Work Plan: Resource Sharing

Work Plan: Resource Sharing



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Get P2P for digitization requests

(long term: P2P in addition to AFN; or P2P replacing AFN)

fall 2024 testing small groups:

Group 1: UCR, UCI, UCD

Group 2: UCSC, UCB, UCSF

Group 3: UCSD, UCSB, UCM


no explicit dependencies; will have to pause depending on Tipasa transition

in progress : during ‘tipasa development review’

ExL willing to assist in config; lots of effort - config & testing, figuring out workflow implications

UCs/EXL meeting notes

2022-05-12 AFN TF meeting notes



Analytics ‘sub’project, schedule c for 2024 due date


August 2024

In progress

large, in conjunction with ExL




UC request of RLF Building Use Only Items (similar to “library use only” deliverable?)

Decision on how library identifies library use (non RLF) only material borrowed via AFN (similar to UC Req RLF Building Use deliverable?)


recommendation around mid 2025

in progress

coord. with F OST (F OST may lead)


This is a continuation of a service already provided by the RLFs for UC patrons. UCR and UCB are currently exploring how to enable BUO requesting from the RLFs, and will inform the campuses once they find a workable solution that can be implemented (may also be related to AFN reading room issues)

This will affect local Fulfillment and ILL teams workflows in a positive manner (may also be related to AFN reading room issues)


Replace VDX with Tipasa


TDRII ‘tipasa development review, part II’ small team March 2024-August 2024

in progress

large effort

Replace VDX with Tipasa

from phase four hand off:
”VDX is no longer actively developed by OCLC and will eventually be discontinued. They offer an upgrade path to Tipasa. The resource sharing group will need to be actively involved in providing requirements and overseeing the migration.”


Prioritized list/”specifications” of reports needed for AFN (including schedule c ExL case)


Sep 1, 2024 (ExL created templates in Analytics) Pending further discussion

in progress : small group: UCM, UCLA, UCSD

medium effort (avoid delving into Alma guts)

Resource Sharing Alma Analytics

potential overlap with Alma Annual Statistics Analytics Project Team

chunk out & prioritize most important reports (include ccc report within priority)



UC and CSU Resource Sharing Partnership (in Alma)


(after P2P investigation, NOT simultaneous with Tipasa implementation)

not started

partnership with CSUs

large size effort on UCs (also on CSUs)

Proposal with CSU

first step would be to think about what sort of options/scenario to explore


potential AFN mismatches out of auto-flow to external broker (requests with bad/incomplete metadata)


no dependency dates

(after P2P investigation & after Tipasa implementation)

not started

ExL willing to work with UCs on config; low-ish effort

UCs/EXL meeting notes

2022-05-12 AFN TF meeting notes

use ‘sending borrowing request rules’ to catch requests in ‘ready to be sent queue’; option: if no identifiers, don’t sent to broker (aka VDX/Tipasa) and/or don't send through any partners


pick up anywhere issues


no external due date

not started



potential ideas:
1: edit pickup/route item after it hits the holdshelf
2: create local user account for other UC’s patron in order to allow ILL pickup at other campus
3: discovered staff can manually create RS req for a network user

1: Does Analytics anonymize pickup location?
2: Can we reliably use Analytics to identify requests that users have placed where their chosen pickup is a non-home location that couldn’t be fulfilled correctly to the non-home location?


Environmental scan of peers




not started


12-18 months once begun

Tipasa Testers 2023 decision page | Environmental scan of peers

next step: develop general criteria & questions (methodology)


Vendor environment scan



not started


12-18 months once begun

Tipasa Testers 2023 decision page | Vendor Environmental scan

next step: develop general criteria & questions (methodology)


RapidILL for UCs (in Alma) - possible proposal for purchase


may be influenced by walkaways of content negotiations

not started

Large effort

Substantial new workflows at many locations,

starting: Substantial set up in Alma,

Ongoing: commitment to RapidILL standards for reciprocation.



Harmonization of notices


no dependency dates

not started

(in progress in F OST)

F OST has taken up; RS OST may participate


Harmonization of notices such as overdue and “courtesy reminder time to renew” sent out by Lenders across the AFN so Network Borrowers are not told to go to Lending Institution’s portals to access renewals.


ExL’s solicitation to “contribute to the Resource Sharing Directory”.


after P2P investigation / (?)after CSU partnership

not started

tbd / pending P2P investigation

contribute to the Resource Sharing Directory



Would like to see 3 option in the Blank ILL Form, specifically separate the Article or Chapter into two, one for "Chapter" and one for "Article"; impacts all resource sharing forms

(investigate options, write up options & ramifications, ask D OST for feedback)

possibly ask ExL for third form…


no due date

not started

large effort

page with the harmonized decisions for the resource sharing forms from SILs phase 4: FFILL (Go-Live) Policies for Resource Sharing Forms

possible dependencies on other forms

(from Sandra FG: The UCLA Discovery team recommend this enhancement, they believe current options are confusing to patrons)


expired holds not found on the hold shelf or still stuck in transit



not started

in progress in F OST (“item should be on hold shelf & is not”)

coord. with F OST


Create decision and documentation on what to do with expired holds not found on the hold shelf or still stuck in transit
High impact because it will inform which institution will be responsible for replacement costs of AFN borrowed items that essentially become lost during the transit and hold process


procedures for handling Lost UC ILL Items ('scenarios' table of phase 4 decision page)

have contacts, but not procedures/best practices

F OST created directory for circ contacts;Library Fulfillment Directory (working on lost item practice recommendations) ; For ILL contacts, use OCLC policy directory


no external dependency dates

not started

(in progress in F OST)


FFILL Post-Go-Live- Decisions on How to Handle Lost UC ILL Items

A decision page has been started to capture how the UCs want to handle Lost UC ILL Items. The Resource Sharing Group should discuss/add to this page and decide on the best way forward for each scenario presented, then communicate the information broadly.


Think about Rapido for UCs (would have to ask leadership for purchase)


no due date

not started

possible first step: 30 min demo from ExL; possible discussion with CSU


RS OST chair (Alison) got sales emails from ExL (could use those to reach out when ready)

may include rapidill in purchase

nice front end features

nice p2p features (directory)