

Jan 13, 2021 9-9:50

When you join the meeting, rename your Zoom name to your name + SILS group (Mouseover your participant window, click on the […] dots dropdown to the right of “mute”, choose Rename.)


Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Zoom name

Start recording!


When you join the meeting, rename your Zoom name to your name + SILS group (Mouseover your participant window, click on the […] dots dropdown to the right of “mute”, choose Rename.)

Ben, Lena, Christine will be watching chat today.







Quick announcements (shared via Slack)








SILS co-chairs update

End-User Naming subgroup successfully concluded their work. A recommendation from the WG will go to CoUL on 1/29 for “UC Library Search” as the end-user name.

Thank you to EUNS!

  • Jess Waggoner, Discovery

  • Ellen Augustiniak, Discovery

  • Elizabeth Salmon, Discovery

  • Becca Greer, EUOS

  • Timothy Chu, EUOS

  • Melanie Ramiro, EUOS

  • Ben Alkaly, Com Leads

  • Caitlin Nelson, facilitator

Feedback requested on new End-user name due 1/15



  • Not enough time to broadly consult in the naming process so reaching out and asking whether staff see any red flags/serious concerns.

  • Stay tuned for results of the CoUL meeting on January 29!


Timeline review (recurring)

Reminder: Implementation Timeline on Confluence for staff without access to Basecamp.

Awareness of what’s happening / coming soon in the project

  • Print-a-Palooza session, Thurs. Jan 14 2-3:30

  • SILS groups will be consulting with other groups at UC for testing and other purposes, e.g., FFFG is planning to consult with ILL Operations Advisory Group.

  • Reaffirm our expectation for how decision-making is handled when it involves a consulting groups? → recommendations from consulting groups go through SILS for decision-making, e.g., FG, PPC

  • Reminder: local testing is managed by campuses. As a reference, ICs from Alma campuses created a Confluence page with recommendations for data testing



  • Advice on testing from campus groups is welcome – ICs can share the advice with their campus.

  • Carlo advocated for systemwide harmonization on configuration and testing to the extent possible since we are now on a shared system. We’ve never been on the same system together.




Internal Training

Gathering and creating training docs

Hello SILS Chairs: As the new year begins, the Internal Training Group is entering into a new phase of our project plan! Our vision is to create a place where staff can go to access training materials through and beyond Go Live.To create this, we need your subject-matter expertise, as much of how we work in Alma will be dependent on decisions made in your groups. We would like to invite you to share any workflow and training materials that your team has developed thus far with the Internal Training group. In addition, if there are workflows that your group feels are essential to the campuses that have not been created, we ask you to take the time to write up the instructions for it. The Internal Training group will review all materials and modify them (if needed) to align with training and accessibility best practices. While we won’t change the content of the materials you share, we may need to edit the language in order to standardize it. We know your work is ongoing so we don’t have a deadline, though we hope to have the majority of the documents available by the first Ex libris spring workshop in March. Please send your materials as they are available to the Internal Training listserv: SILS-TOC-STAFF-TRAINING-L@listserv.ucop.edu.Any format (links, attached documents, etc) that we can access is acceptable.Thank you in advance for your contributions. Please reach out if you have questions or concerns either via e-mail or on our slack channel #internal-training-questions


Dominique, Brian, Katie

  • IT is coordinating training and also wants to ensure training documentation is in place. IT members do not have subject expertise and are inviting FGs to share their documentation.

  • IT will standardize and ensure accessibility and then share these documents in a hub.

  • No deadline but would like it before the spring workshops begin in March.

  • Comments:

    • Great idea! thank you for doing this!

    • Q: will the info hub be publicly available? (some confidential info might be on screenshots) A: Not decided yet. Hubs they are considering have that functionality. Another option is to edit out confidential info.

    • Documents in the hub should be approved before submitting them.

    • How to form a local training team? Wouldn’t this be easier coming from a systemwide group. A: workflows are different at each campus. These workflows should be covered in the Ex Libris spring workshops. Will reassess after the workshops to see if there are training gaps.

    • Q: If 5 versions of a workflow are submitted, do all 5 get submitted? A: Looking at the systemwide workflows only. Campuses must document their own local workflows. How do we recognize whether it’s systemwide or local? A: go ahead and send it. Possible to have a section for each campus to store their local docs.

    • Q: Are training docs approved by PPC or does IT verify they have been approved with FG? A: not yet decided.

      • Xiaoli - someone needs to ensure docs are in alignment with UC policy and practices.

  • Q: How have other consortia done training post-go-live? To get a sense of what’s applicable systemwide vs. locally.

  • There are also a lot of workflows that are TBD for how we do things with an NZ that will be part of test load work.

  • Agree with Liz - that will be more what we are harmonizing for example how to attach an order to an NZ bib/resource record vs. varied ways of setting up an order w/ templates, exact workflow for review rules,

  • Since we're acknowledging that there's a need for ongoing collaboration, having something like a broadly available Confluence for UC-wide work I think would be an essential tool moving forward

  • A lot is unknown until we get the test load.

  • Focusing on what should be done in the first couple of months.

  • Find a balance between fully vetted vs. timeliness: label those docs that are fully vetted but also have docs available that haven’t yet been approved so everything is available. Red, yellow, green type of label system.

  • Training on how you interpret the data – it’s not tied to policy. “When you see data like this, this is why it’s happening.” +1

  • Factual workflow doesn’t need an approval.

  • How will PPC approve workflows if they don’t have the expertise? PPC members are the chairs of their FGs so they do have the expertise.

  • Q: will there be local efforts to create a document hub for training?

    • This is being looked at now.

  • I think there needs to be a training track for public service librarians who do not work in the system, but will helping end users are on day one. Is this something you’re thinking about?

    • IT and End User Outreach are having a conversation about this “training public services folks who are not working on configuration, but will work with patrons” question

  • Is everyone doing the same thing for initial configurations? A: PPC has looked at the config form to see what should be harmonized for the test load. Coming next week before the form is due (draft form is due 1/22 and final form is due 2/5). It’s a continuous process of testing and revising.

    • UCM is in a tough place since they did not participate in the vanguard and are filling out the config form for the first time.

    • Carlo: where config is needed is not just on the form which is limited in what can be entered but on the actual configuration. Do we need a subgroup devoted just to configuration?

  • This is the document that PPC is reviewing - copied over from Vanguard and how PPC weighed in for that: (Test load) Configuration Form - specifies what should be decided systemwide vs. at the discretion of the local campus.

Continue the conversation about configs in the PPC-IC meeting on 1/19



Requesting a special meeting with Ex Libris

Awareness of procedure for requesting special meetings




No time – will be presented in IC, PPC and other venues so stay tuned.




Communication Operation Leads update (recurring)

Awareness of communications activities.


Ben, Adrian

  • 5-minute video idea from 11/18 (extension of FAQs) - love this idea but the time investment for video is high. In Ben’s experience, it can be 10 hours per video. If you have an idea for a TedTalk, bring it to the Com Leads (Ben & Adrian).




Flagging any significant issues (recurring)








Parking Lot

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Capture important topics for future discussion















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