2020-11-10 Com Leads Meeting notes


  • @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) , Co-chair, PM Leads

  • @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) , Co-chair, PM Leads

  • @Ben Alkaly (Unlicensed), Com Leads (out Nov 9-13)

  • @Caitlin Nelson, SILS Service Manager, out

  • @Adrian Petrisor, Com Leads (out Nov 18-20)

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Checkin/quick updates/anything from parking lot, slack or email

  • Don’t forget to check the Task report for your outstanding tasks and check them off when done.

  • Finalize whether to keep link sharing on. There’s no way to remove “editing” as an option. And, if so, how broadly to share this information - with SILS chairs or the whole cohort?

  • Is there any way to make the UC Libraries SILS P4 landing page default to show the left-hand sidebar? If not, can we link some of those files in the sidebar to the main home page.

  • Using the SILS Kudos slack channel

  • Check on progress of integrations communication (Todd & Adrian)



  • Make the chairs aware that link sharing is available. A file could get edited. Use version history to see who and when a change was made. Inform them to use share linking in “view” only mode which is the default.

  • Using the SILS Kudos slack channel - add to the SILS Chairs meeting agenda to invite chairs to thank members.

  • Check on progress of integrations communication (Todd & Adrian): Talk about next steps for ICs - ensuring they have their integrations list; take another pass at editing the letter.

    • Adrian will work with Todd to finish the letter.

    • If available, Adrian and Todd could attend the IC meeting to discuss the letter and how it’s used. Thursday 2-3 at 11/12 IC meeting.


@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) and @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) to discuss link sharing at the the SILS Chairs meeting. Ask if they are comfortable with this risk. Also add SILS Kudos slack channel to the agenda.
@Adrian Petrisor will investigate changing the home page confluence to
@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) will invite Adrian and Todd to the IC meeting on 11/12 at 2pm to present on CIO letter.

Editorial calendar




Time permitting




Feedback from SILS Chairs on communicating and managing expectations

Discuss idea to keep building on FAQs to support cohort members so they have easy talking points when questions arise.

Also for PMs who get repetitive questions about the freeze before cutover and the “what ifs” around the go-live date (What if go-live changes? What if one campus is not ready?)

Create an email template for general responses or does this fall under the FAQ? “I understand you are anxious. These decisions have not been made yet. The answers will come and we will share them when we have them. We have a well designed process. Answering individual questions is not productive.”

You are empowered to be a leader for the project and communicate back. Provide the tools and authority for cohort members to answer these questions - email template, FAQ, etc.

“Cheat sheet” on Confluence for where to go to learn what’s happening in the project: talk to your local group/imp team, talk to co-chairs of a group, website, Confluence (meeting notes, decision pages).



  • Ask for FAQs at SILS chairs; point to the form linked from FAQ.

  • Self-service: listservs including UC-alma list, etc. (See Tech Com meeting notes)




SILS Town Hall meeting (recurring)

  • Chairs talking points

  • Finalize slide deck

  • Check questions in the queue

  • Confirm several weeks in advance with guest speakers

3rd Tuesdays: 11/17 (Next Tuesday)

Update on progress


  • CB does PM update



Com Leads





Com Leads ongoing checkin

  1. Is anything blocked or behind schedule?

  2. What deliverables are coming in the next week?

  3. Any decisions, consultations or approvals needed in the next week? 

  4. Do you need anything?







Parking Lot








Wrap up




Any actions or decisions missed?











Work in Progress:

Com Leads

  • SILS Communications Calendar

  • Local implementation teams interviews in blog (see Local group structures from April 2020) - Ben will draft interview questions

  • Communicating from project to local groups (where to document this?)

  • Blogs

  • Virtual town hall for cohort

  • Virtual town hall for all (start early Nov; quarterly)

  • Celebration milestones and what’s involved

  • Communicating the value of SILS

  • Communicating about integrations work to ensure staff resources are available/ready (Adrian + Todd Grappone)


The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu