Jasmine yesterday got access to testing environment through a FG.
All campuses have received their test environments (UCM was last!).
Testing parameters have not been established at UCLA and UCSB.
Training starts first week of April.
Jasmine volunteered to share testing parameters, if they are established at UCLA, with this group.
Question at UCI if OAC finding aids can be made discoverable via Primo.
Note from SILS chair meeting to be disseminated by ICs and FGs: The ICs are recommending a moratorium on any type of bibliographic and holdings records work by campus or FGs that could impact data in the NZ until 3/4 at 5pm. This would preserve the data in its migrated state and allow for Resource Management FG to do their data review. This moratorium would not apply to local testing on Fulfillment and Resource Sharing, or Acquisitions, whose testing would not result in changes to bibs and holdings data in the NZ.
All members: please be in contact with Discovery FG leads on your individual campuses to get clarity on how we in this group can support testing and represent the needs of Special Collections.
Round Robin March 10
Lena Zental and Christine Barone Project Operation Leads requested we schedule a round robin to raise questions to the SILS Communication Cohort:
Ben Alkaly, UCLA (Chair)
Adrian Petrisor, UC Irvine
This opportunity for us to bring questions to them. Potential areas of discussion: OAC, Aeon. Ideally a session will be scheduled after testing in April.
Send questions to Danelle/add here:
How should campus SCA folks be involved with testing? We met with Discovery group members responsible for special collections testing, but we're not sure where to go from there.
Will those decisions impact any possible connections via OAI-PMH (see above)
Are there any updates on how Aeon will interact with Primo? UCB has been told all issues have been worked out. What other concerns still exist?
Concern with excluding special collections records from the Networked Zone (NZ) and some fields being superseded. Metadata CKG recommends each campus decide on an individual basis whether to exclude in NZ or Institutional Zone (IZ). We want it to be clear from user perspective that they can’t request items from one campus to be made available on another campus.
Impact of a new union catalog and OCLC identifiers for discovery
All ASC EL members check in with your campus reps about testing
The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu