[DRAFT] Procedures for Troubleshooting
Very general how-to on trouble shooting record and access issues in Primo VE.
Staff need to be able to identify search scopes/strategies being used while encountering problems
Creating a system that supports automatic capturing of this data would be useful: i.e.: capturing IP addresses, search strings, keywords, etc.
Link problems under View Online
no links
access problem
false positives
FRBR issues
IZ settings inside Primo VE or Alma
Physical inventory issues (IZ inventory)
Get It settings
No physical inventory linked
IZ needs to determine whether resource is managed by CDL or IZ
Under View Online links: hovertext reveals preview URL
CDL = 6350 suffix
Anything else should begin with an IZ investigation
Make sure that issue is not part of known issue (CDL-hosted?) page: Known issues with Alma/Primo VE OR TBD an Electronic Resources ongoing issue page (distinct from : Known issues with Alma/Primo VE which is about collaborating with Ex Libris on migration issues) OR ON ORDER but not activated
This could be part of the portfolio of tasks for pending UC-wide E-Resources management and consulting group
Start isolating source of problem in IZ:
Renewal/order/payment issues
VPN/Proxy issues
IZ or vendor/platform?
MARC records
[clarify: “NZ-linked”--LM] IZ bib records may now be overlaid by other UC bib records per (Test Load) SCP, SFX, and related resource records handling for eResource records in NZ
[also this best practices page from RMFG: Bibliographic Record Management in the SILS Network Zone i.e. none of us “own” records anymore, also if there’s a problem in the MARC and it’s connected to OCLC, fix it in OCLC--LM]
May cause FRBR issues
Primo VE settings
Link settings
Wrong electronic collections
NZ activations
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