2023-01-11 Meeting Notes
Imtiaz Haq
Salwa Ismail
Caitlin Nelson
Scott Seaborn
Dale Snapp
Gem Stone-Logan
Kent Wada
Agenda and Notes:
– See Access instructions for SILS collaboration tools if needed. Let us know if you have any problems or questions.
– Slack channel: data-privacy
– The email list for group is SILS-DPTF-L@ucop.edu (we’ll continue to use the previous task force’s email list.)
– Confluence SILS home page which has links to all the group spaces.
– UC Libraries SILS website
2. Roles
– Salwa will be the chair (set up agendas, copy to confluence, etc)
– Caitlin will be our notetaker
3. Final Report from previous group
– Charge (within Final Report) and plan to move forward
– Report from this group due October, 2022
– Training series
– Decisions for privacy workflows and templates
– Be able to answer questions that come up for SILS Service
4. Logistics:
- Meet every other week, starting Jan 18th, 11-12pm
– ACTION: Salwa to send calendar invite
– ACTION: Salwa to update link to the privacy form in the final report
5. Jan 18th homework:
– Read charge (pp. 8-9 of Final Report)
– Read the 4 recommendations (pp. 8 to 10)
– Next meeting on Jan 18 - Design deliverables that the charge says directly and indirectly and potentially discuss next steps to achieve them.
6. SILS privacy form and questions from a work change perspective from employee relations. - Not a work change and signing of the form can proceed forward.
7. Should our wiki space be public?
– Would be subject to PRA. We will keep things from our team public on the wiki, and if a discussion that has security sensitive matters happens, that will be kept private. We can go to an executive session for such matters and those matters would be closed to the public. It would need to be called out in the notes. Put it in the agenda- will always have a section, which can be cancelled if needed.
Item | Desired Outcome | Time | Who | Notes | Decisions | Actions | |
1 |
| ||
2 | Parking Lot | Capture important topics for future discussion |
3 |
| Total | x/x |
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The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu