2021-05-25 Com Leads Meeting notes


  • @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) ​, Co-chair, PM Lead, out

  • @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) ​, Co-chair, PM Lead

  • @Ben Alkaly (Unlicensed), Com Leads

  • @Adrian Petrisor, Com Leads, out



Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Checkin/quick updates/anything from parking lot, slack or email

  • Don’t forget to check the Task report for your outstanding tasks and check them off when done.








“This month in SILS” PILOT

Start of the month talking points about SILS; release as a SILS News.


  • Last week of the month: Ask via SILS Chairs slack channel - what’s your “need to know” (for library staff) for this month to share in SILS News? If you were speaking at a TH, what’s the one thing your group would want to share.(OK if you don’t have anything). Share answer in SILS Chairs slack (meet people where they are.)

    • SILS PM talking points

    • EUOS news releases talking points

  • Com Leads refine it. Ready to go out on the first of the month as a SILS News.

  • Reminder at the SILS chairs meeting.







Alma/Primo Bug Documentation

Determine ownership


Ben, Adrian, EUOS, Caitlin?

In response to the escalation path doc that went to DOC and CoUL last week, Stacy Brinkman called out that it references the UCLS FAQ as a source for info on known bugs or product limitations, and asked to be looped in.

Lena: On a related note, I created this “Known issues with Alma/Primo” page on the IC space. Audience: Staff.

Adrian’s Slack response: “You mention something that I actually wanted to put on the agenda for our next monthly meeting: the FAQ will probably have to include links to a variety of external resources, among them  a living document (which may get stuff added and deleted from it every day in the period immediately following July 27) with all the currently  known (on any given day) bugs and limitations of UC Library Search, and which  will probably be maintained by Caitlin or someone else in her team. Of course, there’s plenty of time to figure that process out because it will be only relevant after go-live. Personally I don’t think that EUOS has to be responsible for keeping that list up-to-date, because it will need to be kept current for many months after go live, and CDL’s team will probably be in the best position to compile all the relevant data from Ex Libris and the 10 campuses.”

Discuss with Com Leads on June 1

  • Alma/Primo known issues on Confluence

    • SILS cohort for phase 4

    • Operations Team for ongoing shared gov

  • Subset of Discovery interface bugs/known issues lives on UCLS site, written in patron-friendly language.

    • EUOS for phase 4

    • Operations Team for ongoing shared gov




Editorial calendar (recurring)



Ben, Adrian

Article to SILS cohort/SILS News: Recognize how far we’ve come - the decisions we’ve made. Working together has made us even stronger -- even the Alma campuses. So much expertise in the cohort (existing Almas and more) and it has really helped. Possible approaches for an article:

  • (silly note) We were anxious in the “Harmonization is coming” early days in phase 3, then we laughed in phase 4 (Greg’s videos) - see how far we’ve come.

  • (more serious note) Describe outcomes of the decisions -- why this really matters. (save this for later)

  • Ben added talking points for co-chairs to the May SILS TH (Done!)

Do this at the June 15 TH. Theme: How working together has made us even stronger. Focusing on growth and shared accomplishment is deeply important.

Use this as a model.

@Ben Alkaly (Unlicensed) will talk to Adrian about morale boost slidedeck for June TH.

SILS Town Hall meeting (recurring)

  • Chairs talking points

  • Copy slide deck for reuse

  • Finalize slide deck

  • Check questions in the queue

  • Confirm several weeks in advance with guest speakers (calendar of speakers)

    • Shared Governance

    • Digital Collections FG

    • Archives & Special Collections EL

  • Decisions slide (Review decisions in Com Leads one week before the TH. Ask chairs for a sentence on what is the decision and why it matters and tell them to prepare for Qs.)

3rd Tuesdays: 6/15

  • Roles:

    • Adrian: MC

    • Ben: Tech

    • Christine: PM Update

    • Lena: Chat moderator


Com Leads

Anything we need to think ahead about?





Town Hall for All

Communication channels slide (at each meeting)

  • Q3: 8/2 10:30-noon

    • Roundtable - highlights and kudos, MVP and how decisions were made and a couple of examples of decisions (Com Leads draft questions; Op Leads review questions; Com Leads send final questions by DATE)

    • Post-go-live shared governance?


  • PM update:

  • Slides:

  • MC:

  • Tech role: Ben (mutes/unmutes), advances slides, gives remote control access, and starts recording

  • Moderator Chat: - use Com Leads channel

  • Public chat: sharing links, etc.- PMs

  • Q&A (manage questions): MC will announce questions and push live. PMs will monitor and ping chairs via zoom chat for questions as needed.


Com Leads





Com Leads ongoing checkin

  1. Is anything blocked or behind schedule?

  2. What deliverables are coming in the next week?

  3. Any decisions, consultations or approvals needed in the next week? 

  4. Do you need anything?



  • In progress: Patron complaint escalation process message (Adrian). Next steps: draft the escalation template email to DOC to share with their library staff.

    • enough changing to send to all campuses (not just the new-to-Alma campuses)




Parking Lot




  • [Talk about in June] Who will manage go-live announcements? What have other consortia done to share go-live announcements? (is this EUOS work or project work?) We will need to set expectations around the time of go-live (morning, noon, later? ICs are discussing)

  • Consider: Celebrations/Melvyl retirement: At Aug 2 TH, put a “Melvyl retirement party” section with Q&A with Melvyl creators or quotes on slides. Recognize everyone who was part of Melvyl over the years. Fun interactive poll? Virtual online card you can contribute to.




Wrap up




Any actions or decisions missed?











Work in Progress:

Com Leads

  • SILS Communications Calendar

  • Virtual town hall for cohort

  • Virtual town hall for all (start early Nov; quarterly)

  • Celebration milestones and what’s involved


The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu