2022-04-10 Meeting Notes

2022-04-10 Meeting Notes


Notetaker: Cailtin or Gem?

Agenda and Notes

  1. Caitlin will coordinate this meeting, as Salwa is unable to attend. 

  2. Confirm if all campuses have signed off and completed the SILS Privacy Form wrap up. (tracking spreadsheet - saved in DPSPTs Google shared drive folder.

    1. If not, send a reminder and wrap up by April 30, 2022

    2. Remind all Alma admins on each campus that moving forward, they need to ensure anyone getting an alma/primo VE account should sign off on the privacy form.

  3. This meeting’s focus is collating and developing all our Principles and Policies - that will help shape our guidelines and recommendations. Most of the policies are already in the previous final report

    1. Policies - UC policies

    2. Need to finalize how to handle if a campus policy is more restrictive than OP policy (which could very well be the case for certain campuses) - see discussion from 3/39/2022

    3. Electronic records access policies: access to emails. Would there be a situation where this applies? 

  4. Closed executive business (closed meeting)

  5. AOB (Any other business)

The SILS mission is to transform library services and operations through innovation and collaboration. The future is shared!
Question? Contact AskSILS-L@ucop.edu