2020-05-21 Op Leads (COM) Meeting notes


May 21, 2020 1-2 pm


  • @Christine Barone (Unlicensed) , Co-chair, PM Leads

  • @Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) , Co-chair, PM Leads

  • @Ben Alkaly (Unlicensed), Com Leads

  • @Caitlin Nelson, PPC/IC liaison

  • @Adrian Petrisor, Com Leads

  • @Neil Weingarten, PM Leads

Discussion items


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Quick updates/questions

Anything from slack to discuss?

  1. Do we open SILS News listserv to subscribers outside UC Libraries? Pros/Cons? Document decision for future reference. Cons: more subscribers to manage. There is overhead in managing error reports, adding and deleting people, etc.

  2. Reminder to use the Com Leads, PM Leads or Ops Leads slack channels whenever possible rather than threads with individuals.

  3. Revisit turning off Comments decision.



  • Re: opening SILS News listserv: No, point people to public-facing wiki.

  • Re: Comments On? Whose responsibility is it to answer comments? We turned off comments because we wanted the footer to be higher up. What’s the best way for someone to provide feedback on decision pages? Leave Comments off. Revisit if needed later.

SILS News will remain available to UC subscribers only. Other interested parties can follow SILS progress on Confluence and the website.




Discuss Confluence site

Information on Confluence may be unintentionally inaccurate or misleading or confusing or controversial at times. This could cause problems when the content is read/interpreted by campus viewers. How can we address this? Will be a case-by-case basis. Come up with principles, best practices.


Ben, Adrian

  • Just in from Slack: “Elizabeth, our chair for Fulfillment FG, was wondering if the decision pages that are not yet "ready for primetime" are able to stay locked down vs. being made public when the whole site goes live to the public? This is just for things where a final decision has not yet been made. Trying to prevent "too many cooks in the kitchen"“

  • Confluence shows SILS work in progress by design.

  • Open and transparency is a foremost goal!

  • We agreed not to restrict any content on Confluence.

  • We want staff to see the sausage-making so they are following the progress of SILS decisions, but we don’t want to confuse or mislead them with the status of the content, i.e., it’s not done, not verified, etc.

  • Best practices and principles:

    • Err on the side of sharing as much as possible.

    • Use Google shared drive for content that you are not prepared to share yet.

    • Call out content that’s not final/not verified as specifically as possible. For example, if a page has one fact that needs verification, call out that one fact as “in the process of verifying” or similar statement.


@Ben Alkaly (Unlicensed) will draft some principles/best practices for sharing Confluence content and annotating where content needs verification.

Project Communication Matrix

Review draft of Communication Matrix

Anything missing?

Where will this live? For now, it’s being used as a reference for the communication flow diagram.


Adrian, Ben

  • Ops Leads should take a look at the Project Communication Matrix and make any edits in suggesting mode by May 28th.

  • Ensure that we capture who the information is intended for (the audience).


Review and edit Project Communication Matrix by 5/28 Ops Leads meeting.

(COM Leads) Ongoing checkin

  1. Is anything blocked or behind schedule?

  2. What deliverables are coming in the next week?

  3. Any decisions, consultations or approvals needed in the next week? 

  4. Do you need anything?


Ben, Adrian

Nothing blocked or to report other than what’s already been covered on this agenda.





Lena and Christine answered some of the FAQ questions.


Ben, Adrian

Hold for Tuesday 5/26




(Com) Slack channel for cohort members to thank each other


  • encourage members to recognize each other’s efforts

  • showcase the good work that’s happening

  • facilitate team bonding.

  • Mine this channel for possible SILS News, townhalls, project updates, etc. 

If we agree to add this channel, add to Communications plan and name the channel


Ben, Adrian


SILS-Kudos is the name of the channel.

@Lena Zentall (Unlicensed) will create a SILS-Kudos slack channel.
@Ben Alkaly (Unlicensed) will announce SILS-Kudos in his email to the cohort on 5/21.


Awareness of upcoming communications and anything needed



  • Training materials for Confluence




Parking Lot















Future Agenda items

  1. PM Leads to determine what the highest value meeting time would be for SILS project co-chairs (Chris & Günter) to join a meeting/participate.

  2. Add to 5/26 agenda: Communication flows documentation review (Adrian & Ben)

  3. Add to 5/28 agenda: discuss PM needs and plans to distribute work (PM Leads)

  4. Review outstanding premortem risk mitigation actions with PM Leads


The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!

Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu