2021-07-20 Com Leads Meeting notes


  • @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) ​, Co-chair, PMOL

  • @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) ​, Co-chair, PMOL, out

  • @Ben Alkaly (Unlicensed), Com Leads

  • @Adrian Petrisor, Com Leads



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Checkin/quick updates/anything from parking lot, slack or email

  • Don’t forget to check the Task report for your outstanding tasks and check them off when done.




  • How we’ll communicate about go live (Com Leads)

    • Confluence dashboard for go live!

    • Ben and Adrian will consider it.

    • Discuss at next meeting 7/13

    • Would live on the home page at the top.

      • How would we let people know that this will be available? Add a one-liner to the current communication template

  • Discuss shared gov rollout (Com Leads and Danielle) - 7/20

    • Meeting on 7/22 to discuss. What makes the most sense to B & A is either a dedicated SILS News or possibly messaging from the ULs or ICs to all staff. Timing would be mid-August for messaging and mid-September for TH. More details next week.

    • Added post-meeting: wondering if we shouldn’t have a dedicated SILS News and an all-staff message to really get the word out.

Ben will add one liner to the current communication

Adrian will create the table and add it to the home page by 7/26 (removing the go live countdown widget)

PMs will fill out the dashboard


Go Live communications week of go-live

  • OP: Joint letter will come from President & Provost. Letter will be sent post-go-live. Method of sending TBD. We are asking for the widest channel (UC-wide email blast) but ultimately, it’s up to OP to decide how they’ll share the message. In progress. Meeting to discuss with OP, GW, BA and AP TBD

  • (Deadline?) Template for each UL to send to their own campus. Get input from EUOS and IT. Reiterate - ensuring staff know they won’t be experts in the new system on day one. Insert your local links to FAQ, Primo search, training docs and other important links.

    • create a version in the event go-live is delayed. Done!

  • 7/27 Gunter & Chris: Thank you to the cohort - Day of go live. Recognize all the effort that went into getting us to go-live. Work continues but taking a moment to thank everyone.

    • Have a version that mentions one or more campuses delaying launch of Primo.

  • SILS News: 7/29 or 7/30 (or when all campuses are live) Congratulations! live with MVP - more decisions and work will be coming; and here’s what’s coming next. Reminder of UC-wide town hall on 8/2.



Com Leads will figure out a comms path with Stacy and Melanie when they meet today (assigning communicators, sharing templates, etc.)

Any updates to report?

  • ICs will be comm channel for the congrats/delay message. Have you gotten any questions from the ICs about the request to be comm channel for the congrats/delay message? Not yet.


Notes for https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IeIE7SB1R_J4nw6tcgIDpDIaFLRYbcycq6Mtf76C_6s/edit#heading=h.4qa4801juzrk based on Steering discussion 7/7.


  • We will need 2 versions of email templates to send to ULs: 1 if campuses go live as scheduled, 1 if they do not.

    • Ben will draft the letters by the end of this week for us to edit. Done!

    • Both versions going to ICs to give to the appropriate channel on their campus for distribution

  • Thank you to the cohort from SILS co-chairs via SILS-Cohort & SILS News on July 27. Ben will work on this when he returns from vacay.

    • Have a version that mentions one or more campuses delaying launch of Primo.

    • Ben expects to have this by EOD 7/21.

  • Congrats from Pres. is in discussion about the channel for communicating.

    • Ben, Adrian and Guenter are meeting with UCOP. Date/time TBD



“This month in SILS” PILOT

Start of the month talking points about SILS; release as a SILS News.


  • Last week of the month: Ask via SILS Chairs slack channel - what’s your “need to know” (for library staff) for this month to share in SILS News? If you were speaking at a TH, what’s the one thing your group would want to share.(OK if you don’t have anything). Share answer in SILS Chairs slack (meet people where they are.)

    • SILS PM talking points

    • EUOS news releases talking points

  • Com Leads refine it. Ready to go out on the first of the month as a SILS News.

  • Reminder at the SILS chairs meeting.




Will Com Leads still do this for SILS News post go live?

OK to remove this topic from future agendas.




Editorial calendar (recurring)



Ben, Adrian

For Caitlin and Claudia (Alma/Primo Bug Reporting Page), Ben will ask them to draft something for SILS News




Town Hall for All

Communication channels slide (at each meeting)

  • Q3: 8/2 10:30-11:30


  • PM update: Not needed

  • Slides: Suzy from UCLA

  • MC: Ben

  • Tech role: Suzy (UCLA) (mutes/unmutes), advances slides, gives remote control access, and starts recording

  • Moderator Chat: - use Com Leads channel

  • Public chat: sharing links, etc.- PMs

  • Q&A (manage questions): MC will announce questions and push live. PMs will monitor and ping chairs via zoom chat for questions as needed.


Com Leads

From 7/13 meeting:

  • (10 mins, includes starting a couple minutes late) Chairs give 30,000 foot view of what we’ve accomplished.

    • SILS success story; journey and how we’ve grown.

    • How to manage thank you’s: calling out the the major areas and their big initiatives and deliverables - IC, PPC, Training/Outreach. (What visual might accompany this.)

  • (5-10 mins) UC Library Search Pop Quiz

    • ~5 questions that reinforce “need to knows” (poll) - Ben will be quiz master

  • (10 mins) SILS is transformative…. Intro to Q&A panel (mini-roundtable)

    • Use this question as intro/prompt for our designated Q&A session respondents (see below)

  • (30 mins, or as long as needed) Reinforce Open Q&A

    • Encourage advance submissions

    • Identify Q&A panel in areas of: Alma expertise (IC?), Primo expertise (Discovery?) and training (IT)

  • Ben asked his colleague Suzy to do the slides and the tech. Still waiting to hear back. Adrian will be somewhere where the internet is unreliable.

  • Ben will be reaching out to the question respondents to tee them up and let them know to be on call for questions.

  • How to get the message out about this TH? If ICs are too busy, will need a colleague at each campus to send an all-staff slack/email about the TH

  • Need quiz questions - spend time at 7/27 meeting brainstorming

    • 5 greatest value props of UC Library Search (fun but informative) basic but necessary info




Com Leads ongoing checkin

  1. Is anything blocked or behind schedule?

  2. What deliverables are coming in the next week?

  3. Any decisions, consultations or approvals needed in the next week? 

  4. Do you need anything?







Parking Lot




Adrian is on vacation for 2 weeks beginning 7/27




Wrap up




Any actions or decisions missed?












The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu