2025-01-23 Meeting notes

2025-01-23 Meeting notes


  • Jharina Pascual, Chair, UCI

  • Sherry Lochhaas, CDL

  • Natalee Bell, UCSB

  • Jeremy Whitt, Vice-Chair, UCLA

  • Carla Arbagey, UCR

  • Sarah Sheets, UCM

  • Judy Keys, UCSD

  • Tamara Pilko, UCSC

Not in attendance:

  • Michelle Polchow, UCD

  • Jason Dezember, UCB

  • Katie Keyser, UCSF

Meeting documents:
Meeting Recording & Chat (link to file in Google Drive)


Desired Outcome







Desired Outcome







Record: Jharina


Share announcements



5 min

@Paula Pascual

Note taker/Actions: @Jeremy Whitt





Standing Item: ExLibris Support Tickets

(UC/ExL mtg, monthly on 3rd Friday: agenda)

Info Share

5 min

@Paula Pascual

any outstanding items from the last support meeting?

any items to add to next meeting’s agenda?

No items.




Feedback for Analytics in WIP

Hi all,


The Workstream Improvement Project Team has been working on reviewing the feedback that everyone submitted several months ago around the work that Ex Libris is proposing to do for the UC system as well as reconciling it with updates Ex Libris has provided us.  One of the areas we’d like fleshed out more is in the NZ Workstream section around what additional E-Inventory fields are needed in the Portfolio Details for Consortia Members (in IZ Analytics). Based on work I’ve done with various campuses in the past, I want to propose they make every field within the Bibliographic Folder and Portfolio URL Information folders also available in Portfolio Details for Consortia Members.


Would this provide everything needed for your campuses to retrieve the information you need about NZ resources you have access to? Or, are there additional high priority folders/fields that would need to be included? Any other comments or clarifications you have about this?


(As an aside the Analytics Community of Practice and Consortial Community of Practice are also working on this. The difference is that anything Ex Libris agrees to do for us becomes a contractual obligation.)






Gem Stone-Logan

Senior Systems Analyst

California Digital Library, UC Office of the President





  • WIP Team is seeking feedback as to which specific additional E-Inventory fields are requested to be added to the Portfolio Details for Consortia Members table in IZ Analytics.

    • ExL wants an exact list of folders.

    • Consider what you can or can’t see in Analytics or in the NZ; which areas would help you with NZ collections data? Our chance to put these on a list for ExL.

    • Current suggestions of tables to add to Portfolio Details for Consortia Members: Portfolio URL information, Bibliographic Details, Electronic Collection URL information

      • Consider service URL information and whether that is needed

      • LC classification?

    • Response needed very soon, final list in February

    • Are other SILS teams or colleagues running reports concerning NZ inventory?


  • All: Ask campus colleagues if they need additional E-Inventory fields in the Portfolio Details for Consortia Members table.

  • @Sherry Lochhaas : Follow up with Gem to provide current feedback and confirm timeline or deadline for feedback.

List provided to Gem 1/23/25:

  1. Bibliographic Details Folder (all fields)

  2. Electronic Collection Bibliographic details folder

  3. Portfolio URL Information folder

  4. Electronic Collection URL folder

  5. Service URL information folder



CDI testing


5 min

@Sherry Lochhaas

CDL is holding conversations with ExL to ask if they are missing anything regarding testing CDI in the Sandbox. There are settings to make testing easier (e.g. CDI key, jobs to be run) and there are NZ complications. Initial conversations are happening.

How do campuses test CDI in the Sandbox?

  • UCSD tests in production

  • UCI, UCSC : A low priority

  • UCLA has tested in Sandbox

CDL will continue holding conversations with ExL about what the Sandbox CDI testing process looks like.




Scoping of IP Ranges

Schedule finalizing/vote

5 min

@Paula Pascual

Voted to approve finalization of Scoping of IP Ranges (via fist of five).

Scoping of IP Ranges approved and finalized.

@Paula Pascual will take page to All Chairs and ask DISC to take a look.


Wrap Up + Action Items

Review action items and next steps

5 min

@Jeremy Whitt





Parking Lot

Capture important topics for future discussion:



Workstream Improvement Project Team Input: IZ Analytics Needs
















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