Locate Profile Updates (uncheck “locate by metadata”)

Locate Profile Updates (uncheck “locate by metadata”)

Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided




Locate Profile Updates (uncheck “locate by metadata”)

Decision summary

Based on suggestion from ExL, uncheck “locate by metadata” selection in all UC locate profiles in NZ & distribute to IZs.

Owning group

Intercampus Resource Sharing SILS-RS-L@listserv.ucop.edu






Fulfillment OST

Decision-making process

fist of five

UC Berkeley: 5
UC Davis: 5
UC Irvine: 5
UC Los Angeles: 5
UC Merced: 4
UC Riverside: 5
UC Santa Barbara: 5
UC Santa Cruz: 5
UC San Diego: 5
UC San Francisco: 5
CDL: 3



Target decision date

Feb 1, 2022

Date decided

Feb 9, 2022


  1. Implement Ex Libris’s suggestion to uncheck ‘locate by metadata’ in all UC locate profiles (harmonized) in NZ & distribute from NZ to IZs.

After 14 days of making change, ascertain what effect has occurred for mismatches & non-supplied requests in WSILL.

Method to ascertain effect:

Compare the time period since the change with a similar time period prior to the change.

  • Mismatches:

    • percentage of canceled digitization lending requests (articles)

    • for books (loans), lessening of patron complaints

  • Nonsupply: percentage of requests that entered borrowing nonsupply queue

  • Other metrics as available at local campus

    • locally collected data

    • re-testing reported errors

Fourteen days after implementation, assess situation and pursue further with Ex Libris as needed - more decision pages may be needed.




During phase 4, FFG discovered & reported many issues with mismatches within the AFN. After escalation of tickets with Ex Libris, ExL requested a task force with UC to review their testing and make suggestions.

Notes from ExL/UC AFN Task Force January 2022 meeting

ExL suggested to uncheck the “locate by metadata” in each of the UC locate profiles in the NZ & distribute to IZs. ExL testing indicated this setting should reduce the mismatched and nonsupply issues reported to ExL. UC assumes the testing was done on the specific examples provided in salesforce cases and may not have included regression tests.

Options Considered


Option 1

Option 2


Option 1

Option 2


Harmonize UCs' locate profiles with unchecked ‘locate by metadata’

Non-harmonize UCs' locate profiles with ‘locate by metadata’ setting (some locate profiles checked & some unchecked)


Ease in understanding effects in overall UC AFN


Compare results between changed & unchanged IZs (may be of limited utility due to other differences between UCs)



non-changed IZs with all ‘trash’ mismatches in lending queues

non-changed IZs may have larger lending queues (due to more/continued mismatches)

mismatches being filled with incorrect material from non-changed IZ

mismatches hold up sending out borrowing requests from other campuses to WSILL (delaying patron requests)



Questions to consider

How to ascertain effectiveness of change?

fewer mismatches overall?

fewer nonsupplies in WSILL?

How to disambiguate between mismatches & nonsupplies (in tickets?)

for cases that were successful, do those continue to be successful?

Action Log

Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date





notify SILS Ops Center @ CDL to make change




requested changes in production & sandboxes

done 2/14/22

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