IC (Test Load + 3 months) Managing work in the Alma NZ instance

Legend: not started IN PROGRESS STALLED decided




Test Load + 3 months


Agree on a process for determining what work needs to be done in the NZ Alma instance and what kind of access might be needed.


Work in and access to the Network Zone (NZ) Alma instance will be determined on a case by case basis using the process outlined in this decision page.

Owning group



PPC for approval of the process. NZ Admins for approving access to the NZ Alma instance.


For approving access to the NZ Alma instance:

R = NZ Admins (Alison Ray, Gem Stone-Logan), SILS Service Manager (Caitlin Nelson), cohort groups who identify NZ use cases
A = SILS Service Manager (Caitlin Nelson)
C = cohort groups on an as-needed basis
I = cohort

Decision-making process

  1. Draft the decision making process.

  2. Get feedback and approval on the process from PPC.

  3. Make modifications to the process as we learn more.



Due date

Mar 25, 2021

Recommendation (updated 6/11/21, see action log)

Work in and access to the Network Zone (NZ) Alma instance will be determined on a case by case basis using the process outlined in this decision page.


As the UCs enter a new phase of a shared bibliographic collection in Alma, many needs and activities may shift from multiple campus ILSes into the Network Zone. These needs and activities may be complex and require a thoughtful transformation of UCs’ practices. As the soon-to-be ‘operational center’ of the SILS, including in particular the NZ Alma instance, CDL is committed to ensuring campus needs are met while maintaining integrity of the shared bibliographic collection.

CDL NZ Administrators (Gem Stone-Logan and Alison Ray) will work within the SILS cohort to analyze and collaborate in decision-making for identified NZ Alma needs and activities. The SILS Service Manager (Caitlin Nelson) will coordinate their work with the campuses and vendor as needed.

The assumption is most of the use cases will be identified by go-live or shortly thereafter.

Scope: Network Zone vs Network Zone Alma instance

We are careful in this document to differentiate between the “Network Zone” and the “Network Zone Alma instance.”

  • The “Network Zone” is a collaborative network of shared data in which all the UC Libraries participate;

  • The “Network Zone Alma instance” is the individual instance of Alma managed by CDL for the purposes of supporting CDL-managed UC collections in shared cataloging and shared acquisitions, for example.

It is possible for campus staff to do work “in the NZ” or affecting the NZ from their own IZ instance. For this, they use their same local campus Alma account. It is also known that some activities can only be done in the Network Zone Alma instance which requires a separate account.

The scope of this document covers only work done within the Network Zone Alma instance. Work done in the Network Zone at-large is coordinated and governed by the appropriate SILS teams, and documented in other decision pages.

Decision-making process for “Network Zone Deputy Account”

  1. As you identify an activity that must be performed in the NZ Alma instance for the test load and/or for ongoing work (go-live and beyond), consult with the relevant FG or your campus Implementation Coordinator to understand and detail the use case(s) and workflow(s).

  2. Inform NZ Administrators (NZ Admins), Alison Ray and Gem Stone-Logan via sils-sysops@cdlib.org when new activities are identified.

  3. NZ Admins, in consultation with the appropriate SILS teams and others, begin the analysis process for newly-identified activities to understand the available options for doing this work: e.g. does it really need to be done from the NZ Alma instance, how often does it need to be done, what is the most efficient way to do it, etc..

  4. On a case-by-case basis, NZ Admins determine whether NZ Alma instance access is needed or whether the use case can be satisfied by other means, such as an automated process or by dedicated NZ staff.

  5. NZ Admins record the decision and communicate with relevant SILS teams and the original stakeholder.

Workflow-creation process

  1. Once a decision about how to do the work and whether an NZ Alma account will be granted is made, NZ Admins will collaborate with the appropriate SILS team and the original stakeholder on defining the work and assigning the account.

  2. A person assigned an NZ Alma account will be a “Network Zone Deputy” and will perform the work on behalf of all UCs system-wide. Given the limitations on NZ Alma instance account numbers, and to maximize efficiencies, an NZ Deputy may do work for multiple similar use cases.

  3. The NZ Deputy will be given a clear definition of the work, timetable, deliverables, etc.

  4. The NZ Admins will be given a timetable for the use of the account (see below for rotating membership accounts).

  5. A SILS team will be designated as the “home” of this particular activity and point of contact for questions, reviewing the work, troubleshooting, etc.

Dependencies + Context

  • Within the CDL as operational center, the Network Zone Administrators act as stewards of the Network Zone, monitoring performance and growth; performing maintenance; and administrating access, among other things. They do this in the context of the SILS governance, working in conjunction with the SILS Service Manager and the SILS teams.

  • NZ Alma accounts:

    • Accounts will be granted on the basis of the necessary work (as documented in the use cases) not on a campus representative basis.

    • Accounts may be granted on a rotating basis if NZ Deputy work rotates among a SILS team.

    • Many campus-specific tasks involving the Network Zone can be done from within that campus’ IZ; for access to the NZ Alma instance, priority will be given to work being on behalf of all UCs system-wide.

    • Because the NZ Alma instance can only support a few number of accounts, priority will be given to accounts which do multiple tasks.

  • The NZ has a limited number of accounts (still to be determined but likely less than 30, including all CDL staff managing work in the NZ). The NZ Deputy account would be in addition to a campus IZ account for a single person. It would count as two accounts toward the UC’s total number of purchased Alma accounts. (verified by ExL via basecamp 3/25/2021).

Approach + Timeline

  • Until the extent and nature of NZ work is better understood, the NZ Admins and CDL staff will perform work in the network zone as needed through test load and for “Day One.”

  • As use cases are identified leading up to and after Go-Live, ongoing work will be reviewed and assigned to Network Zone Deputies as needed.

Currently identified use cases:

RMFG NZ processes and roles table

ILSDC post golive clean up (NZ items)

Example use case and decision:

ILS Data Cleanup (ILSDC) identified an NZ use case: data that is in the NZ but is not maintained by CDL (Shared Cataloging and Acquisitions). Catherine and TJ, the ILSDC chairs, met with Alison and Gem, from CDL, to discuss how to identify and fix any data issues in the NZ. 

After meeting, the group decided on this process:

  1. ILSDC will contact Gem for any NZ reports needed to find potential problems.

  2. ILSDC will then review the reports. 

  3. If it is a cleanup issue, ILSDC will work with the campuses to clean up the data. 

  4. However, if it indicates a migration error, they will inform Alison and Gem who will create a ticket with Ex Libris.

It was not necessary to create an NZ account for ILSDC in this case.

Decided use cases:

Action Log

Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



Action/Point Person

Expected Completion Date



Create a decision page to outline the decision-making process and to gather use cases @Alison Ray (CDL) and @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed)

Mar 10, 2021



Get feedback and approval on the decision making process from PPC

Mar 12, 2021 and Mar 19, 2021

@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) to ask PPC to put on the meeting agenda.


Get feedback from the PPC members who were absent at the March 19 meeting @Xiaoli Li

Mar 25, 2021



Share the final, approved decision page with ICs, all-cohort

Mar 29, 2021

@Gem Stone-Logan will share on ICs, all-cohort, SILS Chairs


Determine if use cases should continue to be gathered (as links) in this decision page or if another format would make more sense, e.g., table, sheet, etc.


Yes, put use cases in this decision page.


Added ‘decided use cases’ section; added one decided use case in that section; updated contact point for NZ administrators




Updated page title, recommendation, scope, workflow-creation process, context, approach and timeline.



(re)approved by PPC 6/11/21

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