2022-06-22 RS OST meeting notes


  • @Patrick SHANNON (Unlicensed) , UC Berkeley

  • @Jason Newborn , UC Davis (vice chair)

  • @Linda Michelle Weinberger , UC Irvine

  • @Demitra Borrero (Demitra Borrero), UC Merced 

  • @Scott Hathaway , UC Santa Barbara

  • @Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) , UC Santa Cruz, note taker

  • @Peter Devine , UC San Diego

  • @Ryan White , UC San Francisco

  • @Alison Ray (CDL) , California Digital Library (chair)

  • regrets: @Sabrina Simmons , UC Riverside; @Sandra Farfan-Gracia , UC Los Angeles


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







record meeting

make sure Alison records meeting





upcoming special meeting:
7/13: OCLC meeting for Tipasa Two-Wednesday

FYI on schedule



Agenda for 7/13 OCLC/UC Tipasa meeting (UC only)




status check; any qs?



no test patrons yet? plz resend if you’ve made them.

Loose deadline for mid-to-end of July. Particularly important for testing refresh procedures which we will need to implement in August.

See instructions on the RS SB Testing accounts G Sheet (note there are ‘tabs’ at the bottom of the sheet with more info)




Consortial Block subgroup update

6-9-2022 Agenda and meeting Notes

6-9-2022 Meeting Recording


Linda Michelle

  1. Cash Limit Block Harmonization?  UC Cash Limit chart for AFN user groups?

    1. Differing cash limits will give users different privileges at different sites (eg. lower cash limit at non-home site, blocked unexpectedly); may be difficult to harmonize; may create confusion if ‘consortial cash limit’ is very different from site’s cash limit; desire to keep focus on ‘blocking’ and not dive too deep into cash limit blocks

    2. Different cash limit needs at differing sites per different user types (eg. student block at $50, but faculty block never -> may be different at different sites as well)

    3. But will still like to gather data. See Action Item.

2. We are continuing to test. We tested between UCLA and UCB and discovered that Ex Libris customized consortial blocks (that only UCLA and UCB have configured at the moment) at a 4 and 5 level show promise for preventing blocked patrons from making AFN requests in Primo VE (UC Library Search). The AFN ILL request link does not come up for patrons with a level “4” or “5” block on their record. More testing will be conducted at future meetings.


all RS OST Members please review the following spreadsheet and if your campus has not filled out your local cash limits and AFN user groups yet then please contact the person at you campus who has access to the fulfillment configuration and can provide the information.

UC Cash Limits and AFN User Groups


RS Analytics update




Working on borrowing report- need to figure out what status should be included in the report, for some campuses “completed” status seems to work but for others requests may be moving to “deleted”

If we can get a dependable borrowing report, then Alison can help us get the lending report using that same data

Extension on schedule C to December but for now the Subteam has a target date of July 28th to decide if we need more time


Anyone creating SalesForce cases add them to this page! & also add sils-rs listserv to ‘additional contacts’ as makes sense

@Mallory DeBartolo (Unlicensed) will email the subgroup asking about participation from staff outside the OST.


AFN TF Hand off:
Overly restrictive ToUs?

Discuss strategies for physical UC-to-UC fills inside VDX; could ToUs be restricting AFN?)


AFN TF (Alison, Linda Michelle, Mallory, Sandra)

UC to UC fills inside of VDX:

as borrower: see a lot of fills from particular UC lender, tell that UC lender to look into IZ settings (ToU/item policy/hierarchy….) → look at bib record (eg is there a standard number) if not, refer issue to lender

as lender: magically notice (file out UC borrowers from VDX picklist?) that you’re filling requests in VDX & look into those ToUs/item policy/hierarchy → file case with ExL if ToU not obvious

fulfillment configuration utility (to see what sorts of policies/configs affect requests)


other reasons? no barcode; no standard numbers. Put the request in the not supplied queue and then is manually requested? Or did VDX code fill in good metadata to allow automatic requesting.

issues with ‘oclc direct profile’: adds back in appropriately skipped items (eg check out statuses); vdx brokering sites (UCLA UCSD) cannot

special collections ‘special case’ uses: falling into VDX, no good AFN/ToU issue


@Alison Ray (CDL) set for ‘part ii’: UC fills in VDX not AFN for next meetingJun 23, 2022

Wrap up

Review actions and decisions







Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion



‘pu anywhere exceptions’: review shared messages, what would be next steps
metrics on how often ‘pu anywhere’ requests have to be changed to home campus (Jason) → may lead to: editing pu loc for this requests → may lead to: harmonizing bookbands

Why do some digitization requests go to the “Digitization Dept for Institution” queue? It means they can’t get filled in Alma and then get kicked out to VDX - see 4/6/22 meeting notes for more info. (Scott)

NZ setting affecting fines/bills at UCSB (scott)

special collections ‘special case’ uses: falling into VDX, no good AFN/ToU issue


@Alison Ray (CDL) add NZ setting affecting fines/bills from scott to 6/23/22 meeting Jun 23, 2022









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