL collections will not have package 793s

  • UC elinks – Report a problem

    • Fullfillment/Public services/Discovery should configure Primo Journal/Article page with help/ILL options

  • CZ collection issues should be submitted straight to ExL

  • IZs have access to Override URL fields in their electronic collections

    • Can IZs override NZ links?

    • Best practice: matter of urgency or consistency of NZ data?

  • Who reports CDI problems to ExL?

    • IZ issues

    • NZ issues

    • all IZ Salesforce worktickets should be CC’d to “someone TBD” at CDL

  • Policy questions:

    • EResources governance group

    • Start a page first – governance later

  • 11 am meeting slot May 28, 2021

  • How detailed do we want to be re recommendations for troubleshooting?


AEFG Coordination with CDL (Lisa S. discussing at PPC-NZ-CDL subgroup meetings and on Slack channel)


  • First recurring migration/display issue: CDL needs to resolve 360 migration to fix “available for” groups (possibly through E-Resource governance group)

  • Is there an API or a cloud app to fix in batch?

  • CDL needs to make specific recommendations on submitting Alma and Primo issues on Helpline - Alison indicates if assessed to be NZ resource that is CDL, appropriate to submit via Helpline.


Collaboration with Discovery FG, possibly End User Outreach Group

@Lisa Spagnolo will create separate decision page for configuring Primo VE options
recurring/known issues needs to be communicated to UCs (CDL to do?)


  • Discovery and Fulfillment could provide input to Acq/ERM representatives in helping to configure general electronic services, ILL, and workticket submission options


  • Fulfillment should determine which campus users can submit ILL forms and worktickets

  • Public services and technical services should coordinate on workflows to submit errors to technical services staff specializing in errors in linking, access, and/or cataloging

    • i.e., recommending internal coordination before submitting a ticket to CDL Helpline OR Salesforce

  • Campuses without existing error ticketing/databases are encouraged to organize their Primo and Alma error reports in a sustainable manner: some examples of free applications include:

    • Trello

    • Teams

    • Asana

    • Springshare

    • Or create a a homegrown system

    • Consider creating tags or other ways of categorizing worktickets to maximize later data-gathering about errors

Done - note open action item to be developed.

AEFG Recommendation Approval


Approved! 5s with 4s indicate wanting to review for any gaps


Final Approval by PPC




Distribution and Communication Follow-up (including any End-User Outreach Group or other training/documentation).




Revision to reflect updates after Decision Page approval. Lisa S. revised, reviewed with AEFG at 7/21 call.


  • Reflects creation of E-Resources Subgroup for consultation and coordination. Added notes to recommendations to indicate creation of Slack channel and getting input for an hourly e-res troubleshooting “office hour.”

  • Links to Known Issues Page for Alma/Primo VE.

  • Clarifies use of SalesForce in context of How to Report a Problem guidelines.

  • Links to CDL’s Report a Problem webpage.


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