Tipasa Developer Review Next Steps

Tipasa Developer Review Next Steps

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Tipasa Developer Review Next Steps

Decision summary

RS OST recommends next steps after failed Tiapasa Developer Review project.

Work Plan Deliverable

Replace VDX with Tipasa

Owning group

Resource Sharing OST (SILS-RS-L@listserv.ucop.edu)


Resource Sharing OST


ILL CKG, CDL Resource Sharing Team, SILS Operations Center, Fulfillment OST, SILS All Chairs



Decision-making process

4s and 5s from all voting members



Target decision date


Date decided

Mar 13, 2024


RS OST will create a small group to check in & test after each deliverables (currently slated for May & June/July 2024); report back to RS OST by August 2024.

RS OST will determine a target implementation date after the successful full test of the integration possibly in summer/fall 2025.

RS OST to re prioritize work plan projects based on new & relevant information.


Stakeholder group


Stakeholder group


Resource Sharing OST

Major impact in terms of project planning, investigation, testing, configuration, and integration related to Alma and all resource sharing aspects.

All UC Libraries resource sharing staff

Major impact to workflows related to Alma and all resource sharing aspects.

SILS Operations Center

Medium impact to system maintenance, configurations, and data tables.


Strategic prioritization of major systemwide projects.


As of March 8, 2024 the integration between Tipasa and Alma does not meet the minimum requirements of the University of California, thus Tipasa cannot be implemented in summer 2024.

March 8 2024 snapshot Gaps in Alma/Tipasa integration, [UC only, request access if prompted]


Tipasa Development Review period

Timeframe: November 8, 2023 to March 8, 2024

After two failed integration projects (detailed below) OCLC reached out to Ex Libris in September 2023 to address the remaining gaps in the integration between the two products. OCLC presented their summary report to UC [UC only, request access if prompted] to UC in early October 2023. Based on OCLC’s work plan, RS OST created the small group “Tipasa Developer Review” to work with OCLC and Ex Libris on the remaining gaps.

However, as of March 8, 2024 the integration between Tipasa and Alma does not meet the minimum requirements (March 8 2024 snapshot Gaps in Alma/Tipasa integration, [UC only, request access if prompted]) of the University of California, and testing of remaining gaps cannot move forward.

Based on the necessary work to test the full integration, kick off an implementation project, implementation itself, and any pre term training for student staff, March 8, 2024 was the last possible viable date for a full integration delivery that could possibly result in a Summer 2024 implementation of Tipasa.

Tipasa Pilot

Timeframe: September 2022 to January 2023.

The UC RS OST engaged in a Tipasa Pilot in 2022 [UC only, request access if prompted] with OCLC during which UC discovered Tipasa was not sufficient to support UC’s resource sharing needs.

  • OCLC provided a multi-month implementation plan that included demonstrations for Tipasa configuration and use, that did not take into account our requirements of our Alma integration needs and expectations. 

    • “The findings of the UC RS OST is that the Tipasa product in its current state is not ready for implementation at the UC.” from Tipasa project plan outline 2023/2024 (decision page)

  • RS OST created a gaps document [UC only, request access if prompted] to identify shortcomings with the Tipasa program and integration with Alma as of the time of testing. 

    • “The gaps are to a number and degree such that manual remediation on UCs part would effectively halt any non-consortia interlibrary loan traffic in or out of the UCs. This would negatively impact UC patrons, as roughly 47% of materials supplied to UC patrons are filled from outside the consortium (from UC Library Annual Statistics, 2021-2022, table 5, pages 5-6)” from Tipasa project plan outline 2023/2024 (decision page)

Tipasa Testing period

Timeframe: March to October 2023

During RS OST’s March 1, 2023 meeting, the RS OST charged a small group of Tipasa Testers with the following charge:

“The Tipasa Testers are charged with coordinating and testing integration between Alma and Tipasa. This team will communicate with vendors OCLC (Tiapsa) and Ex Libris (Alma) to facilitate testing, requirements, use cases, etc as needed to achieve a successful integration between Alma and Tipasa. The testers will work to ensure that the Alma/Tipasa integration has minimal to no negative impact on interlibrary loan and resource sharing services to UC library patrons. … The Tipasa Testers will periodically report on testing progress to the Resource Sharing OST. The Tipasa Testers will present a final report to RS OST once all gaps have been successfully addressed or by October 2023, whichever event occurs first.”

Gaps document, October 6 freeze, only showstoppers [UC only, request access if prompted]: what was delivered and what is missing as of end of project

Tipasa Testers group found that Tipasa is not ready for UC to use as a VDX replacement as of Oct 6, 2023.



Questions to consider


Action Log

point person/action/due date

Completion Date



point person/action/due date

Completion Date























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