
May 5, 2021 9-9:50

Zoom: please see Outlook meeting invite.

Recording of the meeting: forthcoming, see meeting recordings (please note: Zoom-hosted recordings will be available for 120 days after the meeting ​ , after which they are automatically deleted by Zoom).

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Start recording!









Quick announcements








SILS co-chairs update



Chris, Günter

  • Caitlin Nelson is returning as SILS Service Manager on May 17 on a part-time basis initially. Her focus will be on CDL as operational center. She will be attending the IC, PPC and SILS Chairs meetings as a liaison to CDL as the operational home. We’ll ask her to talk more about her work at a future SILS Chairs meeting.

  • December 22 was confirmed by the Working Group as the end date for SILS Phase 4. Not yet official. CoUL has also noted that this is the plan, and will formally vote on this date as part of the approvals for the operational SILS governance structure over the summer.

  • Günter and Chris have been in touch with Melissa Hilbert (SVP Professional Services at Ex Libris) to explore how communications around escalated issues can be improved. The touchpoint for this was a specific incident: in the process of remediating issues with the UCD data load, which all of you are familiar with, Ex Libris did not meet our expectations around timely communications.


Timeline review (recurring)

Reminder: Implementation Timeline on Confluence for staff without access to Basecamp.

Awareness of what’s happening / coming soon in the project





Updates from groups at the weekly project status meetings have been helpful. We’re doing a second round. It’s not mandatory but we’ve loved to hear from your group if it’s practical for you.

Upcoming Ex Libris meetings:




Helping each other

Rely less on Ex Libris; rely on our own internal expertise.



  • This is a living reference document and is fully editable. Please update/add to as needed.

  • Provide people with a way to contact the correct subject matter expert

  • It & tech contacts

  • A faster way to get answers from our colleagues who may have experience that we can benefit from e.g. if you need a buddy to help with integrating PeopleSoft

  • Sign up for the UC-Alma google group; it’s a great place to start finding answers to questions you cannot find in the Alma documentation

  • Keep thinking about how documentation and communication is set up ongoing for success.




CDI Part 2

  • Overview of models (Xiaoli)

  • Discovery FG’s recommendation and share pros and cons

  • PSELG findings

CDI decision page:

Campuses are not in agreement on EasyActive v FullyFlexible, yet we all must choose the same activation model. Ex Libris strongly urges EasyActive (and that is what we have in the Test Load).

After today’s meeting:

  1. Understand the two CDI models

  2. Understanding the impact each model has on UX

  3. Understand the questions or concerns UC’s have about EasyActive

  4. Determine next steps



Xiaoli, Beth, Jess

  • Xiaoli gave a slide presentation on her understanding of the CDI models. She encouraged others to correct her if she’s misunderstood anything – it’s a complex issue.

  • 2 separate data storage/indexes – CDI and Primo Local Discovery index.

  • For licensed collections

  • For other collections, the metadata is indexed for searching (even if you don’t have access to it).

  • Collection A is automatically searchable in Primo.

  • Other Collections (not licensed)

    • For FF, must activate it for searching. It will not appear in filtered search since you don’t have licensed access to it. It will only show up in the expanded search.

    • For EA, it’s the same result as above. The only difference is you have to activate in FF, and you do nothing in EA. Biggest impact is on ebooks which may not be deduped.

  • Cons of EA: may get more support tickets and ILL requests.

  • Cons of FF: more staff time needed to activate and deactivate collections.

  • Beth presented on the work PSELG has done on CDI. PSELG reached out to colleagues. FF requires decision-making and activations - time-consuming. EA cons are getting results for items that you don’t have fulltext access to. Why would we pursue FF if EA is the product ExL is supporting moving into the future.

  • Jess presented on the Discovery perspective of CDI. Already-Alma campuses are limiting by availability except for UCI. DFG is investigating what the best options are for filtering for both EA and FF. Don’t want to overwhelm novice users with too many results of items that are not available. They are seeing similar results in “expand results” with both models. EA takes away the power to de-searchify.

  • EA collections cannot be turned off from search except for 400 collections that are excluded automatically and must be turned on if you want to include them. Ping Gao confirmed this on Basecamp.

  • One of the enhancements in the latest NERS voting was to consider print holdings in availability.

  • Günter acknowledged how challenging this issue has been. It seems time is at a premium with go-live so close we exhausted the investigation and now need to make a pragmatic decision. Does PPC have the information they need to make a decision? Alternatively, if PPC does not feel confident they can escalate to WG to make the decision.

  • Sarah L called out the convo in chat about smaller campuses not having the resources to support FF. UCB is also concerned with staffing even though they are larger - staff is thin in the areas affected by FF.

  • Stay focused on how we manage the end result of whichever method we choose to go with.

  • Discovery does not see major end-user dealbreakers with either model. They are waiting for a decision to plan the end-user guidance.

PPC will discuss the decision on Friday and escalate immediately to WG if they determine they cannot make the decision.



Communication Operation Leads update (recurring)

Awareness of communications activities.



Ben, Adrian

This month in SILS will go out by end of week.




Flagging any significant issues (recurring)








Parking Lot

Feel free to add a topic to the Proposed agenda topics page on Confluence

Capture important topics for future discussion















The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu