

Nov 18, 2020 9-9:50

When you join the meeting, rename your Zoom name to your name + SILS group (Mouseover your participant window, click on the […] dots dropdown to the right of “mute”, choose Rename.)


Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Zoom name

Start recording!


When you join the meeting, rename your Zoom name to your name + SILS group (Mouseover your participant window, click on the […] dots dropdown to the right of “mute”, choose Rename.)

Ben, Lena, Christine will be watching chat today.







Quick announcements (shared via Slack)

  1. Meeting recordings from Vanguard: If there’s anything you want from vanguard meetings, download it. Most recordings expire after 120 days.

  2. Awareness that link sharing is turned on for the SILS Cohort shared google drive.

  • Benefit? Easier to share outside the cohort.

  • Risk: We cannot lock it down to “view only” so a file could get edited. If this happens, use version history to see who and when a change was made. (demo)

  • Recommendation: Use link sharing in “view” only mode which is the default.

  • Question: Are you comfortable with this risk? Should we continue to leave link sharing turned on? (poll)

  • Question: Share this news with chairs only or share with cohort (see draft email)?



Earlier this month, there was a change to the sharing permissions for files hosted by our SILS Phase 4 Cohort Google Drive.

While the default setting on new and existing files remains restricted access to those within the cohort, it is now possible to enable sharing to anyone with the file link. There are three levels of link-share permissions: viewer, commenter, and editor. The SILS Operations Leads are requesting that only view or comment access be granted to those outside the cohort.

As we move closer to the implementation phase there is a benefit to Google Drive access for external audiences, particularly local implementation team members. However, this flexibility also brings a risk of sensitive and/or not-ready-for-primetime documents being shared more broadly than intended. We ask for your collective discretion in Google Drive permissions-granting.




SILS co-chairs update




  • Thanks to Neil for his service! Welcome Joanna Kang!

  • Technical communication meeting with ICs and PPC in late october.

  • Subgroup A: Ensure ExL team has the expertise as we enter the Implementation phase. Deliverable by end of November to ExL.

  • Subgroup B: Defining best practices for asking questions to get better answers from ExL and what to do it you get an incomplete or wrong answer. Also, collecting helpful resources of information such as from other consortia, ExL knowledgebase, etc. Deliverable: best practices doc, and list of resources (living document).

  • Subgroup C: Supporting each other better and leveraging the experience of the existing Alma campuses. IC and PPC co-chairs will work on this one.


Timeline review (recurring)

Reminder: Implementation Timeline on Confluence for staff without access to Basecamp.

Awareness of what’s happening, coming soon in the project

Upcoming meetings with Ex Libris:

  • eResources migration meeting W 11-1

  • CDL NZ migration meeting Th 10-12

Training: New fall series Q&A started Nov 9.


Lena, Christine

Skipping since it was covered in the Townhall yesterday.




MVP - Shared Services

  1. Why think about MVP now?

  2. What does MVP mean? 

  3. What are the top priority issues (refer to the #1s from the RFP)

  4. What does “Day 1” actually mean? What other range of dates can we agree on?

  5. What is the desired outcome/deliverable?

  6. How do we frame the discussion?

  7. Who needs to be involved?

  8. Buddy system for training and other areas - leveraging existing experience

  9. Understand how we’ll report issues. Customer support - in what areas will it be local and when centralized?



Why think about MVP?

  • Expectation setting around work that happens between now and July.

  • Set priorities to make sure there are no gaps in core services on day one.

    • When test load environment is delivered, that’s the time to confirm what will be possible day one.

    • Also, think about what work needs to be addressed post-go-live

    • Each campus can set their own priorities, but maybe SILS groups focus on consortial-level services?

  • Understand training needs for go-live prep

  • Some components of the test environments will persist into production including libraries and locations, configuration settings, vendor records, integration profiles, and e-resource activations - CARLI’s report

What does MVP mean?

  • “Minimum viable product” which is:

    • the checklist of work that needs to be done by a certain date (ICs - their MVP is to get us migrated successfully)

    • or, the minimum set of functionality we expect to see on go-live. (FGs can use their expertise to decide this?)

    • What’s the diff bw current Alma/Primo campuses and the new Alma/Primo campuses, and how does the MVP change?

    • Xiaoli: SILS MVP means a shared vision of what Alma/Primo can do at the consortium level on a certain date, e.g., Day one of go-live.

Scope: consortium level; focus on shared services, for example:

Out of scope: individual campuses will do this work on their own. For example:

What are the shared services and decisions that make up the minimum viable product on Day one, Week one, etc? For example:

  • decisions regarding the use of NZ

  • % of shared collections discoverable?

  • level of fulfillment services?

Who needs to be part of the work to define the MVP? Ask each FG what they envision related to systemwide resources.

What are the time intervals to consider? (Ask other consortia)

  • Day 1 - Start with this milestone

  • Week 1 - may be too granular

  • Month 1 - may be too granular

  • End of phase 4 – Start with this milestone

  • Within 6 months

  • Within a year

Remember…It’s more than technology change, it’s also about changing the way we work and our shared services.

Next steps?

  • We need good documentation to pass to the operational group as the project phase ends.


  • Some existing services will not survive the move to SILS (some resource sharing services). Need to decide what must be replaced.

  • We want to avoid silo’ed development and move to a systemwide level of development.

  • Distinguish between consortium level and local level. The focus of the SILS cohort is consortium level. That means, the FGs will

  • need to divert questions about local functionality away from FGs so they can focus. Use the UC Alma Group listserv for talking amongst ourselves.

  • What does Day one look like for public services? Training will be needed. (It’s in the works; being managed by Internal Training). The combined document will be very useful for training purposes.

  • Lots of changes for discovery and the user’s workflow. Discovery is documenting this and working with End User outreach to set user expectations.

  • How to interpret the data – why a user got a certain search result. Need to understand this to hellp users.

  • Combine Day 1 vision of FGs in one document to call out dependencies. PPC to manage.



Communication Operation Leads update (recurring)

Awareness of communications activities.

  1. Update on keeping campus staff informed/managing expectations. Next steps are:

    1. Build the FAQ. Send questions for the FAQ. We have a vanguard FAQ; build on it or create a new one as needed.

      1. AskSILS-L@listserv.ucop.edu

    2. Library staff newsletter: add SILS news to your local campus library staff newsletter.

  2. SILS Kudos slack channel


Ben, Adrian

  • FYI. Next SILS Town Hall for cohort is Dec 15.

  • Send your FAQs to the Com Leads to update the FAQ. Then, when you get that question for the zillionth time, you can refer people to the FAQ.

  • Idea from Xiaoli and Lisa: alternative/supplemental to SILS TH4All - 5 minutes on a topic via video (Zoom recording) and share them. Great idea!!


Chairs to send FAQ – questions (and answers if you have them) to the Com Leads via AskSILS-L@listserv.ucop.edu
@Ben Alkaly (Unlicensed) will talk to Adrian about using short 5-minute videos done on topics of interest (aka FAQs) to share with all staff (possibly via SILS News).

Flagging any significant issues (recurring)








Parking Lot

Feel free to add a topic to the Proposed agenda topics page on Confluence

Capture important topics for future discussion















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The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu